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Results for Letters

Thursday 3 January 2019
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
We can all agree that a free press reporting the news without political control is one of the important pillars of a democratic society. Take this away and democracy will erode into dictatorship. It is also the first line of defense against government corruption and tyranny. – ‘Ana Tausinga.
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Monday 26 November 2018
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Prime Minister Pohiva has been an oppositional leader in Tonga's government since that he is the Prime Minister and head of government, he still continues with the same mindset of governing in opposition, undermining his very own government. He opposes the majority of Tongans who decry his outrageous disregard for following policies, procedures, and the law. Simply put, PM Pohiva does not practice what he once preached passionately: democracy. - 'Ana Tausinga.
Wednesday 7 November 2018
Sydney, Australia
Tonga is getting from worse to worst-ever performance by a government led by its Prime Minister. -‘Inoke Fotu Hu’akau.
Tuesday 30 October 2018
Sydney, Australia
This kind of behaviour by the Prime Minister and his Cabinet members is no laughing matter any more, they are pussyfooting around with the most dangerous situation our nation ever experienced in the last 100 or so years. - 'Inoke Fotu Hu'akau.
Monday 11 June 2018

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
It is very sad to read your recent articles reporting arrests for the cultivation of marijuana. Unlike alcohol, which is toxic and leads to both violence and chronic health problems, marijuana has proven useful for the treatment of many medical conditions.
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Monday 26 June 2017
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Regretfully, I must intrude into your day, and reluctantly make a further comment on the sad saga that is the 2019 Pacific Games (PG2019).
Thursday 15 June 2017
Auckland, New Zealand
Please Prime Minister Pohiva, think again and do not harden your heart, because you are making a mockery of our Parliamentary have Tongans and friends of Tonga with the archeological, cultural, environmental and engineering expertise and the hearts and minds to build our nation, please Prime Minister use them. You are destroying our environment and in the process destroying our very fragile “democracy” and our trust in you and this Government. -‘Ana Hau‘alofa‘ia Koloto
Monday 12 June 2017

Honolulu, Hawaii
The people of Tonga need to take the PM to task and hold both him and his government accountable for such a blatant disregard of his own laws and policies...The PM’s Popua project already is a disaster and will take on monstrous proportions, if it is allowed to progress...this governing body acts senselessly and carelessly, endangering the lives of the people with their poor decisions. Kat Lobendahn
Wednesday 7 June 2017
Berkeley-California, USA
A distinguished academic, Patrick V. Kirch, Chancellor's Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, who specializes in the ancient Pacific, urged Tonga's Prime Minister 'Akilisi Pohiva to protect the Va'epopua Sia Heu Lupe mound complex from desecration two years ago. "These archaeological sites are a priceless legacy of the ancient Tongan past and deserve to be protected for future generations to appreciate," he says.
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Tuesday 20 September 2016
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The latest Asian Development Bank Report on our country shows that twenty-two and one-half percent (22.5%) of our people in Tonga live below the poverty line!! That is a national shame! Shame on our government! Shame on our rulers! Shame on us as people! – Peni Katoa.
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Monday 25 July 2016
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Out of all of the corruption, malfeasance, bribery and incompetence in Parliament that we have all witnessed over the past 100 years; None of it was done by a woman! Congratulations ‘Akosita Lavulavu and thank you for being willing to serve. – Peni Katoa.
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Monday 25 July 2016
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
While the world trashed monarchy as evil, and idolized democracy as the best form of government, Tonga proved otherwise. While world trashed the Church as detrimental to politics, Tonga proved that the Church has immensely and positively supported politics. - Senituli Penitani.
Friday 22 July 2016
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The public has a right to know about MP ‘Akosita Lavulavu’s state of mind while her husband was misusing his authority. Was she just a silent partner who went along for the ride? – Sione Mokofisi.
Sunday 17 July 2016
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Senituli Penitani contrives to cover-up the evils of non-separation of Church and State. He further sugar-coded Tongan Christian history as corruption-free, unlike European Christian churches. There’s enough historical evidence to show that the joint Church religious influence and Government political authority corrupts. – Sione Mokofisi.
Friday 15 July 2016
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
When talking about the Separation of Church and State, we need to be reminded of the different historical, political, and social contexts in which this principle was being defined, perceived, and rehashed. – Senituli Penitani.
Tuesday 5 July 2016
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Bakeries closure on Sundays takes us back to a 400 years old question of Church and State working hand in hand to control commerce, and people’s liberty. -Sione A. Mokofisi.
Monday 6 June 2016
Niuku'alofa, Tonga
Claims about the weaknesses or failures of the old education system are not based on any research or valid evidence, rather it is based on personal perceptions. The latest change to the internal assessment again is a clear example of the ad hoc changes that are taking place where the claim against the evil of internal assessment is unfounded and not based on any valid evidence. - Dr. Visesio Pongi
Monday 6 June 2016
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
I was a little confused after reading your article: Tonga's new foreign exchange levy starts 1 June to pay for Pacific Games. In the article it said that this "tax" was needed to help fund the 2019 Pacific Games? How was Tonga going to finance this event when they went and bid to have Tonga host these games?
Saturday 4 June 2016
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Prime Minister ‘Akilisi Pōhiva’s empty rhetorics on educational reform is a cover-up for his nepotism schemes. First, he hired his own son as Personal Assistant. Then he created the false alarm with the examination computer system in the Education Department to facilitate hiring his other son and partner’s computer company.
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Wednesday 1 June 2016

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
This is an opportune time for us to build education in Tonga based on what we have learned from the great teachers and leaders of the Ministry of Education and the different schools in the past. We must improve education, not destroy it. - Dr Sitiveni Halapua.
