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Results for Opinion

Monday 21 January 2013
Auckland, New Zealand
I live in Auckland and my phone 027 5113568 was stolen in December. The person who now has my phone called numerous phone numbers in Tonga and the phone bill comes up to $5000 so far. The following phone numbers were called by the person who has my phone: 35031, 35133, 41957, 7512946, 7775228, 7776650, 8411895, 8417296, 8491101, 8632005, 8798732, 8882982, 8896191. I am offering a reward for information. - Jody Becerra
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Monday 21 January 2013
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The planes Samiu wants to bring in, the Chinese made MA60, does not have the best reputation. They have been refused a certificate by the American Federal Aviation Department and have been involved in several accidents, one killing all the passengers on board. – Sione Taufa.
Sunday 20 January 2013
Pagopago, American Samoa
Just wondering who is negotiating Tonga's fuel price? Are the prices reasonable? I think the public would like to know what the other islands in the region are paying for their petrol (fuel). - Sione Lousiale Kava
Tuesday 15 January 2013
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The selling of fishing licenses with little or no obligation to the resource owners is not a smart fisheries management decision. PITIA appreciates the need for an influx of income to national budgets, but the sustainability of our resources and the ability to continue to earn from our ocean is our overarching economic goal.
Friday 4 January 2013
Sacramento-California, USA
There was a call for comments on the proposed Bills, I thought it my duty to address the Legal Aid Bill. The Legal Aid Bill sounds like a good idea, but there are several aspects of it that are big problems. – Samisoni Tuloa.
Thursday 3 January 2013
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
‘Oku ou fiefai ha tali ki he tukuaki’i hala funga ‘i he fakamahamahalo mo e loto taufehi’a ke fakangali kovi’i ‘a e ‘Eiki Minisita Fefakatau’aki, Takimamata & Ngaahi Ngaue ‘a e Kakai 'e he Paati Temokalati 'a e 'Otuanga'ofa PTO fekau’aki mo e ngaue fakaati ko Hinavakamea mo Tunavakamea 'oku teuteu'i 'aki 'a e hu'anga ki he Uafu Ko Vuna. - Dr Viliami Uasike Latu.
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Thursday 27 December 2012
Madrid, Spain
When Aids pandemic pounced on the African continent, the "condom industry" began to use the contagion to make a maneuver of marketing and get more subsidies for the production and delivery of condoms. The business of death had come. - Clement Ferrer.
Monday 24 December 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The year 2012 has been an eventful year for Tonga, and a real test of the ability of government, and the people of Tonga to get the new system of government to work properly. Editor's Comment, by Pesi Fonua.
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Wednesday 19 December 2012
Kanokupolu, Tonga
A 400 metre fishing net left abandoned in the Kanokupolu Lagoon last week was a recipe for disaster. What was, not so many years back, a sustaining pristine lagoon environment, live with corals and teeming with tropical marine life has been broken up, over-fished and depleted. Fishing laws and their enforcement need to be reviewed. Shane Egan.
Wednesday 19 December 2012
London, United Kingdom
Climate change financing can unlock opportunities for small island states to help stem the tide of destruction through adaptation and mitigation. The problem is not the availability of finance but the ability of small states to access that finance. How does a country with a foreign ministry of eight staff cope with the demands of a climate change fund staffed by 80 or 800? - Kamalesh Sharma.
Monday 10 December 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
I understand that there is a lot of pressure on unemployed youth in Tonga and through our business we are trying to help in some small way. The three youths that attacked me on November 26 are most likely disillusioned with their current station in life but . . . I hope that they will now try to find ways to add value to the community rather than take from it. I praise the Nuku'alofa police. Their professional police work delivered a result. Ian C. Jones, President, Vava'u Business Chamber.
Thursday 29 November 2012
Nukunuku, Tonga
The people of Nukunuku can finally breathe a pit of relief as a large part of the roads was upgraded yesterday – Nov. 27 to tar-sealed with small crushed gravel topping. However, the road will be much better and last longer if there is another spray of tar on top of the small gravel topping, rounded up with a pit of compaction. At least we will welcome Christmas in a brighter note. - Witcliffe TM.
Thursday 22 November 2012
Nukunuku, Tonga
Christmas is just around the corner. But, I bet the festive spirit in Nukunuku, will be ... gloomy I think. Dust, is now the order of our days twenty-four-seven for two months running...houses, drinking water and from new born to the elderly have their dose of dust every day. When will the road work complete? It left us to wonder what went wrong? Whether there was adequate funding for the project?- Witcliffe TM.
Wednesday 14 November 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Monūafe a little islands north of Tongatapu, between Makahaʻa and ʻOnevai. A photograph in 2002, showed the island was a few hundred meters in size. A 2009 photograph showed how waves were rinsing the sand and soil away, leaving dying roots exposed. By 2010 the island had become much smaller. In December 2011, smaller still. By March 2012, almost nothing was left over, and somewhere during the last month, the island has disappeared forever. Who or what did it? Hurricanes? Sea level rise? Sand mining? I think that is the one. – Firitia Velt.
Thursday 8 November 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Wednesday 14 November will be a day to mark in your calendar as solar eclipse watch day. The moon will shift in front of the sun, blocking out part of its light. For Tonga it will be only a partial eclipse, not so interesting, but we will not get anything better than that for a long time, so you better watch. - Firitia Velt.
Thursday 1 November 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's democratic adventure during the past two years has been full of intrigues, revelations and challenges. Unfortunately, these goings on have distracted the attention of the Cabinet and the Parliament from the pressing issue of the day, which is to get the Tongan economy back on its feet, or we will become heavily relying on others for our livelihoods. Editor's Comment, by Pesi Fonua
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Sunday 21 October 2012
Tonga is a jewel in the Pacific and is greatly loved by God. Because God loves Tonga, He wants to prosper and bless the nation far above what we can imagine. - Pastor Brian Steele.
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Sunday 21 October 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
While a food safe Act could benefit Tongans, the Bill as proposed has the potential to cripple the domestic economy, especially small and informal businesses, and open new pathways for intimidation and corruption. Heavy-handed regulations may make sense for the European Union, but for Tonga this is potentially a deeply destabilizing Act. – Samisoni Tuloa.
Saturday 20 October 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
I am writing concerning a set of new bills that are to be introduced into the House for enactment into Law. I have noted a few points. 1. Consolidate a huge amount of legal power in the hands of very few and possibly unelected officials, and 2. Provide the platform for more such bills by precedence, creating a highly corrosive and corruptible government and legal environment. – Samisoni Tuloa.
Wednesday 10 October 2012
Auckland, New Zealand
I've got no personal axe to grind with PTOA leader 'Akilisi Pohiva but I think he has forgotten, to the detriment of his party and to himself, that politics is the art of being practical. Although he is paying dearly for this oversight, the rest of the country are also footing the bill for the absence of any effective opposition in the House - and denying us the fruits of an effective democracy. - Sefita Hao'uli.
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