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Saturday 4 August 2007
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
I would, however, challenge Ms. Swan on her interpretations of this data. Particularly her preference for "fundraising," savings from wasteful cultural practices, and bank "loans" is wishful thinking. I am in agreement that the economic news from Tonga is bad, but sound economic solutions are the answers, not with a "subsistence-mentality," band-aid solution. - Sione Mokofisi
Saturday 4 August 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
I trust your professional journalism can let me offer a dissenting view to yours. For the sake of creating an open discussion and God willing give us all a road for reconciling to the tragic event of 16/11, for at the end, we are all victims. From the teenage boy who picked up the rock that will undoubtedly spend time in jail; the person who sparked the match that will not see him families while in jail; those families who lost loved ones; those families who lost everything and their livelihood; government officials and PR's that were caught up in the cross-fire and indeed the King himself. When all is said and done, we have all lost a part of Tonga and indeed a part of us that we have now to turned on each other. -Thomas Monson Uata
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Friday 3 August 2007
The suggestion that "Tonga Mo'unga Ki He Loto" was responsible for some of the problems in Tonga in the past is news to me and I am sure thousands upon thousands of ex-students and current students from Tupou High School, Tupou College and Queen Salote College have never heard this suggestion either. So can Mafi of Amerika Samoa enlighten us all on this subject please? - Senolita Swan
Friday 3 August 2007
The future of Tonga is already bleak and gloomy, the conversion rates of the Tongan Dollar is at its lowest in the history of the Kingdom's economical status. This is a wonderful pleasure for my counterparts who are overseas and tourists who want to splash or have a shopping spree if they visit Tonga. However, the reality of the mighty dollar sinks in with the average or those below the minimum wage of Tonga. - William Mariner
Thursday 2 August 2007
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
I've read with great interest the debate on whether to accept Chinese money which, the Tongan Government wishes to borrow. I was disappointed when none of the opposition advocators could muster a single good economics reason why Chinese money is unacceptable. - Sione Mokofisi
Thursday 2 August 2007
Pago Pago, American Samoa
The public asked why, Robert F. Kennedy asked why not? You argue that "Tonga cannot afford this Loan from China". My concern is "can Tonga afford not to make this loan from China?" - Sione Lousiale Kava
Tuesday 31 July 2007
The issue he raised in his interview about Club or Country is the reality of this professional sport today. Tonga's value as a country is pennies compared to other sporting giants as explained by Tevita Vaikona. Numerous local talents from Tonga are being pouched by Rugby League and Union but mostly by NZ and Australia. The UK and Japan are the post eras of retiring super stars from the All Blacks and Wallabies because of the amount of money gained is far more what Australia or New Zealand can offer. - William Mariner
Sunday 29 July 2007
Pago Pago, American Samoa
I strongly suggest and highly recommended that before a decision is made to re-deploy a Tongan unit to Iraq, that you give this deployment very careful consideration while you the choice is still up to you and definitely before you put any sons or daughters of Tonga in harms way.- Mafi 'o Amerika Samoa
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Friday 27 July 2007
Pago Pago, American Samoa
Being bombarded with unkind and rude treatment is an inherent part of the responsibilities assumed by public figures and political leaders along with the benefits and honors of the office. So, Mr. Lopeti Senituli will have to encourage the PM to hang in there. His skin will be hardened over the years. - Sione Lousiale Kava
Friday 27 July 2007
San Mateo, California, USA
The current political events taking place in our humble kingdom seemingly have greater impact today than any other in recent times. While a tri-partite committee has been formed to potentially propose another democratic platform that can just as easily be dismissed and discarded by the government. Similar the late Tu'ipelehake report. - ‘Alipate Sanft
Thursday 26 July 2007
