A street food environment has developed on Wellington Road and outside the Post Office in Nuku'alofa, where BBQs operating are creating noise and traffic conjestion. The health hazards must be ominous. The roads and footpaths are littered with rubbish and grease. Surely, there is a more appropriate place the government could investigate providing for these entrepreneurs? - Ian Skelton
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Results for Letters
Saturday 1 February 2025
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Thursday 11 July 2024
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
I run the Island Cruising Pacific Rally. We currently have 129 yachts sailing through the Pacific Islands, with many of them currently cruising in Tonga and others heading your way shortly from French Polynesia. Many of them use Starlink as their primary means of communications on board their vessels. By allowing Starlink to continue operating as it has been for the last 16 months, our rally participants will be able to be safe and continue safely cruising in Tonga, and will also enable your local businesses to continue to operate. - Viki Moore
Thursday 11 July 2024
Neiafu, Vava'u
I am writing to you, as a concerned citizen of Tonga, to ask that the government of Tonga take immediate action to allow access to Starlink internet services in our country. In today's increasingly digital world, access to reliable and high-speed internet is not merely a luxury but a necessity. - Brian A. Meikle
Sunday 3 March 2024
Nomuka, Tonga
The Tonga Constitution does not prohibit the King from expressing and withdrawing his "consent and confidence"... it's a free speech privilege of everyone. Instead of rejecting or disagreeing with the letter and taking the issue to Court, the Prime Minister and Cabinet should consider whether holding a ministerial position without the King's "consent and confidence" is constitutional. - Seni Penitani.
Saturday 2 March 2024
1 comment
Newcastle, Australia
Rev. Dr Palu (Letters, 11 Feb.) makes a crucial mistake in asserting that the King has executive authority over government, as the King does not. This is a strange, and volatile situation. Contrary to what Rev Dr Palu implies, it would be better for Tonga if the King was to cooperate with the PM, not the other way around. - Max K.
Wednesday 21 February 2024
Utah, USA
Ko e kole atu ki he Pule’anga lolotongaa ke fakafoki e vahevahe ‘o Ha‘apai ki he fili Falealea ka hokoo ki he vahenga motu’aa pea kapau ko e ‘uhinga e ‘ave a Nomuka ki Foa mo Kauvai ko e tokolahii ko e taha ia e ‘uhinga ma‘ulalo. Ko e taha e fatongia e kau fakafofonga he Falee ko ‘enau fakafofonga’I e ngaahi fiema’u ‘a e ngaahi vahee mo e feinga ki he tokoni mai ‘a e Pule’angaa. Ka ‘oku totonu ke ‘oua e ngata pee ai, ka kuo pau ke ngaue fakataha 'a e kau fakafofongaa mo e kovana, kau pule fakavahe, kau ‘ofisa kolo mo e kakai ‘o e vahenga filii ‘i hono fakakaukau’i e langa faka’ekonomika ‘o e ngaahi vahenga filii. - Senituli Penitani.
Sunday 11 February 2024
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The PM and his Cabinet should remember the uniqueness of our kind of democracy. Ours is not like the British democracy where the King has no executive power. Ours is a democracy under Constitutional monarchy. The King has the ultimate executive authority over the Government. He can dissolve Parliament if it deems necessary as he has done with 'Akilisi's government back then. Our Constitution, and especially Clause 51 retains the King's authority over Cabinet by giving him authority to endorse ...the appointments of Cabinet ministers. So, it will be good for the current administration not to resist the authority of the King in this matter. - Rev Dr Ma'afu Palu
Thursday 8 September 2022
Poulsbo-WA, USA
I read with interest Pesi's recent editorial on the dysfunction of government; the system does not work for a variety of reasons. I wonder how much of this is related to traditional socio-cultural issues. Also interesting was the recent article on Tongans educated in China. But from my foreign perspective, there appear to be immensely larger issues. - Richard Stoll.
Tuesday 29 March 2022
Tokyo, Japan
We are worried about the people of Tonga. We former JICA volunteers created a song to cheer up the Tongan people affected by the January 15 events, and posted it on You Tube. Similarly in Japan 11 years ago. It is said that many years are still needed to care for the victims’ minds and regain the lost daily life. I hope you introduce this to your readers. - Hiromichi Suzuki
Sunday 29 August 2021
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Fakatapu ki he Hau ‘o Tonga mo e fale ‘o Ha’amoheofo, hou’eiki ‘o e fonua, Pule’anga mo e Fale Alea ka e ‘uma’aa ‘a e Tonga kotoa. Fakamolemole ka e fakaa’u atu ha fakatalanoa hei’ilo na’a ‘aonga ki he halafononga ‘oku foua ‘e Tonga ki he kaha’u. -‘Inoke Fotu Hu’akau.
