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Friday 29 December 2006 6:18pm
Suva, Fiji : We will be soon crossing over to a new year, I wonder if the PRs still have a few stunts left to entertain the crowd. If the answer is no then they should gracefully bow and make way for new talented actors to run the show. If the audience still prefer the PRs then they should askew themselves whether it would be worthwhile keeping them in the the long term.- Freddy Kavaha'apaiPremium content
Thursday 28 December 2006 2:15pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : On the 1st day of Christmas, the Demos gave to me, a burned down CITY. ...On the 12th day of Christmas, the Demos gave to me, 12 Chinese shops, 11 scared tourists, 10 Crowded beaches, 9 traffic jams, 8 palm trees, 7 noisy roosters, 6 ta'ovalas, 5 dumb pigs, 4 skinny dogs, 3 coconuts, 2 hectic fairs, and a Burned Down CITY! - Locky AionoPremium content
Wednesday 27 December 2006 6:01pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : THE 100th night of mourning for the late King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV, ends on December 28.Premium content
Wednesday 27 December 2006 5:56pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : A 20-year old man from the village of Longoteme was killed early on Christmas evening following an incident at a newly opened salt- water swimming pool at Touliki on Hala Vuna.Premium content
Wednesday 27 December 2006 1:07pm
Tofoa, Tonga : As a long term member of Tonga's tourism industry, I believe that recent government changes and initiatives (those, made prior and following 16/11), show that tourism in Tonga has now been realised as an important part in the Kingdom's future and therefore looks more promising than ever!Premium content
Wednesday 27 December 2006 12:43pm
Hihifo, Tonga : In regards to 'Akilisi's statements in Parliament prior to the 16th, the radio announcement on the 16th and in the interview after the 16th: 'Akilisi himself needs to revise his history, both past and present, before he advises others to do so.Premium content
Wednesday 27 December 2006 6:06am
Utah, USA : I did not mean to infer that many of those that rioted were not guilty of looting and arson and should be let go. They need to pay for their crimes. - Joe SmithPremium content
Monday 25 December 2006 6:47am
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : Pro Demos, "How dare you do this to not only our business but to our children" We have worked hard to make sure the stories of hardships we hear from our grandparents, dont come to our children. But, thanks to you, our work is now even harder. I do not trust your lot one bit with any decision in Parliament that would effect my family. - EsePremium content
Monday 25 December 2006 6:34am
Long Beach, California, USA : Kuo `osi laka hake `eni he mahina kakato `e taha hili `a e Tu`apulelulu Palakuu (tuku `aupito `a e Fakapo`uli ia) `o Tonga `a ia na`e toe fakafoki ai `a e fakalakalaka `o e fonua `aki ha ta`u nai `e 50 mo e fakaongoongo pe ko e ha koaa `a e Palani `a e Pule`anga ki hono toe fakaakeake `o e `Otumotu Anga`ofa. - Ofa ki TongaPremium content
Saturday 23 December 2006 4:29pm
Australia : I think you are quite right Mr Smith of course all blame and all fingers should be pointing at the captain on an event or a tragedy of a ship sinking. - Molumalu ‘o Ha‘angataPremium content
Saturday 23 December 2006 1:16pm
Apia, Samoa : We are trying to teach our kids responsibility for their actions. But the Navy is saying, blame it on Mom and Dad, blame your grandparents and by all means blame Adam and Eve for if this is all happening because of their transgression. - Dennis PuluPremium content
Saturday 23 December 2006 9:04am
Australia : The captain that we should blame in 16/11 are the People's Representatives who fueled those poor people with hate and jealousy. Let's say that US needs time to rebuild IRAQ and Tonga needs time to change. - TakaunovePremium content
Saturday 23 December 2006 8:53am
'Eua : I am talking about the direct impact not spillover cost, and I hope you understand the command and language of a Captain to his crew as a seaman boy! - ‘Asipeli MafiPremium content
Friday 22 December 2006 6:10pm
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA : In the Navy when a ship runs aground, the Captain of the ship is responsible. It doesn't matter that it happened in the middle of the night and he was sleeping in his bunk. This analogy can also be applied to Tonga (the ship), the King (Captain), and the riots (the grounding). - Joe SmithPremium content
Friday 22 December 2006 5:39pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : The names of eleven new Heads of Department were announced on December 21 by Tonga's Public Service Commission, while another six HoD posts are expected to be filled by early next year.Premium content
Friday 22 December 2006 2:55pm
USA : I want to thank Ms Uata for her enlightening letter. I was totally in the dark on this, thinking someone with a match and gasoline near the area was responsible for burning Nuku‘alofa. - TamaFoaPremium content
Friday 22 December 2006 2:45pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : Thirty five elderly men and women throughout Tonga, aged 90 years and older, on December 20 received gift hampers from the Tonga Communications Corporation as a part of its Christmas activities to the end of the 2006 year.Premium content
Friday 22 December 2006 2:44pm
Suva, Fiji : Papua New Guinea (PNG) is to take up the position of interim chair of the Pacific Islands Forum, following the military takeover of Fiji...s democratically elected government of Laisenia Qarase.Premium content
Thursday 21 December 2006 7:18pm
San Francisco, USA : The main issue is whether or not "Black Thursday" was caused by the Democratic Movement and its leaders. To do this, Uata set out to complicate it by blaming another group of people, the Tongans overseas. I think most Tongans overseas and at home know that the Democratic Movement and its leaders are to be blamed for the "Black Thursday." - Siosaia FataniPremium content
Thursday 21 December 2006 7:05pm
New Zealand : Kole mu‘a ke kau atu e ki‘i hoha'a ni he talanga 'oku fai. 'Oku kei fai e longoa'a he lipooti ne fa'u 'e he papalangi 'oku pehe na'a ne ngaue tau'ataina ki he'ene lipooti ki hono ta mo fakamamahi'i e ni'ihi ne tauhi popula. - Pola LoitiPremium content