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Sunday 7 June 2009
California, U.S.A
Sad news and stories of domestic violence is becoming more common in Tonga these days. Worst comes to worst when domestic violence get out of control and result in murder. No one of any race or color has a right to take life out of a person no matter whatsoever the reason. - Siosaia Mila
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Friday 5 June 2009
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
I am ashamed to be a Tongan with the latest news of 540 domestic violence cases, and six murdered deaths reported in less than two years (Four deaths . . . 03 June, 2009), a clear manifestation of how sick many Tongan men are in the abuse of Tongan women. Friday, June 5, 2009 - 05:36
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Monday 1 June 2009
Auckland, New Zealand
I must say I breathed a sigh of relief when I read the King's speech at the opening of parliament. I used to feel a mounting anxiety as 2010 drew closer and closer for the political reforms, and we had only just begun to see real changes to how things are run (e.g. great access to information with the new ministry web sites). -Josephine Latu
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Friday 29 May 2009
Fai ‘a e vakai tu‘a pe kiai pea u pehe loto pe, seuke!! Ta ko e fielau he na‘e talu pe hono fakahifo mai ki mamani 'a e Tama ni (tapu moia) mo hono polo'i ke Tu'i, pea fai hono lotua 'e he fonua kotoa. Tautau tefito pe eni ki he konga kimui 'o 'ene folofola ki he liliu 'oku lolotonga fakahoko. Pea mo 'ene folofola'aki 'a e ngaahi naunau 'o e tauhi sipi lelei "ke fakataumu'a 'a e liliu ki hono Tauhi mo hono Malu'i 'a hono Kakai mo 'enau ngaahi totonu kotoa pe . . ." - S. Tu‘ivai
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Friday 29 May 2009
Orange, NSW,Australia
‘Oku pehe 'e Saia Mila 'oku 'uli mo palaku 'a Nuku'alofa tupu mei he: 1 - lahi e ngaahi me'alele maumau mo popo he ngaahi 'api moe ve'ehala, 2 - Fakamaketi movetevete he ngaahi ve'ehala, 3 ...– Ifi tapaka he ngaahi fale kalapu tatau pe 'i Ha'apai mo Tonga. Me'apango malie ia Saia Mila kapau he 'ikai te ke toe 'alu kiho fonua tupu'anga na'ake hola mei ai. - ‘Alifeleti Teau‘imo‘unga
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Wednesday 27 May 2009
Canberra, Australia
I fully support Siosaia Mila on his comments on Nuku'alofa and I dearly hope the body responsible for/overseeing the new CDB has plans to make and keep the town in a clean state. Let the tourists and us Tongans living abroad when visiting our beloved country see a clean and tidy capital, not one that you get all embarrassed when coming in with non-Tongan mates and you encounter directly the opposite upon arrival. - Kenani Hoglund
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Sunday 24 May 2009
Morgan Hill, California, U.S
Ne u toki foki mai mei Tonga na he ngaahi 'aho si'i kuo hili ange hili ia ha'ate kau atu ki he Konifelenisi e taha 'o e ngaahi siasi 'a ia na 'e fai ki Ha'apai. 'I Nuku'alofa 'oku lahi hono veve'aki e ngaahi me'alele maumau mo popo e ngaahi 'api mo e ngaahi ve'e hala. Ko e matamata kovi mo e palaku atu 'enau 'asi. - Siosaia Kolomaka Mila
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Thursday 21 May 2009
'Oku lahi 'a e ngaahi to'onga mo'ui 'oku 'ikai vivili hano fiema'u, ka 'oku 'ohofi 'e he kakai, koe'uhi pe ko hono pavaki fo'ou mai. 'E toki kimui pe 'oku lelei pe kovi, kaekehe pe ki he tokolahi ke kau he heka he peau fo'ou! - Uikilifi Taufa
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Friday 15 May 2009
Sydney, Australia
I am a Tongan now living in Australia but originally from Vava'u. After 23 years I returned to Vava'u with my wife on a cruise ship and was totally dismayed with what I saw. - Sione Tupou
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Monday 11 May 2009
Fanongo talanoa 'oku teu fokotu'u e 'apiako Mosilemi 'i Tonga na. 'Oku ou kole atu mu'a ke fakatatali kae toki vakai hili 'e tau fangatua mo 'etau teu liliuu.
