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Wednesday 9 January 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Regarding the report I submitted on 20 December 2007 to the Hon. Prime Minister with reference to the working environment within the Ministry I am currently serving ... I kindly and humbly request: please can we leave the matter to the proper government process in which the Auditor General has the authority through the law to have access to the documents indicated in my report. -Edgar Cocker
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Friday 28 December 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
As Government strengthens its control over the flow of information from its ministries to the public and exerts more influence on the editorial content of its two national media organisations, the Tonga Broadcasting Commission and the Ko e Kalonikali Tonga newspaper, it unwittingly creates confusion. Editor's Comment, by Pesi Fonua.
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Friday 28 December 2007
Pago Pago, American Samoa
Ne u lele atu ki hotau fonua ki Tonga ne u sio atu 'ou manavahe he'eku fakatokanga'i ta ko e palopalema 'o Tonga ko kitautolu pe ia. 'Oku ou faka'amu ke u 'o atu ha tefito'i fakakaukau 'e fa ka te u feinga pe ke u 'a'ahi ki he palopalema pe 'e taha he taimini. -Mafi 'o Amerika Samoa
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Friday 21 December 2007
Auckland, New Zealand
'Oku 'ikai ha lea fe'unga mo taau ke fakaha 'aki e fakamalo tu'a ni ki he ngaue kafakafa kuo fai 'e he Matangi Tonga' 'o lave ai e Tonga kotoa pe 'i he kolope 'i hono tufaki e ngaahi ongoongo mei hotau ki'i fonua 'ofa'anga. 'I he mamata ki he fotu malimali 'a e famili Matangi Tonga mo e popoaki talamonu' 'o e Kilisimasi, 'oku hange 'oku ne fakamanatu mai e lea 'o e ngaahi kuonga' talu hono ui fakatenetene a Tonga 'e Cpt Cook "The Friendly Islands" ("Otumotu Anga'ofa). - Sosaia Moimoiangaha
Thursday 20 December 2007
Melipoane, 'Aositelelia
'Oku taku foki 'i mamani ko 'Atenisi 'a e 'uluaki senita 'o e kau 'atamai masila. Pe ko e fuofua sosaieti pe kakai na'a nau tali ke ngofua e taungutu ki he kau ma'u mafai, pe ko e kau Pani (hange ko e Tu'i, Nopele, Hou'eiki) mo e ha fua. Mahalo 'e mahino ange kapau te u fakalea 'o pehe ko e foufua sosaieti 'eni na'a nau tali 'oku 'ikai ke 'iai ha taki ia 'oku tapuha e taungutu ki ai. He na'a nau tui 'oku mafai lahi ange 'a e taungutu ia 'oku tonu mo mo'oni, 'i ha toe mafai pule, pea 'oku 'iloa ia he ngaahi 'aho ni ko e Fakaanga. - Manu tali ui mei Fanga
Wednesday 19 December 2007
New Zealand
On 9 December 2007 I posted a Christmas message peace plan on the Internet for the King and the people of Tonga to think about over the festive season. In a very short period of time I have received much feed back. Some of the response was positive, some negative but most was in the middle with comments similar to "Christopher, you have held up an interesting idea, now let it go and set it free." - Christopher Harder
Tuesday 18 December 2007
Holo pe mu'a e vahevahe kae tuku mu'a ke u hao atu 'o fakalavelave ki he fokotu'utu'u kuo vahevahe mai tokua ko e visone ki he fakalelei'i 'o e tu'unga 'oku 'i ai hotau ki'i fonua 'oku tau 'ofa ai'. - Siosaia Moimoiangaha
Monday 17 December 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Editor, I had a Nightmare, about Harder's "I had a Dream". ... It is clear that this troubled Lawyer has quickly been absorbed into the mentality and rhetorical language like a megaphone for 'Akilisi, 'Uliti Uata, Clive Edwards, Lepolo Tanusila, 'Isi Pulu and the Pangai Si'i mob. -'Inoke Fotu Hu'akau
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Monday 17 December 2007
'Okalani, Nu'usila
Ne u fiu he feinga ke mahino'i e tohi 'a e tangata loea koena ko Harder. 'Asili ai 'ene tohi fakapapalangi pea mo e ngaahi me'a 'oku ne fokotu'u mai 'i he'ene tohi. Ko e me'a pe 'oku ha'u kia au, kuo kamata ke liliu mo'oni e loea ni. 'O 'uhinga ko e ngaahi me'a 'oku ou to'o mei he'ene tohi 'oku hange eni ha'ane vetehia ki he ngaahi me'a kuo ne 'ilo ki ai. - Pola Loiti
Sunday 16 December 2007
Sydney, Australia
I am less confident that the proposal set forth by Mr Christopher Harder will resolve anything in the current as well as the future political situation of Tonga. To be sure, I do believe in apologizing and forgiveness in response. However, to think that an apology from all parties involved in the heinous crimes of 16/11 and a pardon from the King of Tonga will rectify the current political situation in Tonga is unavoidably laughable. -Rev Dr Ma'afu Palu