Sunday 13 June 2021
1 comment
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Lavulavus’ court cases do not enhance the government’s reputation and the way the political elite in the Kingdom operate. Sad to say Prime Minister, that in your attempt to make light of the Lavulavus’ guilty verdict, you cunningly brought to the attention of the public and the world, that other schools were involved in these criminal activities. It is now your duty as the PM of Tonga to get a full investigation going. You owe it to all foreign aid donors, to explain what Tonga has done with the funds; and you owe it to every school that you have now accused, by giving them a chance to clear their names and set the record straight. - Senolita Swan
Friday 26 March 2021
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
In light of recent media reports that the Courts are imposing more suspended sentences due to overcrowding in Tonga's prison system, the following clarification is provided for the information of the public and better understanding: 1. The Courts do not suspend sentences because of prison overcrowding. 2. Provision of adequate prison facilities and related services is the responsibility of the Executive Government. 3. Upholding the rule of law and administering justice in the Kingdom is the responsibility of the Judiciary and the Courts. .... Michael Whitten QC, Lord Chief Justice of the Kingdom of Tonga.
Tuesday 16 March 2021
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Personally, I place big question marks at the choice of some of the businesses mentioned in this article. I do not have the experience with them myself that they seriously try to avoid or reduce using plastic bags. But aside from that, those who are really serious have my full support. If used wisely plastic has enough advantages in order not to want to do away with it. It is de laziness of people which is the problem. -Firitia.
Monday 15 March 2021
Sydney, Australia
‘Oku tatala ma’u pe e pulonga ‘o e fifili he taimi ‘oku fasitanunu e ngaahi kaupeau he halafononga ‘o e tangata ha vaaita ‘o e lau ‘ene sivilaise. ‘Oku tu’ula ai ha fifili kiha felave’I ‘o e ngaahi peau faka-mamani-lahi ‘oku ha ho’o kupenga-ope he mahina ‘uluaki ‘o e 2021. Ka, ‘oku tohoaki e tokanga kiha kaveinga ‘e ua kuo ofongi ‘e he Matanga Tonga. ‘Uluaki ko e “Corruption kills people - Hanga 'e he Faihala 'o Faka'auha 'a e Fonua”; ua, ko e “Covid-19” ‘I hono ngaahi fotunga kehekehe. Fakatou’osi kinaua ‘oku na lave’i e ‘Otu Tonga. - 'Inoke Fotu Hu’akau.
Monday 1 March 2021
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The debate over whether or not to turn to the deep sea to secure the resources we need for a low-carbon future has generated much public interest, but it is critical that this debate is founded upon sound science and the best data currently available. As such, I would like to correct a number of misrepresentations in the letter of Feb. 25 from the Civil Society Forum of Tonga. - Christina Pome'e, Tonga Offshore Mining Ltd.
Thursday 25 February 2021
1 comment
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Deep Sea Mining (DSM) of polymetallic nodules in the Pacific Ocean is not essential for a renewables revolution. There would be massive amounts of waste produced and discharged to the ocean. The discharge plumes may also be quite toxic, with metals and processing agents. As Pacific Islanders already know - what happens in the deep doesn't stay in the deep. - Pelenatita Kara, Civil Society Forum of Tonga.
Monday 4 January 2021
1 comment
Tofoa, Tonga
At the current pace of repatriation it will take over a year to return home all of those abandoned abroad. We run the risk of slipping into the depths of economic and mental depression, and we may see the fragmentation of our society, both at home and abroad, if we don’t immediately grasp the advent of vaccines and start building the bridges. At Easter it will be a full year from the closing of the border. It is time to prepare for the “new beginning”, the new life. By Paul Karalus.
Friday 11 December 2020
Queanbeyan, Australia
I agree with you that the PACER Plus trade agreement is of questionable benefit for Tonga. But I do not share your concern for Tonga’s trade deficit. Over the last year, Tonga’s foreign reserves have increased about 19% to the equivalent of nearly 10 months’ imports. If the balance of trade were a problem for Tonga, its foreign reserves would be declining. - Leigh Harkness
Saturday 21 November 2020
Fasi mo e Afi, Tonga
The first question of course is: what are Tongan traditions or traditional customs? Traditions in any place at any time are continuously subject to changes, especially in, what Chinese call, 'interesting' times. One thing is clear: you had in pre-missionary times chiefs and commoners. The commoners were essentially slaves, and any chief could do with them as he pleased. Briefly: the word of the chief was the law. So no need any more of judges, laws or even a Constitution. And after this law change we do not need churches any more, as they are not traditional, and all the faifekau will be fired. And, of course, most parliamentarians are commoners. - Firitia.
Thursday 22 October 2020
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tonga Law Society is deeply concerned at the amendment to the Constitution of Tonga passed unanimously by Parliament on 15 October 2020. In bypassing the consultation process, Parliament has denied the Tongan people the most fundamental right to be heard on a matter of elemental importance to every Tongan subject. - Sione Tu'itavake Fonua, President, Tonga Law Society