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Thursday 13 November 2008
Ko hoku loto 'oku 'ikai ke u loto ki he fakalelei faka politikale 'oku lolotonga fakahoko. 'Oku ou kei tui 'e malu ange pe 'a Tonga 'i he 'etau fakaongoongo kotoa pe ki he hako 'o Tupou I pea kei tu'uma'u pe 'a e Fale Alea 'i he fale pe 'e 1, fakatahataha atu kiai 'a e Tu'i, fakafofonga'i 'e hono ngaahi to'ukupu Minisitaa, Hou'eiki 'o e Fonua fakafofonga'i 'e he Hou'eiki Nopele, pea mo e Kaikai 'o e Fonua ko'enau fakatahataha atu 'o alelea'i melino mo fekoekoe'i 'a e ngaahi Lao mo e tu'utu'uni 'o e fonua, kae 'ikai ko e Fale fakafa'afa'ahi mo e Tau faka'atamai, mo e takitaha langa hono pilamita pea mo e fa'o ki hono kato. - Molumalu ‘o Ha‘a Ngata
Wednesday 12 November 2008
I opened a bank account with Bank of Tonga sometime in the 1980s before I emigrated to the United States of America in 1986. I left my bank transaction booklet (tohi pangike) with my mother so she can conduct all my banking activities for me. Bank of Tonga eventually changed its name to Wespac Bank of Tonga which is the current management. Unfortunately, my mother misplaced the booklet along with the account number and she can no longer make any deposits to the account. WBT started a policy which allow them to charge a large amount of penalties to any account that is not active. - ‘Aisea T. Tu‘ikolovatu
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Sunday 9 November 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
After reading letters from the village idiot, but more especially reading in the paper about his fellows is getting quite monotonous and actually I am beginning to believe - that it really causes physical brain drain (ie. the actually lowering of a person's Intelligence Quotient; I am not referring to the phenomenon of aggregate skills and knowledge leaving a country but an actual chemical change in the human brain!). I do not know why they complain, they chose those people to represent them in the last elections. - Daniel K. Fale
Friday 7 November 2008
A golden opportunity seems to be intentionally flushed down the drain. As our Parliament closed for the year, it is sickening to read about the charges and counter charges by both sides of the aisle. Of all the issues that are crucial to the kingdom, personal vendetta seems more important than setting the foundation for the Year 2010 political change. If there is corruption in Parliament, it is the corruption of broken promises during the election campaign; the corruption of leading the public to believe they have a plan regarding transition to democracy, yet they have none; the corruption of giving themselves a huge pay increase without blinking an eye and still call it pitiful compensation. - Tama Foa
Monday 3 November 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's attempt at producing a new and more democratic form of government is a slog. When the Constitutional and Electoral Commission Act came into force on July 23, it was hailed as a milestone in Tonga's rush to have a new system of government by 2010. But since July the Commission has been a ship adrift without a sail or a rudder and not a soul aboard. Editor's Comment.
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Thursday 30 October 2008
Suva, Fiji
I recently visited Tonga and was surprised to find out that our very own 'Tonga Visitors Bureau' and Ministry of Tourism, had taken the lead in misguiding our visitors arriving in our poor Kingdom, with the map displayed out in their front yard. - Leonaitasi Taukafa
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Wednesday 29 October 2008
Belgrade, Serbia
The EU has a single market between member states with common trade policy. Important EU institutions and bodies include the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the Council of the European Union, the European Court of Justice and the European Central Bank, among others. - Ivan Simic
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Wednesday 22 October 2008
In my humble view, if Tonga Parliament is serious about changes, World history is staring at Tonga with examples, there have been several road maps of how other countries have had their Government structured changing to a more democratic form of Government, and fulfilling their mandate in satisfying the voices of the majority of their people. - M. T. Tuaileva
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Wednesday 22 October 2008
Auckland, New Zealand
Ko e Falealea ena 'oku tau fakaongoongo ki ai ke 'uli'i hotau vaka ki he liliu, 'oku 'ikai ha'anau kapasa ia 'anautolu. Mahalo na'a 'oku nau kei ngaue'aki pe faafaa ki tahi, kae ngalo ange kuo mafana e 'ea pea mafana tatau e konga tahi kotoa 'o faingata'a ke tala e siate folau. - Samiu Sika
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Tuesday 21 October 2008

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Following the current discussions in the Tongan parliament about the exact role and the composition of Tonga's Commission for Political Reform, it is now glaringly obvious that parliament does not have a clear vision of the new system of government that they intend to impose on us. Editor's Comment by Pesi Fonua.