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Saturday 15 December 2007
In my letter 'Kingdom of Tonga' dated 13/12/07 I said that - quote "I am also baffled as to why a Lawyer chooses to publish an explosive letter to the world and in doing so by-passes or seeks to by-pass the Judiciary System altogether, where criminal cases related to 16/11 incidents are waiting to be heard." Today, I decided to do a bit of research about this Lawyer to see who he really is. I typed in his name to the search box, hit the return key and bingo! Now, I would like to address Mr Harder on this Forum and invite him to explain to the Tongan People the real reason behind the Peace Plan for Tonga. He wrote and published this farcical plan knowing that the possibility of any of it ever happening is virtually Nil. - Senolita Swan
Friday 14 December 2007
Ne u nofo hifo 'o lau peau toutou lau e tohi 'a e motu'a ko'eni ko Mr Harder peau tangi peau toe 'ita peau kaila he na'e hange' ha "masalu ngaue" na'e fepuhi'aki 'a e matangi mei he ngaahi tafatafa'aki he na'e lolotonga pe 'eku mafana kuou mokosia pea lolotonga pe 'eku mokosia kuou vela. Na'e 'i ai e taimi. - Sosaia Moimoiangaha
Friday 14 December 2007
San Francisco, USA
On 06/12/07, the Prime Minister's Office released a news article stating that it would take the Kele'a to court on a defamation charge. In my opinion, this is an attempt to jeopardize the function of the Clause 7 of the Constitution of Tonga - Freedom of Speech and Expression. -Siosaia Fatani.
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Thursday 13 December 2007
Fakatulou atu he talamalu 'o e Fonua ka e 'oatu ha fakamalo mo ha fiefia he tohi malie fau 'a e loea ko Christopher Harder. 'A e tangata'i fonua mo e fefine'i fonua, tuku mu'a 'etau totonu fakafo'ituitui, ka tau vivili atu ki he totonu Faka-Langi, 'a e fakamolemole mo e fe'ofa'aki. Kuo vamama'o 'etau feohi faka-famili, faka-siasi, faka-kolo, 'i he ta'au 'o taimi. Kuo 'enisinia'i 'a e 16/11 ke to e vamama'o aipe 'eta fe'ofa'aki ka e vaofi e 'asenita ngaue 'a e politiki. - Longolongo‘aevalu
Thursday 13 December 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Malo mu'a e tau mo e ngaue lahi hono fakakakato mai e ngaahi ongoongo' ke 'inasi ai e Tonga kotoa pe 'i he fo'i kolope. Ne u fakatumutumu he lahi 'eku tangi he lau e tohi 'a Mr C Harder mo e ngaahi akonaki na'a ne vahevahe mai kihe kakai 'o e fonua'. Ko e me'a malie ko e 'ikai ke u kau 'i he komiti Lao 'a Tonga 'oku nau vakai'i e kole laiseni 'a e motu'a ni he ne u mei foaki ange ai pe 'ene laiseni Lao' 'ana pea liliu tangata'i Tonga ai pe he 'osi 'eku lau 'ene tohi. - S. Moimoiangaha
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Wednesday 12 December 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
I have observed great turmoil and frustration about the land as families turn against each other and the country as a whole is further torn apart by pro-democracy and pro-monarchy supporters being unable to reconcile their differences. Let there be no doubt, many in Tonga bear some responsibility for what happened on 16 November 2006 and the ongoing legal events that continue to tie up the legal process and stop the country from progressing. In no particular order these persons have responsibility and they do know who they are. - Christopher Harder
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Tuesday 11 December 2007
Nunia Mafi daughter of Saulala Mafi who graduated from Tonga High received her Master's of Arts in Teaching from Brown University in 2003. - 'Akesa Mafi
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Thursday 29 November 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The status of Tonga's political reform remains exactly where it was stuck when the members of parliament voted on it before the closure of parliament at the end of October 2007. Editor's Comment. By Pesi Fonua
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Monday 26 November 2007
'Okalani, Nu'usila
'Oku lahi e ngaahi me'a ia 'oku mahino mai he me'a 'a e 'Eiki Minisita. 'Uluaki ta 'oku 'ikai ko e palopalema 'a e tu'utu'uni huluhulu ngaue pe guidelines. 'Oku ou tui 'oku 'osi 'i ai e me'a pehe 'a e potungaue pea mo e ngaahi me'a faka'efika. Pea ne toe me'a mai 'o pehe ne fakaha ange 'e he pule 'o e TBC 'oku 'I ai e 'asenita fakapolitikale 'ene kau ngaue pea koena ko e taha ena 'ene kau 'ofisa ma'olunga Nanise Fifita 'oku ne toe filingaua he fokotu'utu'u fa'u guidelines 'a e pule'anga. - Pola Loiti
Monday 26 November 2007
'Oku 'ikai ke fai ha ofo ia 'o hange ko e fakamatala 'a e tangata faifatongia koia ma'a Tonga ko Chief Justice Anthory Ford. - Joshua Moimoiangaha
