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Thursday 28 February 2008
Nuku‘alofa, Tonga
I am writing to you in the hope that you can assist me with a piece of Tongan history. Between 1971 and 1982, the first M/v Olovaha sailed the Tongan Islands acting as a ferry and cargo ship. I actually served on this ship when she was in Australia under the name Queen of the Isles. - Andy Newland
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Thursday 28 February 2008
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Tama Foa highlighted the ills of Ambassador Dinger's "horny" diplomacy, 220 sailors from the USS Reuben James FFG57 presented as tokens of U.S. appreciation. But I don't think their contribution to the local economy can be denied: Tama Foa may have visited the Great State of Nevada which has legalized prostitution and gambling and citizens are benefiting handsomely, thank you. - Sione Mokofisi
Sunday 24 February 2008
Na'e fuofua ma'u mai e fakaha ko eni kimu'a atu te'eki ma'u mai mo hono fakaikiiki, na'e kau ia ha ongoongo fakafiefia lahi. Na'e kamata leva ke u sio loto pea visone ki he ki'i motu'i kelekele 'oku 'i Tonga pea fai e palani mo e fa'ufa'u ki ai. - Mamahi‘ifonua
Friday 22 February 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tonga-Now website was initially set up in 2005 as one of the outreach programmes of the Reform Information Office located within the Ministry of Finance. The Reform Information Office itself was established as part of the Government's Economic and Public Sector Reform Programme (EPSRP) that started in 2002. - Information Office, Government of Tonga
Monday 18 February 2008
The problem with people like me who knows nothing about anything is: we tend to make a lot of speculations from respectable people's opinions. After reading the article about the US Ambassador's (Mr. Larry M. Dinger) comments in his recent visit to the kingdom, it left a lot of room for me to read between the lines.- TamaFoa
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Thursday 14 February 2008
'Oku hange kiate au talu mei hono fakama'ama'a 'o e ngaahi tautea 'o hange ko e "Tautau" 'o e maumau lao' Fakapo' 'oku hange 'oku fakautuutu ange 'a hono fai 'o e maumaulo hange ko e Tohotoho, Faito'o Kona Tapu, Taa Mali, Tamate. Kuo lahi e ngaahi maumau lao kuo fakamolemole'i tokua ko e 'osi e fekumi kihe hisitolia 'o e motu'a faihia' tokua 'oku te'eki ke ne fai ha hia pea foaki ange pe ke malu'i kae angalelei ha ngaahi mahina. Ko e vakai atu ki he ngaahi hia pehe ni' 'oku mahino mai ai 'a e toe fakautuutu ange 'a hono fai 'o e ngaahi hia' 'e he kakai kehe ko e mahino te nau hao pe he 'oku te'eki ke nau fai ha maumaulao kimu'a. - Siosiua Moimoiangaha
Monday 11 February 2008
Kataki pe he fehu'i ni ka 'oku 'uhinga pe foki 'o ha fehu'i ko e ta'emahino. 'I he ngaahi uike kuo maliu atu ne paaki mai tokua 'oku 'i ai 'a e faka-'aluma kuo fakafisi e Minisita Pa'anga, 'i he ngaahi 'aho si'i pe mei ai kuo ma'u ha fakamatala meia Minisita Afualo Matoto tokua 'oku 'ikai mo'oni e talanoa' pea toe hili ha ngaahi 'aho si'i kuo toe pa'aki mai 'oku 'ikai pe ke fakafisi e Minisita Pa'anga ia ka 'oku ki'i folau tokua 'i ha fatongia. 'I he taimi na'e kamata ai e muhumuhu mo e fehu'ia 'o e fakafisi ko 'eni' ne tuku mai ha popoaki fakatokanga he internet 'o pehe "Tonga-Now has been shutdown until further notice." - Siosaia Moimoiangaha
Thursday 7 February 2008
My friends, we are at a crossroad where the inhabitants of the kingdom must have a "Come to Jesus" huddle and an honest to God assessment of her dire economic situation and look hard for a solution to prevent our kingdom from insolvency. Based on Honorable Matoto's assessment of our economy, the kingdom is technically on economic welfare (remittance and foreign aid). - Tama Foa
Tuesday 5 February 2008
Neiafu, Vava'u
I believe the proposal of Nautilus Minerals Tonga Inc. is a great Idea. - Heinz Koester
Monday 4 February 2008
