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Tuesday 1 June 2010
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Many of my debating colleagues in this forum who professed to support our Monarchy, are not aware they're jeopardizing His Majesty's moral governance as our Monarch de jure. - Sione Akemeihakau Mokofisi.
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Friday 14 May 2010
Salt Lake City-Utah, USA
Mr Senituli Penitani throws in the "abortion" issue to the discussion of judiciary independence hoping to "muddy the water". Reminding Mr. Penitani that I never stated a preference for the American System of justice. I wrote that whichever system Tonga selects (Westminster: British, NZ, etc. American, or Australia: hybrid American-Westminster), they all share a common respect for the "independence" of the Judiciary. - Sione Akemeihakau Mokofisi.
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Sunday 9 May 2010
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Whichever system Tonga's transformational government adopts, the independence of a Judiciary Branch is paramount in establishing people's respect and trust in such a government. An Absolute Monarch rules an oligarchy that denies the full democratic benefits of egalitarianism in a society. - Sione Akemeihakau Mokofisi.
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Tuesday 4 May 2010
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Mr Lopeti Senituli must know that the present system of which he speaks (The King appoints the judges . . . 03 May 2010) makes King George Tupou V an "Absolute Monarch" instead of Tonga being a "Constitutional Monarchy." Inquiring minds are asking: With the King appointing judges, doesn't it subject the Judiciary to the will of the King and Cabinet? With due respect, Mr. Senituli knows very well that the days of the status quo are numbered - six months. This is why the "democratic transformation" is taking place: to follow the mandate of the Constitution. - Sione Akemeihakau Mokofisi.
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Friday 23 April 2010
Auckland, New Zealand
An open wooden sailboat with four on board, and a "captain" admitting inadequate supplies for a 4000 miles journey through the most hazardous seas of our hemisphere is allowed to leave port in Tonga? Manuel Varitimos. Where are you? - Sefita Hao'uli.
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Tuesday 20 April 2010
Eighteen months ago I provided our Government a sound technical proposal for the production of cheap electricity using Saafa grass along lines already used in Denmark for 20 years. A year and a half has passed, and our Government still insists on pursuing pie in the sky renewable energy projects while totally ignoring the only feasible option available. - Peter Goldstern.
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Tuesday 20 April 2010
The Ministers and Judges who are appointed by His Majesty, should be accountable to Tonga and God alone. These are high profile positions that should be accountable for the good and bad and whatever decision they make or sign follows with responsibility and respect. A bad or immoral decision only God will know their final fate. - William Mariner.
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Tuesday 20 April 2010
San Diego,California, USA
It is standard procedure that when a purchase of a vessel or aircraft is being considered one normally has a survey performed. This would have brought the "intent to purchase" to a screeching halt when the severe corrosion was observed. - John H.G Emberson.
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Tuesday 13 April 2010
Tulou mo e talamalu 'o e fonua, kae fakakakau atu 'a e popoaki 'ofa mo e fie kaunga mamahi kiate koe Ta'ahine Pilinisesi Mele Siu'ilikutapu 'i he taufa kuo pulonga ai ho loto fale. - Moala Fusitu'a.
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Friday 9 April 2010
Pago Pago, American Samoa
'Oku ou kole ki he Matangi Tonga ke fakafolau atu mu'a mei he 'Otu mo'unga Tu'asivitasi pea 'i he peau fasi 'o e Pasifiki 'ae fakatapu ki he tu'unga kotoa 'i Tonga 'oku totonu ke fakatapua, kae 'ata ki he motu'a tu'a ko'eni ke lafolalo atu e popoaki fie kaungamamahi tu'a ko'eni mei he motu maka 'o e Tu'i Manu'a. - HMHC Mafi 'o Amerika Samoa.
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Thursday 8 April 2010
Honolulu, Hawaii,USA
A heartfelt condolence to the House of the Tu'i Tonga from Lapaha and especially to the "Tongan People Princess" Her Royal Highness Princess Mele Siu'ilikutapu in her times of sorrow and lost of her oldest son Lord Kalaniuvalu Fotofili. - Meteliko Tui'asoa Tuaileva.
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Sunday 4 April 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
May I provide clarifications for the concern that the Government of Tonga imposed import taxation on container of Tsunami relief supplies donated by Rev. Pierce of Pangopango. The Government of Tonga exempts disaster relief consignments from all taxes. - Paula Ma'u.
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Wednesday 31 March 2010
San Francisco, USA
In response to the Mafi 'o Amerika Samoa's letter of March 30, 2010; I think he is very right. It is ridiculous to impede the help that the poor tsunami victims of Niuatoputapu need by imposing the gifts taxes and/or custom duties on those two containers of non-cash donations from the people of American Samoa. -Siosaia Fatani.
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Wednesday 31 March 2010
Fanga Falikipako, Ha'apai
The third problem revealed by the failure of the Sopu hotel is this: although there supposedly are "strict building codes", this particular building went all the way to near-completion before it's construction was determined to be "sub-standard". How did that happen? P. A. Langi
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Tuesday 30 March 2010
Pago Pago, American Samoa
I can think of a few things in my dealing with the Government of Tonga over the years that has been recorded into my Most Ridiculous Stupid List. The recent Government of Tonga's dealing with the Pacific Island's Mission Work (PIMW) donation to the tsunami victims of Niuatoputapu tops that list. -Mafi 'o Amerika Samoa.
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Tuesday 30 March 2010
With all due respect to the Crown Prince, I wouldn't be rushing to pack my bags for a trip to Papua New Guinea, with the expectation of getting a job on the LNG project. And here's why: First of all, just Google "Esso Highlands Project, Papua New Guinea", and you will discover the following things. -P. A. Langi
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Sunday 28 March 2010
Suva, Fiji
Now that the Commission of Inquiry into the Princess Ashika is wrapping up, I am just curious whether the Commission's findings would be upheld and acted upon by the government of the day. We already had a string of events in the recent past which were suppose to be to wake-up calls, had failed because nobody seem to have taken them seriously.- Freddy S Kavaha'apai
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Sunday 28 March 2010
Alaska, USA
Ko e ki'i fakalavelave atu pe ki he lave 'a A.Mokofisi' 'o felave'i mo e fehu'I na'e fai 'e S. Sika he tokolahi 'o e kau muli 'oku nau ma'u 'a e tu'unga ma'olunga 'i Tonga'. Ko e 'uhinga 'oku ma'u ai 'e he kau muli 'a e faingamalie he 'oku nau maheni ngaue ange 'i he ngaahi potungaue oku nau taki ai' he tangata Tonga. -Joshua Nehasi
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Friday 19 March 2010
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Kuo si'i hanu 'a Samiu Sika 'o tukuaki'i e "kau muli . . . neongo e tonu mo e lelei ange 'a e Tonga," 'i he 'ene tohi (Komisoni . . . 15 Mar 2010). -Sione Akemeihakau Mokofisi
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Tuesday 16 March 2010
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Tribute was made to the contribution of the late Dr Hu'akavameiliku by Mr. Murray Proctor, AusAID's HIV Ambassador at the first Pacific launch of the report "Turning the Tide: An OPEN strategy for a response to AIDS in the Pacific" that took place here in Papua New Guinea on Thursday 11 March 2010. Dr. Hu'akavameiliku was the Chairman of the Commission of AIDS in the Pacific when work began on this report. - 'Amelia Kinahoi-Siamomua.
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