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Friday 14 October 2011
Neiafu, Vava'u
Ko e kelekele na'e tuku ki he langi 'e he 'Uluaki Faa, ko e Kovinanite ia 'oku makatu'unga ai hotau Tonga, pea na'e fakatapui ia ke 'oua na'a faifai pea fakatau atu 'o tatau aipe pe ko hai. – Paula Kava.
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Thursday 13 October 2011
Washington DC,USA
Tulou, Tulou mo Ha'a Moheofo Mo Ha'a Takiama he anga 'o e nofo 'Otua mo Tonga ko hota Tofi'a Vilingia 'eta Fuka ko Hono ta'ata'a. - Tu'iono & Fa'otusia.
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Friday 7 October 2011
'Okalani, Nu'usila
'Oku ou kau fakataha mo e toenga 'o e fonua he fiefia mo e hakahaka he ngaue ma'ongo'onga kuo fakahoko 'ehe 'Ikale Tahi. Koia 'oku tau faka'amu ke 'asi mai kimu'a 'a kinautolu na'a nau tanaki 'a e ngaahi pa'anga mei he kakai 'o e fonua 'o fakaha ke 'ilo 'ehe kakai 'a e 'alunga 'o honau ivi. – Fotu Fisi'iahi.
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Thursday 6 October 2011
Suva, Fiji
Ko hono tanaki tu'unga 'o e ola 'o e va'inga 'a e 'Ikale Tahi, kuo 'unu hake ai 'a Tonga 'o fika 9 'I hono fakahokohoko 'o e ngaahi fonua 'akapulu 'i mamani (IRB ranking). Ko e tu'unga ma'olunga taha eni kuo a'u kiai 'a e maa'imoa 'Akapulu'I he hisitolia hotau ki'I Fonua. 'Ikai ngata ai ko e ola 'o 'etau va'inga mo Falanise kuo tohi ia he hisitolia 'o e world cup ko e "greatest upset" talu e kamata 'a e fe'auhi ni mei he 1987. – Tasi.
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Tuesday 6 September 2011
Beijing, China
Kole ke a'u atu 'a e 'ofa meia 'Eiki Salote Maumautaimi Tuku'aho, kau ngaue 'a e 'ofisi Faka-'Amipasitoa, pea pehee ki he toenga 'o e fanauako Tonga mo e talamonu ki he faiako mo e fanau va'inga pea pehee foki ki he taki folau mo e timi 'a e TDS. Fakatauange ke mou ma'u ha va'inga lelei mo fiefia he ngaahi 'aho si'i ka hoko mai. – 'Ofisi Talafekau 'a Tonga 'i Beijing.
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Saturday 3 September 2011
Glenfield, Sydney
Another peoples' power uprising and another tyrant takes off with his tail between his legs. This time it's Muammar Gaddafi. But it's too late. The Gaddafis failed to read the writing on the wall. Next stop for them is the International Criminal Court - if they are lucky! – Rajend Naidu.
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Thursday 1 September 2011
'Okalani, Nu'usila
Talamonu atu ki he faiako, kau tokoni, fanau va'inga pea mo e kau 'ofisiale. Koeha ha ola 'e a'u kiai ho'omou feinga pea 'oku ou tui 'e tali fiemalie kotoa pe ia 'e hotau kakai, he 'oku 'iloa 'a e Tonga 'i mamani he me'a ko e loto lelei vave . . . poupou! Mo'oni fau e sipitau mei Amerika Samoa, 'Ko e sipoti ke fakahaa'i hotau anga'i tangata, ikuna pe ikuna'i tetau kei fiefia pe . . .', he kuo Vaofi e Vamama'o, pea Taha 'a e Ua. – Fotu Fisi'iahi.
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Wednesday 31 August 2011
Pago Pago, American Samoa
Will this "Faster Internet Service" create job or just faster service. I am now wandering why I spend extra money on a car that can go from 0 miles/hour to 60 miles/hour in 60 seconds here in American Samoa when the speed limit is 30 miles/hour and suicidal to go at any speed over 50 miles/hour. Do we really need a "faster internet service" and much more so than improvement to our infrastructure, hospitals, schools etc.? - Sione Lousiale Kava
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Wednesday 24 August 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
'Oku mau kole fakataha atu pea moho tau fakamou'i, ke tuku a 'a e fakaanga ka tau poupou mu'a pea tau lotu'i 'a e fonua pea mo e 'Ikale Tahi. 'Oku 'ikai tapu'i ke tau malohi 'I he All Blacks, ka ke tau loto ki ai pea tui Ki ai. Tau takitaha tu'u 'i hono tu'unga pea mo poupou malohi 'aki 'a e loto kotoa ka tau ma'u ha ola lelei pea mo fakafiefia foki. – Sione Petelo.
