WE the Tongan students at the Australian National University (ANU) are extremely proud to register our humble appreciation and excitement over the recent achievement by Her Royal Highness, Princess Angelika Tuku'aho of a second Master's degree. The fact that both masters are from the College of Business and Economics (CBE) of the ANU is in itself a feat to be reckoned with. The fact also that she is King George Tupou IV's first grandchild to hold a double masters degree is an accomplishment that all Tongans should come to know.
Her first Master's degree from CBE (Dec 2010) was celebrated 'quietly'. The second one (Dec 2011) was taking on the same celebratory mode and we cannot just sit by and let such a historic moment pass by without recognition. This prompted our letter.
We understand that we are not the designated and appropriate bearer of such great news for the people of the Kingdom but the enormity of our happiness will not allow us to remain silent. In that regard we apologize to those whose tasks we have temporarily borrowed. Forgive the Ha'apai in us.
Our individual academic endeavors are primarily for the future of our respective families; Her Royal Highness's quest for higher knowledge however is for the future of all Tongans. As such we humbly urge all to thank the Great Educator for giving Tonga a giant of a scholar.
Most Respectfully,
Nesi, Ana, Tonga & Peni
peni [dot] fukofuka [at] anu [dot] edu [dot] au