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Monday 12 January 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
'Oku ou fiefia 'i he ngaue koia 'oku lolotonga fakahoko ke 'ilo'i 'a e tu'unga (strength & weaknesses) 'o e faitongia 'a e Potungaue Polisi Tonga, ka 'oku ou kole atu ke toe tanaki atu ha kakai 'oku lahi 'enau 'ilo ki he ngaahi matavaivai 'o e faifatongia 'a e kau polisi. Kapau he 'ikai ke tau alasi'a e ngaahi tefito'i. -Uikilifi Taufa
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Wednesday 7 January 2009
Belgrade, Serbia
In our World, there are lots of countries, nations, languages, religions, cultures, costumes but also lots of disagreements. History has it that there was never peace and respect among nations since the formation of the first State. From the beginning of the first conflict till date, wars have been fought for the same cause: political differences, trade, religion, liberation, dynasty, seizure of territory, the annihilation of a rival State, the destruction of the enemy's ability to prosecute military action, revolution or genocide. - Ivan Simic
Friday 2 January 2009
Kailua Kona, Hawaii
From your local press summary, I recognized a report from Taimi on December 17th, 2008 reports; the first brawl of the Lavengamalie Cup Rugby Tournament took place on Friday Dec. 12th at Teufaiva Park, as players of under 17 teams, Silapelu Ua and Tupou College, with their supporters fought on the rugby pitch, Tupou College however, won the rugby match. -'Aisea T. Tu'ikolovatu
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Friday 2 January 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
As we face the New Year of 2009, it is time to reassess our perceptions and the reality of our economic and political reform programs. Editor's Comment.
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Monday 22 December 2008
Sydney, Australia
Kuo too e Tangata Poto, Fakapotopoto, Loto too, Fakatoo ki Lalo, Faka'apa'apa, Mamahi'i me'a, Falala'anga mo 'Apasia 'Otua, pea neongo ko e tangata poto ia mo ma'olunga pea lavame'a ka na'a ne lata pe ke faikava mo e kakai 'o e fonua 'i he Kalapu 'Ulutea 'i Loto Nuku'alofa. 'Oku ou tui kuo mea'i 'e Hou'eiki kae'uma'aa 'a e kakai kotoa pe 'a e Koloa mahu'inga ko'eni ne foaki 'e he 'Otua ma'a Tonga pea fakafeta'i kuo ne toe to'o atu, malo'ia aipe hono Huafa ma'oni'oni e. - Soosoo Tuiivai
Thursday 18 December 2008
Nuku‘alofa, Tonga
Although I understand Joe Smith's example was to emphasize his point to forgive and forget things that have happened in the past, however, and for trivial knowledge sake - Samoa was always considered part of Tonga from the beginning. Only from Talaikaifaiki III (also known as Lomi'aetupu'a II) and his escape from Tuna and Fata, only then was Samoa considered independent for about 200 years. Kau'ulufonua Fekai then reconquered Samoa after this 200 year hiatus and the Tu'i Tonga actually lived out of Samoa for four consecutive generations only returning to Tonga once a year for the 'Inasi ceremony. - Daniel K. Fale
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Wednesday 17 December 2008
Tokyo, Japan
May I congratulate the class of the 2007 journalists who have completed their Certificates in Journalism. - Sione Fatanitavake Vikilani
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Tuesday 16 December 2008
Salt Lake City,USA
Having first hand experience during my time in the U.S. military, I will say that there is more than enough blame to go around in the Balkans region. - Joe Smith
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Tuesday 16 December 2008
Belgrade, Serbia
I did not write about how great Russia is, I wrote about WWII participants. I did not write about evils of the US, you Mr. Smith called them evils, not me. I wonder why you did it. - Ivan Simic
Monday 15 December 2008
San Francisco, USA
With respect to Mr Ivan Simic's freedom of speech rights, his last two letters of 12/01/08 and 12/08/08 to the Matangi Tonga were, in my opinion, very sad and unfortunate. I felt that they had some reflections of anger and hatred, especially towards the United States of America. Although I was reluctant and forced to be impressed by the details and statistics of his letters, I frankly gained little but mostly pains and regrets from them. As I was pondering over his letters, I also was wondering if he really knows that the United States of America did some good deeds to his country and people. -Siosaia Fatani.
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Monday 15 December 2008
Thank you for allowing alternative perspectives on the civil wars in Yugoslavia on your website which is indeed rare. Tragically, most Westerners have only hear one side of the story and as a result, the Western public has been woefully misinformed about what really happened in Yugoslavia and the deep Western involvement and culpability in the crisis there. - Dr. Michael Pravica
Monday 8 December 2008
Belgrade, Serbia
would like to use this opportunity to reply to the letter "US saved Serbia from tyranny" written by Mr. M.T. Tuaileva.
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Wednesday 3 December 2008
Pago Pago, American Samoa
I am surprised that the Department of Commerce and the Government of Tonga have not taken the initiative to fight for Tonga to be able to get at least two whales a year for local consumption. - Mafi ‘o Amerika Samoa
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Monday 1 December 2008
Belgrade, Serbia
Since World War II many things have changed in the world, both in economy and warfare. - Ivan Simic.
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Monday 1 December 2008
Pago Pago, American Samoa
Thank you China. But for Tonga and the Tonga Defense Services, please do not celebrate your promised aircraft until you do your homework. TDS must first analyze two major costs. - Mafi ‘o Amerika Samoa
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Thursday 27 November 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
I just wanted to say Congratulations to Matangi Tonga Online photo-journalist and 2008 Sasakawa Pacific Islands Journalism Fellow, Linny Folau, for the wonderful articles. - Monalisa V. Palu
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Monday 24 November 2008
Pago Pago, American Samoa
I am sorry Police Commander Kelley, but Tonga has the rudest, most careless, and the most unkind and unappreciative drivers in my view. Some of my fellow drivers in the United States would agree with me that if you drive like "that" somewhere in Los Angeles, someone will shoot you. If the CHP do not get to you first. - Mafi ‘o Amerika Samoa
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Saturday 15 November 2008
Pago Pago, American Samoa
The proverbial undertaking of why do climbers climb a mountain can be examined again in this situation. It has been said that a climber climbs a mountain for this simple reason, because the mountain is there. By the same logic, can we say that the United States of America joined a conflict simply because it is there? - Mafi ‘o Amerika Samoa
Friday 14 November 2008
I had the privilege of watching on YouTube the Princess Regent's and Tuita's little grand-daughter 'Anaseini Fusitu'a perform a Tongan dance at a Tongan gathering in Australia which was presided over by King George Tupou V. The performance was absolutely outstanding - the movement of her hands, her head and feet, the sound of her little hands clapping and the little smiles she gave from time to time was so charming and shows that she is a natural talented performer. At the end of her performance, she climbed up to the Royal Box and held her little face up whilst the King bent down and kissed her little cheek. - Senolita Swan
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Thursday 13 November 2008
Belgrade, Serbia
In our contemporary world there are 245 entities, which include; countries, independent states (both internationally recognized and generally unrecognized), inhabited dependent territories, and areas of special sovereignty. Almost, all of these entities have fought some kind of war and battle in their history for various reasons, such as: independence, religion, revolution, liberation, occupation, among others. According to war history, over 365 million people lost their lives in these wars, including ongoing ones. - Ivan Simic