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Saturday 20 August 2011
Pago Pago, American Samoa
Hi ai a e He, Hi ai a e He Tonga E, Tonga E, tu'u 'o va'inga mokomoko pe Hi ai a e He, Hi ai a e He Ikuna pe Ikuna'i te tau fiefia pe Hi ai a e He, Hi ai a e He Ko e va'inga keta fakaha ho ta anga'i tangata Hi ai a e He, Hi ai a e He Malohi, Fo'i pe Mahanga, Te u kei Tonga pe ki he ngata'anga. Hi ai a e He, Tonga. – Mafi 'o Amelika Samoa.
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Friday 19 August 2011
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
The Internet and World Wide Web (www) hold the keys to global knowledge once the privilege of a few who were lucky to be educated overseas. This is more powerful than the mere use of e-mails, visiting Websites, and chatting on your mobile phone. A computer makes world information available "ubiquitously" (anywhere, and everywhere). – Sione Akemaihakau Mokofisi
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Tuesday 16 August 2011
'Okalani, Nu'usila
'E fakafoki 'e 'Akilisi mo Sitiveni Halapua 'a e fatongia ki hono tanaki mai 'o e ngaahi fakamatala ki hono ngaue'aki 'e he NDC 'a e no mei Siaina, koe'uhi koe'uhi ko hono faka'ata 'e he Palemia ke 'oua 'e fakafo'ou 'a e aleapau ngaue 'a Kelley pea mo e kei hook atu 'a e Minisita Lao ko e 'Ateni Seniale. - Dr Fotu K.V. Fisi'iahi.
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Saturday 13 August 2011
'Oku ou fiefia noa atu 'i he ngaue lelei koia na'e fakahoko 'e he kulupu Poletaki, 'o nau foaki 'a e me'a'ofa ki he Senita Alonga 'i Pea. - Fuai'api Sime.
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Tuesday 9 August 2011
'Oku fakaloloma 'a e loto 'a e Kapineti ke 'oua 'e fakafo'ou e aleapau ngaue 'a Christopher Kelley. He 'ikai faingata'a, kapau 'oku tau loto'aki ke fakalelei'i kotoa kitautolu, pea tuku ke siofi kitautolu mei ha sino tau'ataina, 'a ia 'oku 'ikai fa'a e'a kitu'a 'i he ongoongo 'ene ngaue, ka 'oku matu'aki to'o mo tafi 'ene ngaue. Mou 'eke atu ki he ongo fonua kaunga'api – Nu'usila mo 'Aositelelia, pe 'oku fefe 'a e tokoni 'a e founga ko ia. - Witcliffe Taufa.
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Friday 5 August 2011
Auckland, New Zealand
Since the appointment of Commander Chris Kelley, and based on public perception of his impeccable performance, he has been instrumental in restoring both local and overseas faith in local law and order - the foundation that must be laid before any society can talk prosperity. - E.L. Saafi.
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Monday 25 July 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
'Oku toe si'i pea tau a'u ki he Ipu 'a mamani ka ne mahino mai he fe'auhi ne 'osi 'oku kei lahi e me'a ke fakalelei'i kapau te tau fiema'u ke si'isi e kai 'oe All Blacks. Ko 'eku timi faka'amu pe ena 'a'aku ki he Ipu 'a mamani. – Pola Loiti.
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Friday 8 July 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Ko e palopalema 'o e mofuike mo e Tsunami, 'oku 'ikai ha me'a ngaue te ne predict 'ene hoko, pea ko e fononga 'a e Tsunami 'oku fu'u vave faka'ulia. Hange ko ia ko e lave 'a e Talekita Va'a Vakai Matangi 'a Tonga, 'oku fu'u tu'u lavea ngofua 'aupito a Tonga ni. - Lopiseni Kavapalu.
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Friday 8 July 2011
Mataika, Kolofo'ou,Tonga
Tonga can not simply shut down a main diplomatic mission because of her poorly financial situation. Relations have to be nurtured . . . I would also like to know whether any diplomatic mission uses emails and the telephone as the main- or only method of establishing and maintaining its relationships? - Katalin Baranyi.
Wednesday 6 July 2011
New Zealand
I would like to know if you could help me in locating a man who went to Tonga and has not yet returned. His name is Tione Maille. - Faye Attwood.
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Thursday 30 June 2011
Canberra, Australia
A focus on the cost figure without paying due consideration to the practical processes by which these costs contributes to the economy borders on negligence. In that, I agree with Katalin that closing of foreign consular offices (under the label of cost-savings) needs very careful consideration. – Peni Fukofuka.
