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Tuesday 28 June 2011
'Aokalani, Nu'usila
'Oku ou faka'amu pe keke mea'i Katalin, kuo hanga 'ehe ngaahi fonua, kau ai 'a e EU 'o fakafaingofua'i 'etau fengaue'aki 'aki hano fokotu'u 'o ha ngaahi 'ofisi 'o kau ai 'a e 'Ofisi Fakafeitu'u 'i Suva, Fisi. 'Oku 'I ai hotau 'ofisi fakafeitu'u 'i Geneva kene fakahoko fatongia ki he WTO. - Dr Fotu K.V. Fisiiahi.
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Sunday 26 June 2011
Mataika, Kolofo'ou,Nuku'alofa,Tonga
'Oku ou kole fakamolemole atu pe ke mou kataki mu'a ketau 'uluaki 'analaiso'i 'a e tefito'i ngaue fakapule'anga mo e pule'anga mo e mahu'inga 'o e feohingaue kimu'a pea tau toki laku 'etau ngaahi fokotu'utu'u ke tapuni e kae fokotu'u e. 'I he anga 'etau feohi fakangaue 'oku fu'u mahu'inga 'aupito 'a e me'a tonu 'a e Talafekau Lahi Tonga ki Pilitania mo Iulope he ngaahi fakataha lalahi 'oku hoko he taimi katoa. - Katalin Baranyi.
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Thursday 23 June 2011
Pago Pago, American Samoa
We may have lost the wisdom of the greatest visionary leader of Tonga if not of the whole Pacific Region. - Mafi 'o Amerika Samoa.
Thursday 23 June 2011
'Okalani, Nu'usila
Tapuni e 'Ofisi 'i Uelingatoni kae fakafoki mai 'a e 'ofisi ki 'Aokalani ni pea me'a mai 'a 'Eiki Haikomisiona mo hono tokoni 'o me'a he 'api ko 'Atalanga mo fakahoko fatongia mei ai. Mahalo na'a sai ke tapuni 'a e 'ofisi 'i Pilitania he ko e ngaahi ngaue kotoa 'oku fakahoko ai 'oku malava pe ke fakahoko atu mei Nu'usila ni pe ko Tonga na. He 'ikai te u lave ki USA mo 'Aositelelia he 'oku 'ikai puli he 'Eiki Palemia 'a e tu'unga 'oku 'I ai 'a e ongo 'ofisi koia. - Dr Fotu K.V Fisiiahi.
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Wednesday 22 June 2011
Pago Pago, American Samoa
The declaration of the Republic of Minerva in 1971 led to the Conference of the Neighboring Island States in 1972 at which the late King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV of Tonga made a claim over the Minerva Reef. Sione Lousiale Kava.
Wednesday 22 June 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tau fakakaukau ange pe koeha na'e fili ai 'a e 'Ikale Tahi ke fakahoko 'a e fakaava 'o e feauhi (Ipu 'a Mamani 2011) pea mo e All Black. 'Oku 'I ai pe 'a e ngaahi tali, ngaahi 'uhinga mo e ngaahi fakakaukau ka 'oku totonu ke tau fiefia he 'oku tau kau 'I he lau. Hange 'e mamata 'akapulu kotoa 'a mamani 'I he 'aho koia. Ko ia ai 'oku ou fokotu'u atu ke tau poupou kotoa, pea 'ave 'etau falala ki he kau ngaue pea mo e kau va'inga 'e fili ki ai. – Sione Petelo.
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Tuesday 21 June 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Ko e kai ke mo'ui, ka 'oku 'ikai ko e mo'ui ke kai! Ko e fa'a kai mo e fa'a katoanga, 'e mo'oni ai e lau 'a e motu'a 'e taha. ". . . mu'omu'a mai 'a e fe'amokaki, hoko mai ai e fusimo'omo pea muimui mai e avangongo 'a e kato, kae hange ha ifi ika e longoa'a 'a e manava. . . " – Witcliffe Taufa.
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Sunday 19 June 2011
Pago Pago, American Samoa
Editor, By no mean, to take away anything from Vaha'i's accomplishment. Before, Vaha'i, there were other Tongans graduates from West Point; there was a David Rotorua Lousiale Kava, Class of 2009, now training with the Army Special Forces; before David, there were the brothers Taumoepaea, who are probably still serving somewhere in the world in the US Army.
