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Friday 30 December 2011 11:38am
Canberra, Australia : HRH Princess Angelika Latūfuipeka Halaevalu Mata'aho Napua-Okalani Tuku'aho graduated with a Master of Business degree from the Australian National University's College of Business & Economics, Canberra, on December 15.Premium content
Thursday 29 December 2011 5:06pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : We have in our beautiful country, a group of men who beg or penipeni people on the streets of Nuku'aolfa to buy alcohol, and they are drunk 90% of the time. They are a real menace to society. Concerned Citizen. -
Thursday 29 December 2011 1:36pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : Tonga's king is looking for funding to establish a private university in Tonga, with a focus on renewable energy and the environment.Premium content
Wednesday 28 December 2011 4:44pm
Apia, Samoa : As Samoa prepares to mark the change of Samoa's position in relation to the International Dateline, it will also mark the division in conviction of Seventh Day Adventists in Samoa. Those that will continue to keep Saturday as their Sabbath and others that will now worship on Sunday as the new Sabbath. - Samatau SDA church.Premium content
Tuesday 27 December 2011 4:04pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : There will be no reduction in the size of Tonga's civil service in the 2012-13 budget, according to Tonga's Prime Minister Lord Tu'ivakano, whose new government, this year supported with a foreign aid-funded budget lifeline, hopes to advance Tonga's political and economic development, somehow, during its remaining three years term in office. By Pesi Fonua.Premium content
Tuesday 27 December 2011 3:30pm
Australia : We the Tongan students at the Australian National University (ANU) are extremely proud to register our humble appreciation and excitement over the recent achievement by Her Royal Highness, Princess Angelika Tuku'aho of a second Master's degree. Nesi, 'Ana, Tonga mo Peni. -
Tuesday 27 December 2011 2:48pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : Tonga's Speaker Lord Lasike "should resign," the Prime Minister Lord Tu'ivakano, said on Friday, after a second arrest warrant was issued for Lasike's breach of bail.Premium content
Friday 23 December 2011 5:45pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : Tonga's Chief Justice Hon Michael Dishington Scott has ordered a warrant of arrest for Lord Lasike the Speaker of Parliament, after he defied the conditions of a court order and breached his bail when he travelled to the USA in November and has not returned to Tonga.Premium content
Friday 23 December 2011 5:36pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : Andrea Moala (12) from Alaki in Tongatapu won the Digicel Star 2011 season 2 singing competition, during the final held at the Dateline Hotel on December 19, winning a trip to the Caribbean.Premium content
Friday 23 December 2011 5:30pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : Members of the Alonga Centre for the disabled, were treated to Christmas carols and received presents at the opening of the Lady Maria Gift Shop on the ground floor of the Loumaile Lodge today.Premium content
Friday 23 December 2011 4:34pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : A cloudy with showers outlook for Christmas Day in Tonga is forecasted by the National Weather Forecast Centre at Fua'amotu.Premium content
Friday 23 December 2011 7:30am
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : Tonga's outer island populations are decreasing, although the national population has increased by 1,045 people since 2006, a preliminary count of Tonga's National Population and Housing Census for 2011 shows.Premium content
Friday 23 December 2011 7:06am
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : Link to download "Tonga National Population and Housing Census 2011 Preliminary Results" 14 pages, 170KB. Current Members Log in.Premium content
Thursday 22 December 2011 6:04am
Suva, Fiji : The 2011 Pacific Plan Annual Progress Report and Reporting Annex was today (21/12/11) launched by the Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat, Tuiloma Neroni Slade. The Pacific Plan Annual Progress Report provides a comprehensive update of work undertaken over the last 12 months to support implementation of the Pacific Plan. Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat.Premium content
Thursday 22 December 2011 5:47am
Suva, Fiji : The European Union yesterday signed assistance of 12.3 million to increase Pacific-ACP countries' ability to benefit from global trade and regional economic integration. These activities are financed under the 10th European Development Fund and are part of the Strengthening Pacific Economic Integration Through Trade (SPEITT) programme. - Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat.Premium content
Wednesday 21 December 2011 5:42pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : Lord Lasike, the Speaker of the Tonga Parliament, who is facing charges in the Supreme Court, has allegedly defied the conditions of a court order and breached his bail when he traveled to the USA to get married and has not returned to Tonga.Premium content
Wednesday 21 December 2011 8:50am
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : The emergency meeting of the Tongan Parliament yesterday, December 20, two months after parliament was closed on October 20, and only five days before Christmas, has to be one of the strangest things that Tonga's new government and parliament has done since it came into power in January. One member called it "a witch-hunt". From the House. By Pesi Fonua Premium ContentPremium content
Tuesday 20 December 2011 8:30am
Sydney, Australia : A Colombian-led crime syndicate is the second international crime group to have set up in Tonga during the past 18 months, in what the Sydney Morning Herald on Saturday, December 17, reported has been a trend for organized criminals to use nations with weak institutions and corruption. -
Tuesday 20 December 2011 8:18am
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : Tonga Police have selected 33 new recruits from 163 Form 6 graduates who applied to the Tonga Police recruitment course this year.Premium content
Monday 19 December 2011 2:15pm
Sydney, Australia : So, the party's over for another 4 years and we can get back to the constant cycle of 'building for the World Cup' again. The slate is wiped clean, recent failings can be consigned to history and fresh hope for a new dawn that will ultimately end in triumph in England 2015 can begin to take hold. But what can each country take away from this World Cup, in particular, those that didn't make it through to the last three weeks. By Paul Cook.Premium content