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Friday 31 December 2010 9:00pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : The Friendly Islands Triathlon (FIT) club concluded 2010 with a Pangaimotu Island "Fear No Sharks" swim event. by Finau Fonua.Premium content
Wednesday 29 December 2010 10:06pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : Tonga's King George Tupou V will invest five men with Life Peerages in recognition of dedicated service to the Crown and to the Kingdom of Tonga, the Lord Chamberlain, Viela Tupou announced today, December 29.Premium content
Tuesday 28 December 2010 3:30pm
Taupo, New Zealand : Four Friendly Island Triathlon (FIT) triathletes completed New Zealand's Taupo Half Ironman, consisting of a 2km swim, 90km cycle and a 21km run on Saturday, December 11.Premium content
Tuesday 28 December 2010 10:10am
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : As we await the opening of Tonga's new Parliament before January 13, Nuku'aofa is buzzing with speculation over the likely composition of the new Cabinet that Prime Minister Tu'ivakano is about to name.Premium content
Saturday 25 December 2010 2:30am
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : The world's first Santa Claus this Christmas began spreading happiness and joy tonight in Tonga "Where Time Begins." Shortly before midnight Santa and his jolly elves arrived at the Nuku'alofa Post Office to watch the clock until it hit midnight when Christmas Day 2010 began in the world.Premium content
Friday 24 December 2010 5:46pm
California,USA : The comparison of Parliamentarians needing to possess honesty and integrity with the Chairman of TRL, was at the least interesting. If we go by the current line-up of 26 Parliamentarians as the test, there are 2 Nobles under criminal charges awaiting the Courts decision; 8 Parliamentarians linked to the burning of Nuku'alofa in 2006. . . - 'Etuate Finau.Premium content
Wednesday 22 December 2010 11:30pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : HM King George Tupou V appointed Lord Tu'ivakano as Tonga's new Prime Minister at noon today, December 22, during an audience at the king's residence, The Villa.2 commentsPremium content
Wednesday 22 December 2010 11:00pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : Tonga's Interim Prime Minister Dr Feleti Sevele today concluded a five years term as Tonga's Prime Minister in happy spirit after a special audience with HM King George Tupou V at The Villa, Mata-ki-'Eua.Premium content
Wednesday 22 December 2010 3:14pm
Auckland, New Zealand : So far all that I've expected from the system that we've wished for has come into being. While it isn't perfect, it has been a relatively smooth transition so far and for that I'm optimistic. Relevant but hardly ever mentioned in these debates is the need for good opposition to keep government honest and to the task. Democracy works best for everyone if those who govern and those in opposition are both competent. - Sefita Hao'uliPremium content
Wednesday 22 December 2010 12:39pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : The Chairman of the Tonga Rugby League can be confident in the knowledge that what occurred to his wine was actually the law of Tonga being rightfully enforced, and not a planned conspiracy against the Tonga Rugby League, as he apparently believes. - Peter Nash, Deputy Commissioner of Revenue Customs & Trade DivisionPremium content
Wednesday 22 December 2010 12:37pm
North Carolina, USA : I fear for the future of my adopted country when, after four years of supposed progress, it seems like nothing has really changed. I pray my pessimism is unfounded, and indeed that these elections will usher in a new government and a better future for Tonga. However, from a distance, it seems like the power remains in familiar hands, and that these hands have and will continue to be self serving, without the accountability that elected officials must show. - Scott Yurcheshen.Premium content
Tuesday 21 December 2010 9:15pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : LORD Lasike was recommended as the new Speaker with Lord Tu'i'afitu as Deputy Speaker by the 26 members of Tonga's Legislative Assembly at this afternoon's Special Meeting in Nuku'alofa.Premium content
Tuesday 21 December 2010 10:42am
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : One of the two nominees for Tongan Prime Minister has received a majority vote in a secret ballot this morning and the Interim Speaker is now on his way to meet with the king shortly after 11:00 am this morning to give him the result before announcing it to the Legislature. Photos by Linny Folau.Premium content
Monday 20 December 2010 8:38pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : After the speeches by the two nominees for Prime Minister Designate were completed late this afternoon, the Interim Speaker Lord Tupou was informed that the King would not be available to receive him today.Premium content
Monday 20 December 2010 1:53pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : The House is clearly divided between the political party PTOA and the independent members with the nobles, and the tone of the speeches this morning is more for the ears of the converts than the unbelievers. by Pesi Fonua.Premium content
Sunday 19 December 2010 11:06pm
California,USA : One of the fundamental challenges that the new Government will face is inheriting an extremely depressed economy that depends on foreign aids and remittances. Tonga is not alone in this problem, most economies around the world are facing major problems like us . . . - Thomas M (Soni) Uata.Premium content
Friday 17 December 2010 10:27am
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : The $30 million reconstruction of Vuna Wharf in Nuku'alofa is on track to be completed in a year's time by January 2012, according to Charles Nepia the Project Engineer for the Nuku'alofa Reconstruction Project. Photos by Charles NepiaPremium content
Thursday 16 December 2010 9:49am
Fasi mo e Afi,Nuku'alofa,Tonga : Lunar eclipses, are not rare. This year Tonga witnessed an eclipse on 2627 June, and we shall have another one on 2122 December. These two eclipses differ from each other. - Firitia Velt.Premium content
Wednesday 15 December 2010 11:17pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : The Paati Temokalati 'a e 'Otumotu Anga'ofa (PTOA) called a press conference this afternoon and invited members of the local media to ask questions.1 commentPremium content
Wednesday 15 December 2010 10:50pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : Tonga's new inter island ferry, the MV 'Otuanga'ofa sails from the Queen Salote Wharf at 11pm tonight, Wednesday December 15 with over 100 passengers on its first voyage to the outer islands of Ha'apai and Vava'u.Premium content