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Thursday 16 June 2011
Suva, Fiji
I am a Tongan woman married to a non-Tongan man and I cannot get Tongan passports for my children who were born in Tonga and another country in the 1990s. The amendments to the Nationality Act 2007 apply only to those born on or after 14 September 2007, in short, the amendments are not retrospective. I have been told by Tongan Immigration officers that for my children to get Tongan passports, they will have to go through the process of 'naturalization'. - Tupou Taiamoni Finau.
Thursday 16 June 2011
Suva, Fiji
I find it very strange that Ratu Tevita defied his bail conditions in Fiji, became the subject of an extradition application and yet the Tongan government allowed him a holiday to Australia despite the pending extradition application. The purpose of Ratu Tevita's visit to Australia is immaterial. He is and remains a subject of an extradition application. – Freddy Kavaha'apai.
Tuesday 14 June 2011
Pango pngo, American Samoa
Great imagination but you may have missed proper island protocols. What must be understood, is that Blood is thicker than politics, especially in our island nation. Ma'afu, Tu'i Fiji, will not be the one serving Ratu Tevita Uluilakepa Mara . . . There will Ceremonial Attendees serving Ratu Mara and Ma'afu. – Sione Lousiale Kava.
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Tuesday 14 June 2011
Auckland, New Zealand
Please, Bainimarama, Please, the ball is in the Tongan's side of the court, but the delay in returning the ball with a forehand needs someone with strong guts. Getting rid of the Wildcat is doable, but we need a Brave Mouse to hang the bell on to the cat's neck. - Dr Fotu K.V. Fisi'iahi.
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Tuesday 14 June 2011
Suva, Fiji
I would like for someone to tell me, whether giving a fugitive from Fiji a Tongan Passport will benefit the country in the future, or we better give it to these stateless children who are born in Tonga to Tongan Mothers, and are the future of Tonga. - Sitani Masima.
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Friday 10 June 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
In the early morning hours of 16 June 2011, Tonga will experience another lunar eclipse. That is just the moment that the moon sets and the sun rises. The total eclipse, running from 8:22 to 10:22, therefore happens in the morning when it is daylight and nothing is to be seen. - Firitia Velt.
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Thursday 2 June 2011
Suva, Fiji
Bula Matangitonga, I drew this and just thought I'd share it with Matangitonga Online. This is just a view on Lt Col Mara, Tonga and Fiji. Vinaka Saki Vakaciwa saki [at] saki [dot] net [dot] au ( saki [at] saki [dot] net [dot] au)
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Thursday 2 June 2011
'Okalani, Nu'usila
Kataki kae fokotu'u atu e ki'i tohi ni fekau'aki mo e Headline "Ha me'a 'oku hoko mali 'o Fielakepa Li'aki 'a Nopele Fielakepa 'e hono mali" 'a e Taimi 'o Tonga Vol 22, Fika 21/Pulelulu 25 Mē, 2011. 'Oku mau fie fakahā heni 'a 'emau ongo'i faka'ofa'ia mo fakatumutumu 'i he ma'ulalo faufau kuo a'u ki ai 'a e loto mo e 'atamai 'o e tokotaha na'a ne tohi 'a e article . . . - Johnny Taione.
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Sunday 29 May 2011
Sydney, Australia
I read in the Matangi Tonga that the former Fiji military strongman Ratu Tevita Mara "wants a democratic government back in Fiji". Although I would like to see a return to democratic rule in Fiji, I will not be joining any opposition of which Ratu Mara is a part. - Rajend Naidu.
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Thursday 26 May 2011
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Lt. Ratu Tevita Mara should file for a Tongan political asylum status. He is a victim of a repressive dictatorship under Dictator Bainimarama who usurped power in Fiji's 2006 coup de' tat from a democratically elected government. - Sione Mokofisi.
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Monday 23 May 2011
Suva, Fiji
Bainimarama made a televised statement claiming that Tonga had breached Fijian Sovereignty. Remember, breaching a country's sovereignty involves international law. Accusations must be proven, diplomatic channels must be exhausted and above all, the rights of a person must be respected whether chief or commoner . . . - Fredetheon Kava.
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Thursday 19 May 2011
Sydney, Australia
Given Ratu Mara is a close relation of the Tongan Royal Family, it doesn't strike me as odd that the Tongan Navy would assist by rescuing him, given he was living in a military dictatorship. If one of my family members was in strife, I too would do what I could in my powers to help them out. - Natasha Lemoto Hanisi.
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