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Sunday 30 September 2012
Lafayette Ca., USA
I had the pleasure of knowing Taufa Talakai (63) from Tonga, over many years when she worked in and around San Francisco, CA. Taufa was such a wonderful caregiver and she became an important person to all in our family. We have lost touch with Taufa, I would be very grateful if you can help me find her again. - Martha P. Harris
Tuesday 28 August 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The events of the past week, with the parliament deferring its deliberation on a motion for a vote of no confidence for a month, and then the death of a New Zealand policeman in the care of the Tonga Police, has highlighted the social, economic and political problems that are engulfing Tonga at the moment. Editor's Comment by Pesi Fonua.
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Tuesday 28 August 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
This letter is an expression of my thoughts and feeling about the death of a fellow Tongan, a hero and our pride in the New Zealand Police Force, whose beautiful life was cruelly snuffed out of this world. – Naomi Fakauka.
Saturday 25 August 2012
New Zealand
We migrated from Tonga to NZ, and pick up the difference of policing service. We feel safe/secured in NZ, not fear. – Tasi 'Ahio.
Saturday 25 August 2012
Auckland, New Zealand
I write with regret at receiving the news of fallen hero and family member, Kali Fungavaka. Now, Tonga, so-called Friendly Islands, needs to deal with the reality that they are harbouring bigger problems than it imagined. We are not only
 facing an economic crisis in the Kingdom but a crisis of greater proportion. - Justice Fonua, Papatoetoe, New Zealand.
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Friday 24 August 2012
Dunedin, New Zealand
I was shocked and saddened to read the news that a New Zealand Police Officer has died after an incident in the Police cells at Nuku'alofa Police Station. I cannot comment on the specific facts of the case but it does raise real concerns about progress within the law and justice sector in Tonga. - Chris Kelley, Tonga's Former Police Commissioner.
Friday 17 August 2012
Vaini, Tongatapu, Tonga
My house was robbed last year in November with goods worth over $20,000 stolen. Three months later (this year), a further break-in occurred. With utter frustration and annoyance, I arrived at the Police station angrily demanding a response. - 'Amelia 'Ofakineiafu.
Sunday 22 July 2012
'Okalani, Nu'usila
Kofe 'a e levolo 'e au'u kiai 'a e fehalaaki pea toki taimi ke fai ai 'a e "fili 'ikai falala'anga"? Ko e tali ki ai ko e me'a ia 'a e kau fakafofonga Falealea ke nau fakakaukau'i fakapotopoto mo'oni he kapau te nau ngaue hala 'aki 'a e mafai koeni ko e fonua fakakatoa 'e uesia. 'Ikai ngata ai 'e tukuaki'i kinautolu 'oku nau fiekaia ki he mafai (power). - Sione Tu'itavake-Fonua.
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Wednesday 18 July 2012
Senee, 'Aositelelia
Ko e lau koia 'oku kei fakafelekeu holo ko e Pule 'a e Kakai, mou kataki kau Politiki 'o fakatatafe atu 'a e usu koia he na'e 'ikai ke mou fakakau ha 'elemeniti pehe (kakai) he founga pule na'a mo u fa'u. Ko e founga siokita na'a mou fokotu'u na'e fakataumu'a ke mou to ki Fale Alea 'o mou taki pea fa'iteliha ki ha toe liliu 'oku mou fiema'u ki hono falalele 'o e ngaue 'a e fonua. Ko e "kakai" ko e me'avainga pe ia ki ho'omou fiema'u. Pea fakatatafe atu mo e pehe ko e fili ha Nopele ke Palemia 'oku 'ikai ko e fili ia 'a e kakai, he ko e founga pule na'amou fa'u na'a mou faka'ataa ke fakakau 'a e kau Nopele ki he lakanga Palemia 'o e fonua. Ko e ha 'oku toe me'apaheke holo ai. – 'Inoke Fotu Hu'akau.