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Thursday 7 May 2009
Ne u lau hifo he tohi 'etita 'i ho'o peesi he uike ni, ko e ui ki ha taki fo'ou. Ko e me'a lelei e vahevahe fakakaukau, 'i hano fokotu'u mai ha ngaahi fokotu'utu'u 'oku maama mo faka'amanaki, pea fakalotolahi ki hota kaha'u.
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Wednesday 6 May 2009
‘I he taimi lahi hange 'oku lahi ange feta'aki ia 'a e ngaahi kautaha ongoongo 'e ni'ihi 'i hono fai honau fatongia 'a ia ko e 'omai e ngaahi fakamatala mo'oni mo totonu ki hono, ako'i mo faka'ilo ki he kakai e me'a 'oku hoko pea ke fakafiefia'i mo fakafiemalie ki he kakai. - Pola Loiti.
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Tuesday 5 May 2009
Pangaimotu, Vava'u
I wish you all the best to your 61 birthday today (May 4), even if you celebrate it now at the coronation day. - Thomas Hollenbeck
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Saturday 2 May 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
'I he'eku lau hifo 'a e tohi 'a Piveni Piukala mo 'ene fakatangi ki ha taki fo'ou, 'oku foki 'eku manatuu ki he ki'i talanoa na'aku fa'alau 'i he'eku kei si'i. Ko e talanoa 'oku ou manatu ki ai mei he ki'i tohi ma'ae fanau iiki na'e ui ko e ngaahi feipale 'a 'Esope (Aesop's Fables). - D.K Fale
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Thursday 30 April 2009
Auckland, New Zealand
By chance I see it reported in the media this week that Tonga Power will spend 16 million dollars replacing rotten and leaning power poles in a network upgrading programme commencing from the "city". From where I sit, we will have spent these millions only to find that we will remain vulnerable to falling branches as well as hurricane borne damage and still wedded to non-renewable imported and expensive diesel, the price of which is expected to return to stratospheric levels once the world takes the crunch out of credit. In short, not a great deal better. -Sefita Hao'uli
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Thursday 30 April 2009
Kuo u fanongo 'i he ngaahi talanoa 'oku sasala 'o pehe 'oku fai 'a e fu'u fokotu'utu'u fo'ou 'o e kau Minisitaa pea kau ai pea mo e fokotu'u e Kovana fo'ou ki Vava'u. Ko e fokotu'utu'u foki ko 'eni ko e tupu pe mei hono faka'ataa 'e he Palemia 'a e ongo Minisitaa 'e ua ke na hiki atu ki muli 'o hoko ko e ongo 'Amipasitoa. - Piveni Piukala
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Monday 27 April 2009
Auckland, New Zealand
Weaning us off petroleum will take some time and the replacement technology to make that possible will still be imported and not home-grown. However what is needed now is a new and home-grown attitude and actions to lessen our dependence on imported energy immediately. - Sefita A. Hao‘uli
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Monday 27 April 2009
Morgan Hill-California, USA
FROM OUR ARCHIVES: I am raising attention to the ranking of the winners of inter college sports in Tonga - a more real analysis of the individual schools performance will be more sensible and respectable if you consider the schools that have boys or girls only.- Siosaia Mila
Sunday 26 April 2009
Sydney, Australia
We know that the situation in Fiji is both complicated and sensitive because of its racial implication and the tendency of outsider to oversimplify the issues involved. But more alarmingly when a PM of a Pacific Is nation issued a tirade to demean the leader of another such as PM Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi of Samoa on Bainimarama as reported by the Samoan government's newspaper Savaii 2¼/09. - ‘Inoke Fotu Hu‘akau
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Monday 13 April 2009
San Francisco, USA
I strongly believe that the current system of government is the best for Tonga. All Tonga has to do is improving minor things here and there. Major changes to the current structure of government would bring disastrous consequences that the people of Tonga would regret and hope that they were not born to this earth. A new system would be disastrous to the nature of our religion and culture which are the corner-stone of peace and harmony in Tonga. - Siosaia Fatani
