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  • Wednesday 26 June 2019 4:16pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : An outreach and awareness program by Tonga Police with communities continues in Tongatapu in its fight against the spread of illicit drugs.
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  • Wednesday 26 June 2019 3:51pm

    Wellington, New Zealand
    : Tonga is among the latest group of countries to join the Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI), the umbrella organization for Alzheimer’s and dementia associations now in 100 countries globally.
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  • Wednesday 26 June 2019 2:27pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Reports that the LDS Church will help the Tonga government pay off its sovereign debt to China are “not true”, the church stated today.
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  • Wednesday 26 June 2019 10:54am

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : There was vociferous debate in the House on Monday, 24 June after the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Finance, Tevita Lavemaau, tabled a report of the Committee on the 2019-2020 National Budget. Parliament has only two working days left, 26-27 June to pass the National Budget. From the House by Pesi Fonua.
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  • Wednesday 26 June 2019 9:46am

    Kanokupolu, Tongatapu
    : The peace that was once an entitlement enjoyed by Tonga's residents and an attraction for visiting tourists has been stolen by the inconsiderate few, with the introduction of amplified sound systems with thumping bass. The Public Health Act does not permit any excessive noise, causing discomfort anytime, yet these laws are not enforced. - Shane Egan.
  • Tuesday 25 June 2019 7:45pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Rev Dr 'Ahio was re-elected as the President of the Free Wesleyan Church of Tonga during the 96th Free Wesleyan Church Annual Conference on June 25 in Nuku’alofa.
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  • Tuesday 25 June 2019 7:18pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : With the annual Heilala Festival starting this week in Nuku’alofa, $10,000 pa’anga from corporate sponsors was handed over to the Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Semisi Sika on June 25.
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  • Tuesday 25 June 2019 6:57pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Uilisoni Falahola was acquitted of manslaughter in the electrocution death of a man in Kolomotu'a in a verdict delivered by the Lord Chief Justice in his on June 19 at the Supreme Court in Nuku'alofa.
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  • Tuesday 25 June 2019 12:16pm

    Potsdam, Germany
    : The leaders of the G20 countries head to Osaka this week for their annual summit. United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres will address them before traveling to Abu Dhabi to finalize the arrangements for September’s UN Climate Action Summit. These meetings should set the world on course for the fastest economic transition in history. Yet both are likely to deliver incremental action, at best. By Johan Rockström
  • Tuesday 25 June 2019 12:10pm

    Manchester, United Kingdom
    : Although the idea of the Internet “making the world a better place” is often ridiculed today, it’s easy to forget that this decade began amid optimism that new technologies would connect people, broaden access to information, and generate abundant new economic opportunities. Today, however, governments around the world are considering policies that would undermine the Internet’s openness and global reach. By Shamel Azmeh
  • Tuesday 25 June 2019 11:51am

    Auckland, New Zealand
    : Over 23,000 fans – mostly wearing red – turned up at Auckland’s Mount Smart Stadium on 22 June to watch the Kiwis vindicate their Rugby League World Cup loss against Mate Ma’a Tonga with a convincing 38 – 14 win. Despite the big loss, Mate Ma’a Tonga fans remained elated and steadfast throughout the game, cheering on their team with chants and hymns, even as the Kiwis closed the game with an unreachable lead in the final minutes. By Finau Fonua.
  • Monday 24 June 2019 7:42pm

    Brisbane, Australia
    : A new Tonga business, Pacific Sunshine Fishing Brisbane has begun importing fish from Tonga to the Queensland market. Tongan entrepreneur, Kristian Palu started the business to offer high-quality fish from Tonga to both Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast.
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  • Monday 24 June 2019 7:30pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : A 40-year-old man who was arrested in Nukunuku for shooting another man during an altercation last week has been charged with grievous bodily harm, possession of arm and ammunition without a license.
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  • Monday 24 June 2019 5:06pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : A blaze engulfed two houses situated in one property at Patangata as firefighters fought to put it out on a windy afternoon, today June 24.
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  • Monday 24 June 2019 12:54pm

    Nuku'alofa. Tonga
    : At a formal ceremony in the Royal Palace, Nuku'alofa, this morning, four Australian members of an Orthopaedic Outreach surgical team were invested with the Royal Order of the Crown by HM King Tupou VI, for their ongoing charitable work in Tonga.
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  • Sunday 23 June 2019 6:01pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : How Tonga is going to effectively use the millions received in grants from foreign aid donors to address its struggling economic situation, was the focus of the debate over the 2019-20 National Budget in the Tongan parliament on Wednesday and Thursday 19-20 June. It is clear that a continuing dependence on foreign aid donors remains the source of economic developments.
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  • Sunday 23 June 2019 3:30pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : King Tupou VI opened the Tongatapu Royal Agriculture, Fisheries, Tourism and Trade Show 2019 at the Fungamanamo'ui Showground, on Saturday 22 June 2019, and awarded trophies for the best displays. Thousands of visitors enjoyed a variety of colourful displays. Photos by Linny Folau and Mary Lyn Fonua
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  • Sunday 23 June 2019 1:32pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Four swimmers and a triathlete will be representing Tonga in multiple events at the Pacific Games next month in Samoa. By Eleanor Gee.
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  • Friday 21 June 2019 12:59pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : A 22-year-old man is recovering at Vaiola Hospital after being shot in the stomach on Hihifo Road at Nukunuku, Tongatapu, last night, June 20.
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  • Friday 21 June 2019 12:45pm

    Geneva, Switzerland
    : Dr Netatua Pelesikoti Taufatofua of Tonga has been approved as a new member of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) Scientific Advisory Panel, an elite group of 15 scientists worldwide, who are experts on weather, climate and water.
