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Results for Opinion

Sunday 23 September 2007
Kenipela, 'Aositelelia
Tulou! Kae fai atu ha ki'i fakamalo ki he kau Helo 'o e 'Ikale Tahi, 'i he va'inga tu'u kimu'a ne mou fakahoko 'i he pooni. 'Oku 'ikai ke kei malava 'o fakama'uma'u 'a e loto fiefia mo e poupou lahi ki ho'o mou va'inga tu'u kimu'a ne mou fakahoko 'i he pooni. Neongo ha me'a ke fefe ka ko e ulungia faka polofesinale na'a mou fai. Mo'oni e lau 'a e kau fakamatala ko e taha eni ha tau 'e laui ta'u hano talanoa'i. 'Oku faka'amu 'a hoku loto ke u fakaha atu 'i he ki'i tohi ni 'a 'eku Fiefia ta'ehano tatau 'i ho'o mou tau. - Falamani Mafi
Sunday 23 September 2007
Salt Lake City,USA
Mr. Tama Foa and Mr. Siosaia Fatani (Government should educate and employ its people, 22 September, 2007) are, perhaps, wishful thinkers. But to their credit, they have some basic ideas.
Saturday 22 September 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
In regard to Tama Foa's letter of September 21, 2007: "My Wish, fix the Education System", he wrote that Tonga badly need more education on technical skills for its students to obtain and/or engage in jobs to generate income for them. In a way, Tama Foa is right, not only for the technical aspects of the curriculum but for others too; eg., qualifications of teachers, salaries of teachers, materials and equipments for students and teachers, equal opportunities in education, and a love for teaching and the students. - Sosaia Fatani
Friday 21 September 2007
My last visit to the islands opened my eyes regarding several issues in the kingdom. The political solution(s) and the socio-economic impact of that or those solution(s) will be another day's discussion. But, while I was visiting places to include the areas that were burned down last November, what I noticed was the increased number of our youths hanging out in town due to unemployment. That issue begged an answer for this question, what is the root cause of their chronic unemployment? - Tama Foa
Friday 21 September 2007
wellington,New Zealand
I am working in Wellington (NZ) for Bank Of New Zealand and every Friday we all wear Black to work not only the Wellington Branch but all Staff around the country that work for Bank Of New Zealand to show our support for NZ All Blacks team, and also our bank (BNZ) is one of the main Sponsors of the World Cup 2007. - Ngalu Mafi
Thursday 20 September 2007
Kau va'inga, faiako, palesiteni, pule, kae 'uma'a 'a e kau muimui folau mei Tonga 'eiki. Malo e ngaue lahi totoivi 'i ha ki'i vaha'a taimi nounou ne mou ma'u 'o teuteu'i ai 'a e fanau ki he fu'u fe'auhi faka vaha'a pule'anga ko eni. 'Oku mea'i e hou'eiki pea lave'i 'e he Tonga kotoa 'a e ola 'o e ongo 'uluaki tau 'a e 'Ikale Tahi. - S. Tu‘uta
Wednesday 19 September 2007
Canberra, Australia
‘Oatu mu‘a ha fakamalo ki he Faiakoo mo .‘etau timi ‘Ikale Tahii ‘i he ‘ikuna kafakafa na‘a nau fai ‘i hono taufale‘i koia e timi ‘a e Manu Samoa kuo hoko ho‘omou malohii ko e fakafofonga lelei ‘o Tonga ki mamani lahi tangane tamaiki e ma‘alali pea ‘oku fakafiefia kia kimautolu ‘oku fokoutua ‘i muli nii ke polepole ‘i homau Tongaa ‘I ho‘omou fai mateaki mo ‘osikiavelenga homou feingaa. - Mamahi‘i ‘Akapulu
Tuesday 18 September 2007
Kenipela, 'Aositelelia
'Oku ou fie fakahoko atu heni 'a 'eku loto fiefia 'i he ikuna kafakafa ne fai he'etau timi 'Ikale Tahi, 'i he ngaahi uike kuo maliu atu. Fakamalo lahi atu ki he Kapiteni mo e fanau va'inga 'i he ngaahi va'inga fakaholomamata na'a mou fai he ongo fo'i game kuo 'osi. - Falamani Mafi
Tuesday 18 September 2007
New Zealand
It was not too long ago that I wrote to you to take a dig at the Sea Eagle team and their immense appetites. It seems I may have been a tad rash and a bit too hasty. Indeed, it looks as if I've bitten off more than I can chew! - Dona
