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Saturday 24 May 2008
Fefe nai e konga koeni: Ne 'ikai maumau, pea 'oku 'ikai maumau, ha kupu he Konisitutone he ko e mafai pe ia 'o e Tu'i ki hono fakanofo minisita ha taha, ne ngaue'aki ke fakanofo Minisita e kau tama ni. 'E ala kalo nai e kau tama ki he tafa'aki ko ia? - Kaniseli Tupou
Saturday 24 May 2008
Melipoane, 'Aositelelia
Ka 'oku totonu ke fai mo fakamahino ki he kakai, kapau 'e temokalati kakato 'a e fonua, 'oku 'ikai ko e 'osi ia 'a e palopolema. He ko e taha e palopolema 'e malava ke hoko ko e fe'au'auhi fakakulupu (Party) pe kofe kulupu tene taki e fonua. He ko e kamata 'eni ia ke mahu'inga 'ia e kakai 'i he hu ki Falealea, fakatatau ki he fu'u kau kanititeiti 'o e ta'u ni. - Manuvakai e Kolosi Saute
Friday 23 May 2008
Pago Pago, American Samoa
Only 38% (less than half) of the registered voters of Tongatapu cast votes in this past election. The country is going to be guided by the minority, a democracy by the few and for the fewer. - Mafi ‘o Amerika Samoa
Wednesday 21 May 2008
Sene, 'Aositelelia
'E 'ikai pe ha taimi ia 'e 'ata kovi ai 'a e Temokalati; ko e 'fili 'e he kakai 'a e ni'ihi 'i he kupu 'o e sosaieti ke nau hoko ko e pule'anga ke nau fakalele mo tu'utu'uni 'i ha vaha'a taimi pau ki he anga 'a hono pule'i 'o e fonua. Ko e ki'i faka'ali ko 'ena 'oku ngoto-'a-noa pe ia 'i he fu'u ano lelei 'o e Temokalati. - Sam
Wednesday 21 May 2008
Kole atu ki he Temo-Tonga ke nau fokotu'u atu e fakakaukau ko'enii ki he to'u falealea ko'eni. - Uili Finau
Saturday 17 May 2008
Nomuka, Tonga
Kuo hoko 'a e "16/11" pea mo pule'anga "temokalati tikitato" lolotonga 'o Fisi ko e fakatokanga fakamanavahee (brutal warning) pea mo e fakamo'oni ta'etoekofukofu'i (naked witness) ki he Tonga kotoa ke tau ki'i toloi atu 'a e feinga 'a e kau Temo-Tonga exteremists ke fakamalohi'i 'a e liliu ke fakahoko he 2010. Te u lave ki ha 'elia lalahi 'e ua 'oku ha mahino ai 'a e ta'efalala'anga 'enau fokotu'utu'u ki he kaha'u 'o Tonga. -Uili Finau
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Wednesday 14 May 2008
Brisbane, Australia
'Oku ou kole ke u hufanga he fakatapu ka e fai ha kau atu he paenga talanoa 'o e vahaope. -'Inoke Fotu Hu'akau
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Wednesday 14 May 2008
Nomuka, Tonga
Taha e vaivai'anga mo e to'anga 'o e temo Tongaa pea mo e ngaahi fonua langalangahake ko e 'ikai ha kau taki 'oku fakatoukatea e poto faka'atamai mo e fakapotopoto fakaeongo (intellectual and emotional intelligence). Tokolahi e kau ma'u mata'itohii ia, kae fiu'akumi ha ni'ihi 'oku loloto fakaeloto (deep people). - Uili Tu'ifua Finau
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Tuesday 6 May 2008
Fakamolemole mu'a kae 'ata ke u kau atu he lave ki he kaveinga mahu'inga taha fekau'aki pea mo hotau ki'i fonua. 'Oku malie 'aupito e felafoaki 'a e kau tangata he mala'e ni 'o fekau'aki mo 'enau ngaahi mahino fakatemokalati. Pea 'oku hanga 'e he fo'i ongo malie koia 'o fakapuna ai au ke u kau atu ho'o mou felingiaki, neongo he 'ikai ke faka'aonga'i ia 'e he 'etau kau Politiki Tonga. - Sunia Mafile‘o Finaulahi
Monday 5 May 2008
Ko e fa'ahinga talanoa eni 'oku lolotonga ngaue'aki 'e he kau feinga liliu' mo e si'i kakai 'oku havala mo puputu'u pe koeha koa' e totonu' (hee mei he mo'oni). Re: "'Ai ke 'uluaki temo a 'api pea toki temo 'a e pule'anga," "He 'ikai tali 'a e liliu ke 'uluaki Temokalati a 'api" - Siosiua Moimoiangaha
Monday 5 May 2008
Nomuka, Tonga