The mineral exploration for sulphides in Tonga is very good news indeed. Let's hope that the Nautilus Minerals adventure in the Tonga Waters will be a successful one. A successful underwater mining means a better economy and brighter future for people at home. The opportunities are endless. - Senolita Swan
Friday 1 February 2008
Suva, Fiji Islands
Can the Tongan people or at least their People's Representatives in parliament request authorities to make public if any studies such as Environment Impact Assessments were done and if so, can the MPs have a look at these studies, if the general public cannot have access to such information. - Tupou Taiamoni Finau
Friday 1 February 2008
I have mixed feelings about Mr. Paula Taumoepeau's touting his employer's ambitious plan to mine the deep ocean floor near the kingdom. It is because I am always suspicious of good news that seems to be too good to be true. With that thought, I hope I am not coming across as an opponent to growth, good economic and environmental policies. Good policies encourage business opportunities, bring revenues to the government as well as sustaining a health environment. - Tama Foa
Tuesday 29 January 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Can I humbly express my heartfelt gratitude and thanks to the Minister of Health and his surgical staff for their confidence, encouragement, kindness and care during my mother's mastectomy operation last Thursday. - Anthony Tu‘ipeatau
Sunday 27 January 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
In my personal belief, Tonga of the last twenty to thirty years has witnessed the downward spiral of its moral society. Long gone are the tranquil times that the Kingdom has enjoyed for over a century. Whatever hardships our parents and grandparents may have endured during the infant stages of our nation's development, our people were nevertheless content, for the land was fertile and the ocean abundant to provide one's daily needs. And were always in the belief, that better times would come. - I.T. Uluilakeba
Wednesday 23 January 2008
Pago Pago, American Samoa
I am so sad but not surprised just thinking about the killing and being killed in the Friendly Island of Tonga. I can't begin to rationalize any positive basic cost analysis for either side of the coin in this to me senseless killing/suicide. Regardless of what provoked such a sad development, I cannot accept the fact that one person took upon himself all the authority of a prosecutor, juror, judge and executioner at the same time. - Sione Lousiale Kava
Wednesday 23 January 2008
California, USA
Your news on the "Two dead in Nuku'alofa shooting" is so crippling to the heart. My respect with deep condolences to Saimone Helu and family. And to the assailants' family as well. - Ms. Fonua
Tuesday 22 January 2008
I was just curious if you had and idea why the government has not pressed charges of "terrorism" against those responsible for 16/11 because if you look at the law that is spelt out in 2002 amendment of the Criminal Offences Act it literally spells out what happened on 16/11. - Tauhopohopo
Tuesday 22 January 2008
Kou nofo 'o fifili mo fulifulihi 'a e kakai ako mo ngaue ma'olunga kotoa homau ki'i motu pea 'oku ou 'ilo'i fakapapau 'oku 'ikai ha taha ia 'i he kau poto kotoa 'o e motu 'e ofiofia 'i he fa'ahinga fakamatala koeni 'oku ke fai. - Tevita A. Tuiaa
Wednesday 16 January 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
In spite of our national eagerness to embrace the economic and political reform programs that were introduced by government during the first few years of a new century, the reality was that the strong words that were used to describe the reforms and win public support were followed by the indifference and elements of uncertainty that the reforms were implemented with. Editor's Comment, by Pesi Fonua
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Thursday 10 January 2008
Auckland, New Zealand
The pronouncement that the small fishing village of Nukuleka on the northern shores of eastern Tongatapu, at the entrance to the Fanga'uta Lagoon, to be the cradle of Polynesia, let alone the whole of Tonga, does certainly raise a few critical questions. -Dr 'Okusitino Mahina