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Wednesday 4 July 2012
Sene, 'Aositelelia
Ko e kanoloto 'o e Tohi Fokotu'u Ta'efalala'anga 'o e Palemia kuo fakahu mai ki he Fale Alea 'oku ne langa'ia mai 'a e fehu'i, pe ko e ha koaa 'a e Liliu Fakapolitikale na'a tau fakahoko. Ko e fanga ki'i mokimoki'i me'a na'a tau liliu 'oku toe mama'o ange 'a e fonua ia mei Temokalati. Ko hono mo'oni 'o e Tohi Fokotu'u Ta'efalala'anga ko 'eni, ko e Talateu ke kei hokohoko atu 'a e Fale Alea he tau lau fakafinematu'a ke fakakakato 'aki 'a e to'u Fale Alea 2012. – 'Inoke Hu'akau Fotu.
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Monday 2 July 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
'Oku 'oatu 'a e fokotu'u ni ka 'oku makafokafo homau loto 'i he 'ofa, 'apasia mo e loto tauhivaha'a mo'oni ki he 'Eiki Palemia mo e . . . ka kuo kouna kimautolu ke mau fakahoko homau fatongia ni, koe'uhi ko 'Ene 'Afio ko hotau Tu'i, mo e lelei fakalukufua 'a e Kakai 'o Tonga. – Kau Fakafofonga 'e toko hongofulu 'o e Kakai.
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Friday 29 June 2012
England, United Kingdom
The letter submitted to Parliament by the Democratic Party asking for a ‘vote of no confidence’ in the performance of the PM contains the following points: 1. That the PM reshuffled his ministers once, twice or thrice; 2. That he was not chosen by the people; and 3. That he was unreliable. What? Is that it? - Senolita Swan
Thursday 28 June 2012
Honolulu, Hawai'i
Just when Tongans around the world are comfortable with Prime Minister Tu'ivakano's new democratically elected government, the opposition dropped this bomb in Parliament House with the filing of a no confidence vote, on the first democratically elected Prime Minister in the history of Tonga. - MT Tuaileva,
Friday 22 June 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Eighteen months ago Tonga introduced its first majority-elected parliament in a move to establish a more democratic system of government. The democratization process has not been smooth and now, at the start of their second parliamentary session, it appears that our elected members are having a very difficult time trying to get the new system to work. . . . this raises another question: Is the motion for a Vote of No Confidence therefore, a Vote of No Confidence in themselves? Editor's Comment by Pesi Fonua.
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Monday 18 June 2012
Salt Lake City, Utah
Late Island's coastline is rugged for landing by large boats, but a dinghy could find a suitable landing place on the northern shorelines. I was stranded on Late Island for a week with two Vava'u strangers as guides when I was 18 years old. - Sione Ake-mei-hakau Mokofisi.
Saturday 3 March 2012
Ma'ufanga, Tonga
To those of us here in Tonga who have been affected by redevelopment contract administration, the whole episode reeks of a cover up and manipulated contract awards, so Dr [Teena] Brown Pulu's claim of unsubstantiated allegations is likely to be challenged on several fronts. - Henry Garrahy.
Friday 24 February 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tonga government's current sense of urgency to introduce a Freedom of Information Policy and to activate an Anti-Corruption Commission, is a sign that it has come to terms with the need to take its reform program to another level, and to have a more transparent, and corruption-free administration. After a year-long search for a more democratic system, the new government is still trying to find its feet as the Constitutional and Political Reform continues to unfold itself.
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Thursday 23 February 2012
Burscough, England
I am writing to you to see if your school would be interested in twinning with my school as part of the “Olympic Spirit” in preparation for the upcoming Olympics. I thought it would be great for our children to see where the athletes have come from and learn about their culture and lives. - Dave Rogers, Burscough Priory Science College.
Monday 6 February 2012
San Francisco, USA
'Oku 'oatu heni 'a 'eku kole ki he Falealea 'o Tonga ke mou kataki mu'a 'o toe fakakaukau'i ange 'a e fokotu'u 'a e Minisita Ako ke kamata ha silapa fo'ou ke ako'i 'aki 'a e lea faka-Tonga pea mo e lea faka-Pilitania ki ngaahi ako kotoa 'o e 'otu Tonga. - Siosaia Fatani
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Monday 23 January 2012
Neiafu, Vava'u
Na'e loloa ange 'a e taimi na'e fakamole 'ehe Falealea ki he tufa pa'anga koia ma'ae ngaahi vahenga fili, 'I he taimi koia na'a nau fai ai 'a e 'a'ahi fekau'aki mo e ngoue mo e toutai ki he vahefonua Vava'u ni. – Paula Kava.
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