Kataki pe Sione Tu'akoi 'oua te ke sio lalo kia Tokivela (Tocqueville). Ka ke 'eva atu ki ho'omou ngaahi ngaahi 'apiako Ivy League 'o 'eke ki he kau ako ki he American Civilization pe ko e Political Philosophy ko e taha 'o 'enau text book tefitoo ko e Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville 'i hono liliu 'e Harvey Mansfield 'o Harvard. Toe 'eke atu ki he kau ako Politiki ta'u 'uluaki 'i Harvard (Boston), Princeton (New Jersey), pe Columbia (NY), ko e hingoa tu'ukimu'a kuo pau ke nau ako kiaii ko Tokivela. - Uili Tu‘ifua Finau
Wednesday 30 April 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
'Oku malie 'a e fo'i fakakaukau ni ia ka 'oku ou tui au 'oku ikai ke 'i ai hano kaunga mahu'inga 'ona ki he liliu fakapolitikale 'a ha fonua. Ko e ngaahi 'uhinga 'eni 'oku ou pehe ai 'oku 'ikai ke fu'u mahu'inga pe 'e ngaue 'a e fakakaukau 'a Tocqueville ki he feinga liliu 'oku feinga kiai 'a Tonga. - Siosiua Fatani
Wednesday 30 April 2008
Tourism is the ultimate answer to the Kingdom's economic problems, and I propose a simple strategy. - Viliami Makasiale Naulu
Tuesday 29 April 2008
Nomuka, Tonga
Ko e taha eni e ngaahi 'uhinga 'oku fakatu'utamaki ai ke fai ha feinga liliu he taimi ni, ta'efaka'ataa ke kei hoko atu e talanoa'i e ngaahi me'a 'e tokoni ke ola lelei ai e temokalati. Ka 'ikai ke tau liliu ke fakatemokalati e nofo famili fakaTonga, 'e fakaoli pee 'a e liliu temokalati 'oku tau vili ki aii. - Uili Finau
Monday 28 April 2008
'Oku fakautuutu atu ai pe 'a e havala 'a e kainga 'o e fonua 'i he hanga atu ki he ta'u 'e tolu ko'eni ka hoko mai, he kuo fakaha mai 'e he ki'i falukunga kakai 'oku nau pehe kuo nau ikuna' 'oku nau loto ke liliu he vave taha, fakaoli ee! - Siosiua Moimoiangaha
Thursday 24 April 2008
Ko e ki'i lave nounou atu pe 'o kau atu he lavelave 'a e kau tangata' mo e kau fefine, 'oku ou ki'i tokanga atu ki he Cpt 'o e US Marine (Mafi 'o Amerika) mo e Cpt 'o e US Army (Tama Foa). 'Oku ou lave'i pe kuo fai e ki'i matavalea he laine. - Siosaia Moimoiangaha
Thursday 24 April 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
In your Online news article of April 21, 2008; "TBC's political censorship extends to press conferences" 'Inoke Huakau, a political candidate, claimed that the TBC was banning the broadcasting of his campaigning materials because TBC staff were "present" at his press conference. - Siosaia Fatani
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Sunday 20 April 2008
Pago Pago, American Samoa
I hope the Government do realize that your actions only benefits and further fertilize the anti-government sentiment in Tonga. No news is good news to some people. To a lot people, the worse that could happens is anticipated when there is no news. To most reasonable human beings, when information is deliberately withheld, something negative and serious is wrong. - Mafi ‘o Amerika Samoa
Thursday 10 April 2008
Pago Pago, American Samoa
The Parliament must have so much time doing not much of anything that at one time they discussed to consider banning Mr. Foni Pole'o's song, Hulita, from being aired. The explanation was, it was too sexually suggestive. What a joke coming from a group of alcoholic and hypocrites that makes up the Parliament. But even if it is, who is going to scrutinize all the lyrics to be aired in public radios in Tonga? "Ko e kai ia 'a e Funga Hihifo" was banned for years, now it is ok. Why, has it become less sexually suggestive over the years? Please stop the Nonsense. - Sione Lousiale Kava
Wednesday 9 April 2008
I owe a debt of gratitude to Nautilus Minerals' Corporate Headquarters for taking time from their busy schedule to respond to my concerns regarding their planned operations off the coast of the kingdom. I am impressed. I wish them all the luck in the world in this endeavor. I also wish they will find the mother lode of all minerals and exceed the quality of the 90 kilogram sample displayed by their CEO and President (David Heydon) in San Francisco last year. - Tama Foa