Monday 17 September 2007
Johnsonville,New Zealand
The inspired 'Ikale did the Kingdom of Tonga proud in the hard fought game against Samoa last night. Keep up the good work and deal to the Springboks in your next pool game. Be inspired and soar high in this RWC2007 tournament! - James P. Barton
Monday 17 September 2007
Otago, New Zealand
Reference is made to Sione Mokofisi's letter dated 15 September 2007 titled 'Agricultural Policy a Brilliant Idea'. I thank Sione Mokofisi for his contribution to the subject matter of which I believe only encourage positive synergistic dialogue to the development of the agricultural sector in Tonga. Noting his own views on the matter, I do wish to emphasise the following issues that perhaps deem furher discussion. - Brian Sutton
Sunday 16 September 2007
'Oku 'ikai ngata pe 'a e mo'oni 'o e fakamatala ko'eni ka na'e fakavalevale pe hono fili 'o e kakai ia ko'eni' ke nau toe fai e fakama'opo'opo ko'eni 'oku pehe na'a nau fai'. 'Oku 'ikai ngata pe 'a e mahino na'e 'ikai ha ngaue ke fai' mo e mahino na'e 'ikai fai ha ngaue ia ko e fakafekiki pe mo e fokotu'u me'a maumautaimi lolotonga 'a e fakaongoongo 'a e kakai kihe 'enau launga mo e fetukuaki. - Joshua Moimoiangaha
Saturday 15 September 2007
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Government is not a "rugby referee" but rather a guarantor of law and order, economics stability, security, etc. It would be ideal for Mr. Sutton to keep the Tongan Government out of the free marketplace, but in his own admission, the Supply side is lagging. What should government do? - Sione Mokofisi
Friday 14 September 2007
Otago, New Zealand
I write in regards to your article titled 'Tonga's Agriculture Ministry becomes a squash grower' dated 12 September 2007. I work for one of the New Zealand 'Planning' Entities and have followed Tonga's political economy closely for sometime now. I believe this is a risky move by Government that must be addressed with great caution. -Brian Sutton
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Friday 14 September 2007
Beirut , Lebanon
My hat's off to the Tongan Rugby team for beating USA 25-15 and a gigantic Congratulations! Keep it up guys!!!!!! - Peki Matheson
Friday 14 September 2007
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Best of wishes in the remaining games. Unfortunately, we have a performance lapse in our game that very sharp players from the other side can take advantage of. The only pacific islands teams that...’s looked sharp, than tried to remain sharp during games have been Samoa and Fiji. However, at times they failed to stay sharp for the full 80 minutes as required at the highest international level. - Sam Tupou
Thursday 13 September 2007
Well done to our Rugby boys for winning their first game in France this afternoon. You have done us proud. Good luck with the next game. When you come to play England and South Africa, please remember to keep calm and be cool all the time. No punching or high tackles and if you continue to play you like did this afternoon, you will stand a good chance of progressing to the next round. God bless. - Senolita Swan
Thursday 13 September 2007
San Jose,California, USA
Congratulations to the 'Ikale Tahi! - Tau O‘Sullivan
Wednesday 12 September 2007
New Zealand
Now to the issue at hand. The Tongan Rugby team and the headline that read, Hungry Tongans stay Humble. That they were hungry comes as no surprise, well, maybe just a little bit. But to call them Humble would be like calling a cow a pig! - Dona Cocker
Wednesday 12 September 2007
'Oku tui pe e motu'a ni ne lahi pe ngaahi me'a malie he teuteu 'a e 'Ikale Tahi ki he World Cup ka e impress pe kinautolu he ma'u me'atokoni 'a e timi. - Siosaia Mila