The monthly review of the Tonga Economy released on 25/07/2007 says that the economy is slowly on the mend, but a quick look at the figures tells a different story. Taken from the latest economic indicator - Inflation is running at 5.7%, economic growth for the year is forecast at .6%; trade figures last year: imports cost $236 million but exports only raised $19 million. Unemployment is going up by as much as 20% and the National debt to date is $192 million plus $25 million in ADB Loans that Government has just approved and on top of that another $118 million loan from China. By the end of this financial year, the National debt will be $335 million. - Senolita Swan
Thursday 26 July 2007
Provo, Utah,USA
Lopeti Senituli's letter is another clear demonstration of his incompetence and it reflects negatively on the Prime Minister's office. It is a blemish they cannot afford at such a sensitive and urgent time in Tonga's political history. Every letter from Mr. Senituli, much like the policies dictated from that office, has been reactive and defensive but never proactive or preventive. - Saani Fifita
Thursday 26 July 2007
New Zealand
"Obsessive bitterness", "prejudice", "figments of Ms. Lynch's imagination", "demonise", "defamatory" and "downright rude". These are terms Lopeti Senituli has chosen to use in setting Mele Payne Lynch straight on having a "constructive and objective" dialog? I rather think she has hit a nerve. Every public servant welcomes constructive and objective criticism. That is just boilerplate - something everyone says, few actually do. - Tevita Osborne
Tuesday 24 July 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
I am concerned about the obsessive bitterness that your correspondent, Mele Payne Lynch, seems to harbour towards the Hon. Prime Minister, Dr. Feleti Sevele, which in turn tends to prejudice everything she has to say in her frequent letters to your column. - Lopeti Senituli
Monday 23 July 2007
Moss Beach, California
The situation in Tonga is precarious. As the Minister of Finance is feverishly trying to bounce the economy back with ambitious policies, the Prime Minister and Parliamentarians look for equilibrium in opposite directions, which explains the same old arguments, same old excuses and lack of domestic achievements. - Mele Payne Lynch
Saturday 21 July 2007
San Francisco, USA
Readers who were responding to my comments on "Children and Obscenity" appeared not to fully comprehend my position. So once again, I hereby want to make my position clear. My position is my wish that something is done to prevent children of a certain age from watching shows like the Miss Galaxy Pageant which are perhaps too obscene and/or pornographic for them to handle. - Siosaia Fatani
Friday 20 July 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
With respect to the Galaxy show, there are scenes the audiences finds humor, to others it's vice versa. Everyone has the rights to their opinion, and one is entitle to it. It will be nice to encourage an age limit, (not forgetting nightclubs), but it's simply complicated as; "no laws for seat belts, yet rule of thumb is, put your seat belts on for prevention!!" Parliament probably believes seat belts are common sense, "who needs to enforce it?" Will be a legend. - Local Parent
Thursday 19 July 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The decision by the Tonga Legislative Assembly to select three People's Representatives, Clive Edwards, 'Akilisi Pohiva and 'Uliti Uata to be members of a Tripartite Committee to vet political reform proposals for Tonga is as much a set back in our strive for political reform in Tonga in the 21st century as was the destruction in Nuku'alofa on November 16 last year. Editor's Comment by Pesi Fonua.
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Thursday 19 July 2007
San Francisco, USA
The reason why I brought up this issue in my last letter was my fear that the two small children, approximately 4-6 years of age who were sitting close to me, would in one way or another be adversely affected by the fakaleitis' performances. May I remind you Ms. Telesia Finau that the young children of Tonga too have constitutional rights to appropriate and beneficial environment of education. - Siosaia Fatani
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Tuesday 17 July 2007
'Oku malie fau e vahevahe fakakaukau kuo tuku mai he ngaahi loki talanoa' 'o felave'i mo e Miss Galaxy. Kuo tuku mai ki tu'a e ngaahi 'uhinga 'o hono fakangofua ke ngaue'aki' tokua he 'oku ma'u e pa'anga 'a e fonua 'i he fefolau'aki 'a e kau folau 'eve'eva mei muli'. - Joshua Moimoiangaha
