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Thursday 18 September 2014
Lautoka, Fiji
Bainimarama has steam rolled one and all to an emphatic victory and a win, which may go down in history not to be beaten for another century; further putting closure and totally eclipsing any notion and thoughts of him as a dictator, military ruler or an unelected coup leader. - Dr Sushil K Sharma.
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Sunday 14 September 2014
Kau taki temokalatii, kapau ko e taukave ena 'oku evidence-based, fēfē ke ‘alu fakataha pee ho’omou malanga’I e Temokalatii pea mo ho’omou malanga’i a Kalaisii. Ka liliu hotau fonuaa 'o lahiange 'enau muimui kia Sisu ‘i he muimui ki he Temokalatii, te tau a’usia e Temokalati fakamonu’iaa, pea ‘e ‘ikai toe ‘i ai ha 16/11. - Tevita Vaikona mo Senituli Penitani.
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Wednesday 10 September 2014

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga needs to raise the bar on workplace confidentiality because hot gossip with client information is “absolutely inappropriate and intolerable,” says Matangi Tonga reader Soa‘ileata Paseka, who was horrified to hear that the personal financial transactions of a friend were being tattled about in church.
Thursday 4 September 2014
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Fokotu'u atu : Fēfē ke tau muimui pē he founga faka-Pilitaniá, 'aki hono fili 'e he kakaí honau kau Fakafofongá, pea fili 'e he kau Fakafofongá 'a e Palemiá. Pea tau faka-'Amelika leva he taimi ko é 'e fili ai 'e he Palēmiá 'e ne kau Minisitā ki he Kapinetí. – Tevita mo Senituli.
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Tuesday 2 September 2014
Apia, Samoa
Many Small Island Developing States SIDS are thought to have economic strength because they enjoy middle income status, and are therefore considered well-positioned to achieve their development goals. However, the reality is often the opposite. By Commonwealth Deputy Secretary-General Deodat Maharaj
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Saturday 21 June 2014
Suva, Fiji
Which is better for financing the budget: foreign aid or debt? That is always the question before Pacific island countries (PICs) each year. The dilemma becomes acute when the future is uncertain with mounting public debts and rising debt servicing obligations. By T. K. Jayaraman
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Wednesday 18 June 2014
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tongan Government has opted for the choice of issuing Government bonds as part of its financing plan for its 2014/15 budget. - Tatafu Moeaki, CEO, Ministry of Finance and National Planning.
Sunday 15 June 2014
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
The $26M to be collected from the sales of "Government Bonds" I suppose is a novel idea for Tonga. For transparency sakes, bond sales should first be explained to the folks in detail. We wouldn't want another "Passport Sales" fiasco, do we? - Sione Ake-mei-hakau Mokofisi.
Wednesday 12 March 2014
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
'Oku ou fifili 'i he taimi lahi pe na'e hu'u ki he ha 'a e fo'i hiki vahenga 'a e kau ngaue fakapuleanga. 'Oku fa'a taka 'i he ngaahi ha'ofanga 'a e lea 'o pehe "ko hotau fonua 'ofa'anga eni". Fai mu'a 'etau 'ofa fonua pea 'ai ke 'asi he'etau ngaue ka 'oku 'ikai ko e me'a 'oku lau pe mo lea 'aki. – HalaVuna.
Tuesday 4 February 2014
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The ability of the domestic industry to compete in the southern long-line albacore fishery has hit the point of no return. Tying-up vessels and sending employees home is now the reality that is faced by the Pacific Islands Tuna Industry Association members that have an interest in this fishery. Tonga has one domestic vessel left – down from a high of 26. - PITIA
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Friday 17 January 2014
Nuku‘alofa, Tonga
Eleven months from now, in November 2014 Tongans will go to the polls to elect new members of parliament. As Tongans are preparing to pick their teams to find solutions to Tonga's many problems, it is important to look at some of the immediate challenges that are confronting Tonga’s More-Democratically-Elected Government (MDE). Editor's Comment, by Pesi Fonua,
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Tuesday 14 January 2014
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Lo'au University is introducing Tonga to the benefits of having access to a huge amounts of information. It brings university education to more students, young and old, and to the villages and islands, at much affordable costs. - Sione Ake-mei-hakau Mokofisi.
Wednesday 27 November 2013
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Pacific Island nations of Fiji, Samoa and Tonga have pulled off many upsets in the Rugby World Cup, but we have yet to see one in the cup final. The Pacific Island nations are disadvantaged in rugby, and they could drastically improve their performance on the world stage. - Andrew Joakim.
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Monday 25 November 2013
Suva, Fiji
News of radioactive water at Fukushima to be dumped into the Pacific ocean is alarming. Our beloved Pacific ocean that our livelihoods depend on is becoming a nukes waste dump. – Nilesh Goundar.
Saturday 9 November 2013
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
I can't recall the last time that we took to the streets after beating our cousins in the Cook Islands in any sport. The street celebration in Nuku'alofa which followed a lack-lustre performance by a team which on paper promised so much but delivered so little is difficult to comprehend. – Sefita Hao'uli.
Monday 14 October 2013
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga needs leadership to develop its economy - leadership with a vision to free itself from relying on aid donors to prop-up its struggling economy. Editor's Comment by Pesi Fonua
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Monday 23 September 2013
Tonga is a beautiful country and we would love to come back one day- if there is a better and improved airline system. We had two fantastic weeks in Tongatapu and Ha'apai but the last two days have been a nightmare - what upset us the most was the fact that no one seemed to care - the airline has to know that it cannot go on like that! - Simone Eisenbarth
Tuesday 17 September 2013
'Okalahi, Nu'usila
'Oku makehekehe mo Paula Kava 'i he 'ene fokotu'u ke fakalato efiema'u fakaako 'aki 'a hono ngaue'aki 'a e naunau 'e langa ke fakalele 'a e fe'auhi sipoti 'o e 2019. Ko e fili, ko ho'o fakanaunau e sipoti ma'ae ki'i tokosi'i pe ko ho'o fakanaunau e kaha'u ako kotoa 'o e fonua? - Sefita Hao'uli
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Monday 16 September 2013
Neiafu, Vava'u, Tonga
Ko e faingamalie koeni ki Tonga ni ke tau host 'a e sipoti 'o e pasifiki ki he 2019 te ne hanga ‘o fakaava ‘a e matapaa ke tau langa ai ha campus fo’ou ke fokotu’u ‘aki ‘etau fuofua National University. - Paula Kava.
Wednesday 4 September 2013
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The resignation of Lord Tu‘iha‘ateiho as the Acting Speaker of the Tonga Legislative Assembly, on Tuesday, 27 August, is the latest fiasco in parliament, since Tonga introduced a new political system at the end of 2010. Editor’s Comment, By Pesi Fonua
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