Wednesday 8 October 2008
Congratulations to the Tongan Breast Cancer Society for their work in making aware the women of Tonga the problem of breast cancer. Having lost my dear friend Benedicta Chapman, to the disease many years ago it is important to let women know of the wonderful advances in medical assistance, now available and the importance of early detection . - Margaret Davids
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Friday 3 October 2008
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
I write in support of Village Idiot's ideas that mining companies should deposit a bond prior to mining activity to counteract environmental and social disasters. And the ideas he paints on mining corporations walking away with profitable bonanzas from fragile, developing countries seems to ring true here in Papua New Guinea. - Sam Tupou
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Thursday 25 September 2008
Of all the noises our PRs have been making in the last few decades, it bothers me that their silence toward Nautilus Minerals exploration is deafening. It worries me that they are not questioning the activity that will potentially impact our resource that provide for our basic subsistence, the ocean. Nautilus Minerals' mission in the area, as they say, is for exploration. Exploration is good, but what is being done after the exploration is completed is bothersome. - Tevita U. Langi
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Friday 19 September 2008
Salt Lake City-Utah, USA
Kele'a publisher/editor Pohiva is obviously blindsiding everyone to believe he has the right to withhold evidence from Police of a conspiracy to commit murder ("Nuku'alofa insecure following Coronation," 15 September, 2008). Thank you for reporting this egregious abuse of our right to free speech as journalists. - Sione A. Mokofisi
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Sunday 14 September 2008
Auckland, New Zealand
I was dismayed to read about the passing of the dual citizenship legislation prescribing the charging of a fee of $750.00 per application. -'Amelia Schaaf
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Friday 12 September 2008
The Kingdom is like a poor man with too many obligations, who thinks he must live up to every obligation because someone will always bail him out. Little that he knows, he is doing too many things that keep him in the poor house. If his perception of his obligation changes, he will still be poor but he will not be doggone tired and make an embarrassment of himself. - Tama Foa
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Friday 22 August 2008
‘Oku tau haka ‘i he langi kuo tau he to‘o fohe ‘a Ha‘amoheofo pea finangalo ai ‘a Tupou V ke fai e liliu. 'Oku tau manatu kia King Siaosi Tupou I mo 'ene lalanga e Konisitutone, neongo ko Baker na'a ne fai hono fatu. - Samiu Sika
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Friday 22 August 2008
Ko e fisifisimu'a e me'a na'e hoko' he kuo faka'ali'ali 'e Siaosi Tupou V ki mamani katoa 'i he uike ne hilifaki ai hono Kalauni 'oku ne malava pe 'a e ta'e amanekina'. 'Oku 'i ai 'e fu'u laui mano kakai Tonga ne nau tukuaki'i e Tu'i mo hono tala 'o 'ene siokita na'e te'eki ke nau 'ahia e ki'i famili ko 'eni' talu mei hono kamata 'a e 'ilo 'oku faingata'a'ia e finemui pea fehangahangai mo e mate' 'o a'u pe eni ki he 'ene pekia. - Siosiua Moimoiangaha
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Tuesday 12 August 2008
Sene, 'Aositelelia
Fakafeta'i e Langi ma'a e katoanga ni 'o tatau pe 'a Natula pea mo e fonua 'a e kakai fiefia pea melino, pea mo'oni 'a e lea 'oku taka "Taau pe Lei moe Tofua'a" 'i hono ngaahi polokalama kotoa. Tautautefito ki hono Fakakalauni 'e he kau Taula'eiki pea Pani 'a 'Ene 'Afio Kingi Siaosi Tupou V. Pea hiva mai 'a e Maa'imoa hiva 'a e Tu'i 'a e Satoki Taula'eiki fakalangi pea mafola mai ki mamani, ko'ena 'a e fonua ko Tonga 'oku mau polepole ai. - S. Tu‘ivai
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Friday 8 August 2008
Pago Pago, American Samoa
I noticed two things that makes the displaying of Tonga's National Flag unique and probably one of the very few countries in the world that have and does this. - Mafi ‘o Amerika Samoa
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