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Wednesday 18 May 2011
Sydney, Australia
The extraction of Ratu Tevita Mara from within Fiji waters is a game-changer. If your navy is patting itself on the back at such audacity, then they should realise that breaching territorial waters is nothing, but what they have done will have implications well into the future between our two countries. - Mareko Vuli.
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Friday 13 May 2011
Virtually all public figures in Tonga, including politicians of any colour, failed dismally to assist or set forward a firm plan of how to achieve better standard of living for Tongans. It was mainly the late King who had a vision to that effect, starting from the Tonga Commodities Board in the late 1950s. The last was the Passport Scheme, a fund raising excercise for the purpose of investing the proceeds. - S. Ma'afu Tupou.
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Sunday 8 May 2011
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Kuo lapasi 'e he lao hu koloa mo e tu'utu'uni faka-mo'ui lelei 'o 'Aositelelia 'a e ngaahi anga faka-fonua 'o e kakai 'o e Pasifikí 'i hono faka-taputapui 'o e ngaue 'aki 'o e Kava Tonga. - Sione Akemeihakau Mokofisi.
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Tuesday 19 April 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The hike in the price of fuel is blamed on a drop in the value of the Tongan pa'anga against the US dollar. Not true. - Firitia.
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Friday 25 March 2011
'Okalani, Nu'usila
Ne te'eki tu'otaha ke u faka'ikai'i 'a e lelei 'a e ngaue kuo fakahoko 'e he Komisiona Polisi mo 'ene Potungaue. 'Ikai 'aupito. Ko 'eku faka'amu ke nau fokotu'u ha'anau kautaha ke nau fakahoko 'a e ngaahi alea pehe ni kae tu'u tau'ataina e kau Polisi ke fakahoko honau fatongia.- Dr Fotu K.V. Fisi'iahi.
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Thursday 24 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
'Oku 'ikai te u tui tatau pea mo Dr. Fisi'iahi ki hano fokotu'u 'o e kautaha ki he kau Polisi koe'uhi ko 'enau ta'efiemalie. 'Oku hanga 'e he tohi ni 'o fakaha mai heni e mamaha 'o e fakakaukau 'a Dr. Fisi'iahi pea mo e si'i 'ene 'ilo ki he lao mo e kakano 'o e ngaue mo e fatongia ko ia 'o e Komisiona Polisi. - Samiu Sika.
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Thursday 17 March 2011
'Okalani, Nu'usila
"Koeha 'a e 'uhinga 'o e polisi?" "Kiate au ko e polisi ko e taliangi ta'etoefehu'ia . . ." Malie ee! Tangane kau tangata mo e kau fefine ho'omou loto lahi ke mou ngaue ke veteki aa 'a e fo'i Tukufakaholo koia ko e Taliangi Ta'etoefehu'ia, mei homou ngaue'anga. - Dr Fotu K.V. Fisiiahi.
Sunday 6 March 2011
Los Angeles, California, USA
I write this letter with humble and sincere concern for the future and the development of Tourism in our Kingdom. I am just floored that "private" business owner(s) saw the need to stand their ground leading to the loss of the opportunity for the hit TV Show "Survivor" to be filmed in Vava'u. I do hope that the Producers of Survivor will see that their decision to pull the show from Tonga was based on the myopic view of a few and not the majority of our people. - Paul Tu'ivai.
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Thursday 3 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
'Oku ou fakamalo atu heni ki he'etau Kau Loea 'i Nu'u Sila Mataitini Fotu, Sione Fonua mo 'Amelia Saafi ho'omou feinga 'oku fai ke fakamahino pe ko e 'api ko 'Atalanga na'e fakatau 'e he Pule'anga. 'Oku mahu'inga ho'omou 'ohake 'a e me'a ni he 'oku tau fanongo pe 'oku 'i ai mo e 'api 'o e Pule'anga 'i London, San Francisco mo New York, ka ko hai kuo sio he ngaahi Tohi Fakatau 'api ko ia. - Sione 'Uhilamoelangi Liava'a.
Thursday 3 March 2011
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Mr. Public wants to see a published list of the directors' salaries, and on down to the meter-person. Have they been offered salary reductions, early retirements, etc., to reduce labor costs? A comparison of those salaries to the public sector's comparable wages should shed some light on how efficient and cost-conscious TPL's management is. - Sione Akemeihakau Mokofisi.
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Monday 10 January 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Prime Minister, Lord Tu'ivakano has formed his cabinet and last Tuesday, January 4, the new cabinet ministers took charge of their Ministries in preparation for their formal swearing-in on Thursday, 13 January. EDITOR'S COMMENT.
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Tuesday 28 December 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
As we await the opening of Tonga's new Parliament before January 13, Nuku'aofa is buzzing with speculation over the likely composition of the new Cabinet that Prime Minister Tu'ivakano is about to name.
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Wednesday 22 December 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Chairman of the Tonga Rugby League can be confident in the knowledge that what occurred to his wine was actually the law of Tonga being rightfully enforced, and not a planned conspiracy against the Tonga Rugby League, as he apparently believes. - Peter Nash, Deputy Commissioner of Revenue – Customs & Trade Division
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Wednesday 22 December 2010
North Carolina, USA
I fear for the future of my adopted country when, after four years of supposed progress, it seems like nothing has really changed. I pray my pessimism is unfounded, and indeed that these elections will usher in a new government and a better future for Tonga. However, from a distance, it seems like the power remains in familiar hands, and that these hands have and will continue to be self serving, without the accountability that elected officials must show. - Scott Yurcheshen.
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Wednesday 15 December 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga should have a new Prime Minister Designate by Monday or Tuesday next week. But the intense political competition going on as we are heading for the Second Round of our 2010 Parliamentary Election is that, suddenly, the contest is between a Political Party and a bloc of elected members of parliament. The outcome of this encounter in a country that has no laws to regulate parties is that one group will have a majority in Parliament to form a majority government and because of that, will be able to install a dictator into power. Editor's Comment, by Pesi Fonua.
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Thursday 9 December 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The CEO of TRL is a business man who is involved in bars and restaurants and must have known the rules around liquor importation yet chose to ignore them and suffered the consequences. Legitimate business owners have a right to complain loudly to Customs if someone is trying to circumvent the system. - Salote Tu'itupou.
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Wednesday 8 December 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
As a Tongan living here, I would rather respect the law than someone who purports to be bringing in something in the guise that it is for Tonga Rugby League. Customs did a good thing by sending out a message that such illegal imports will not be tolerated. - Monalisa Palu.
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Tuesday 7 December 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tom Fowler's suggestion for the wine that was seized by Tonga Customs to be sold at ten pa'anga a bottle. What happens to those legitimate importers who bring in identical wine which has a landed cost in Tonga of 15 pa'anga per bottle? Not very fair to honest traders, eh? - Tony Wilson.
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Monday 6 December 2010
San Mateo,California, USA
I read your article regarding Tonga's new "tough" laws against alcohol (over) consumption. What is the legal threshold (legal limit) under the new law that determine a motorist is legally drunk and unlawful to operate a vehicle. - 'Alipate Sanft.
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Sunday 5 December 2010
Papua New Guinea
Tonga's candidate to the Miss South Pacific Pagaent 2010, Mafi Tu'inukuafe was immaculate. She was a real gem for the event and surprised many of the audience with her character, charm, wit and beauty. If ever Tonga needed someone to boost its image at a time like this, she was a godsend and she made me even prouder to be a Tongan in Papua New Guinea. - John Paul Chapman.
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