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Tuesday 22 September 2009
Adelaide, Australia
Ko e liliu fakapolitikale mo'oni ... Koha Kau fakafofonga Falealea Fakapotopoto Poto ma'a Tonga 'ikai ko e kau fakafofonga Falealea Tokolahi ange. (Quality not Quantity). -Siale Christopher Kava
Tuesday 22 September 2009
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
The English (U.K.) Thesaurus defines truth under three headings i) fact, reality and certainty, ii) accuracy, genuineness, precision, exactness, legitimacy, veracity and truthfulness and iii) honesty, candor, integrity, dedication, loyalty, devotion, fidelity, uprightness and sincerity. - Sam Tupou
Sunday 20 September 2009
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
A brief read of Lee Kwan Yew's success as Prime Minister of Singapore (1959-1990) does not show the life of a dictator. Instead he rose through the Singapore Parliament as PM during British rule, and developed one of the poorest states in SE Asia to rival Japan's industrial economy. He was accused of running a tight ship, but that's the price of "transformation" I would say. - Sione A. Mokofisi
Saturday 19 September 2009
Pago Pago, American Samoa
I have reservation on Dr. Koloamatangi's thoughts. A thorough dissertation will be for another day but my history memory reminds me that Europeans left England in the early 16th and 17th seeking freedom from the English monarchy. Those that ended up on the Kingdom's shores realize that they are jumping from one dictatorial regime to another. Dr. Koloamatangi thinks that the visitors were quite happy because it is just like back home. - Sione Lousiale Kava
Saturday 19 September 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Franco of Spain was successful because his goal was to save Spain from divisions, disunity, and civil war. Franco's bottom line was to establish stability and maintain peace for Spain, and for that stability and peace to be maintained after his time. This is exactly what happened. He never did anything that was unreasonable, but all things were done to achieve his goal which really was in the best interests of his country, especially considering the circumstances Spain was in. - Daniel K. Fale
Wednesday 16 September 2009
Salt Lake City, USA
PR 'Akilisi Pohiva was asking the wrong question (Ashika passengers and cargo insured...15 Sep., 2009) in the September 10 Legislative Assembly's inquiries into the ship's sinking. -Sione A. Mokofisi
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Wednesday 9 September 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tongan Parliament is making itself irrelevant to the political reform process that it set for 2010, by failing to agree on the fundamentals for a new system of government for Tonga, and at the same time has left itself out of the decision-making process of the Constitutional and Electoral Reform Commission by not meeting the July 6 deadline for submissions. Editor's Comment.
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Tuesday 8 September 2009
Prescott Valley, Arizona,USA
Ko e 'uhinga 'eku fakafetu'utaki atu tupu'anga mei hoku tuonga'ane ko Pelenato Pome'e mei Makave Vava'u, ko e pasese 'o e MV Princess Ashika na'e lavea mei he ngoto 'a e vaka. Ko e tu'u he taimini kia Pelenato 'oku vaeua 'e ne mo'ui mo kei faingata'a'ia tupu mei hono lavea mei he ngoto 'a e vaka. 'Oku ou lau hifo 'i he news ko'eni 'i he Matangi Tonga online fekau'aki mo e fu'u pa'anga lau miliona 'oku ma'u 'e he Pule'anga Tonga ko e 'ofa mei muli mo e kakai kehe kehe pe ke tokoni'i 'a e kau victims mo honau ngaahi famili.
Sunday 6 September 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The question is not whether Fiji's dictator Frank Bainimarama will fail or not, but rather when? Yes, when will he realise that he will never succeed in his false and conceited quest for a reformed Fiji?
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Thursday 3 September 2009
Ko 'eku ki'i fehu'i pe 'aku hili hono lau e ngaahi feme'a'aki 'a e Falealea 'i he Lipooti ko ia 'a e Komisoni ki he liliu fakaolitikale. 'I he'eku lave'i vaivai ne 'ikai ha ngaahi fokotu'u (recommendation) ne ha he lipooti ko eni. Ka 'i he ngaahi feme'a'aki 'a e Falealea 'oku nau tipeiti kinautolu 'o hange kuo 'osi maau e lipooti. - v
Thursday 27 August 2009
Pago Pago, American Samoa
'I he fekau 'a e Poate 'o e Kalapu Fofo'anga 'o Amerika Samoa, ko e va'a ngaue 'o e Tongan Community of American Samoa, 'oku 'oatu heni 'e mau fakamalo lotohounga ki he Matangi Tonga 'i hono fakaa'u mai e ngaahi ongoongo mo e 'ata 'o e me'afaka'eiki mamahi kae fakahisitolia koia ne fai he toka'anga 'o e Princess Ashika. - Mafi ‘o Amerika Samoa
Wednesday 26 August 2009
Thank you for your tireless efforts in keeping us and the world updated with the news on MV Ashika and the still unrecovered passengers. Our hearts been weeping, yet hopeful for those who are still missing in the Ha'apai sea. - Cecil Taufa
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Sunday 23 August 2009
We are all very saddened by this terrible tragedy. We continue to pray for our family there in Tonga, as well as all the families of those lost. - Sherri Mahe
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Saturday 22 August 2009
Canberra, Australia
It doesn't matter whether the individual AVMP will end up receiving $10,000 or $20,000 per head, "it's all theirs and it's all for them and them only". By the ethics of humanitarianism and human rights under World Red Cross and World Vision, together with the UN Central Emergency Response Fund, all funds must be belonged to the AVMP, except for related and necessary expenses occurring in the process of distribution. - Siosiua Tofua‘ipangai
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Friday 21 August 2009
Moloka'i, Hawai'i
We wish to send our deepest sympathy and condolence to all of the families of passengers lost at sea, especially to the Fasi-moe-afi Church members Sione Valele 'Elone, his cousin Veuveuso 'Elone and friend Matoni 'Aho who were on their way to Ha'apai for Sione Valele 'Elones' wedding to my sister-in-law Vahengalu He of Pangai. - Coco & Tevita He
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Friday 21 August 2009
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Leigh is entitled to his views as everyone else is. The Attorney General at the behest of who?, should not pre-empt the Commission of Enquiries findings with a premature legal opinion on the contents of Leigh's letter. - Sam Tupou
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Friday 21 August 2009
Pago Pago, American Samoa
While the press in the region is fighting for recognition and hopefully gain much more of its freedom, Matangi Tonga made a step back by giving up to the threat from the Attorney General. - Mafi ‘o Amerika Samoa
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Thursday 20 August 2009
Pago Pago, American Samoa
Here is a huge fakamalo to the Kingdom of Tonga for your first distribution to help out the victims family from the Ashika tragedy. You are now on the right path. But please do not stop there. - Mafi ‘o Amerika Samoa
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Thursday 20 August 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The letter from Leigh Harkness makes unjustified conclusins about the cause of the disaster. - John Cauchi SC
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Thursday 20 August 2009
Auckland, New Zealand
My name is Alilia Molitika and I was wondering where are we able to get hold of the blue ribbons? - Sione Molitika
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