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Friday 10 September 2010
Neiafu, Vava'u
Talamai 'e he motu'a, na'e fiefia 'i hono faka'ataa ke toe fangota'i 'a e mokohunu. Pea na'e fakamalo lahi ki he kau Falealea. 'Oku fakafuofua ko e fo'i te'epupulu 'e 600+ 'osi fakangakau pea toki fonu 'a e kane lita 'e 20 'e 1, $20.00. Na'a ku 'amanaki kuo tau monu'ia he hu mai 'a Falealea 'o kau he fua mokohunu, 'o fakatatau ki he tefito'i mo'oni 'oku nau tu'uaki, 'a e faa'i kavei koula mo e temokalati. Kae taa koaa, ko e taimi pe 'oku 'asi ai 'a e tola, kuo nau 'oho kai kinautolu 'o hange ha ngaahi fu'u 'ulua. - Paula Kava.
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Wednesday 8 September 2010
Brisbane, Australia
Surely, something is wrong with how the government relates to its senior legal professions. Two attorney generals and two judges ended their contract with the government in highly controversial fashion. - Tino Funaki.
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Sunday 22 August 2010
Some of us may not see the mutual benefit that Tonga, U.S. and Allied Force reap from each other. It is 2010, the world has become globalised and we cannot function efficiently and effectively without the company of each other. Tonga's military is part of the Allied. There may be a cost of being part of the Allied and going to Afghanistan, but in the long run, benefits still outweigh the costs. - Sosaia Mila.
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Saturday 14 August 2010
The Maritime Monument Design competition launched this week is a sad attempt at reparation that is far too little and comes way too late. The memorial wall was a selfless gift to the families of the victims in the hope that it would go some way towards appeasing their grief.- Tanya Edwards.
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Wednesday 11 August 2010
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
'Oku totonu hono faka'ali'ali pea mo e fiema'u mai 'o e kau sotia Tonga 'e he ngaahi fonua lalahi. 'Oku kau ia ki he ma'u ai 'a e maheni tau malu'i fonua 'a e sotia Tonga, pea faka'aonga'i ai kinautolu 'i he ngaahi founga faka-'ikanomika . 'O kapau 'oku 'i ai ha founga ke fakalahi ai 'enau maheni ngaue, pea lahi honau fiema'u, ko e ngaahi taumu'a ia 'oku tau feinga ki ai. - Sione Akemeihakau Mokofisi.
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Tuesday 10 August 2010
Pota 'o Mehiko, San Diego,USA
'Oku tui 'a e motu'a ni 'oku 'ikai ke pehe mai 'e Pilitania mo e NATO koha fo'i piini piko 'a e kau ange 'a Tonga ki he tau. Ko e fu'u teuaki fakapo 'eni, hange ha taki atu ha fu'u tuli pea toe noa ki ha fe'auhi tipeiti. Ko 'enau si'i sio ngutu pe ki he ngaahi me'a 'oku fai 'e he ngaahi fonua kuo nau taukei 'i he mala'e 'o e tau taau pe ko 'enau o atu pe 'o le'o 'i he ngaahi 'apitanga tau kae 'ikai ke nau 'otumu'a 'i he laine. - Lou 'Uhila.
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Thursday 29 July 2010
Neiafu, Vava'u
Ko 'eku fifili pe ko e ha 'oku 'ikai ma'u ai ha kau sotia mei he ngaahi fonua 'oku laui miliona hono kakai, pea laui kilu 'enau kau sotia. Kae feinga mai 'a Pilitania Lahi pea mo e NATO ke 'ave 'a e ki'i kau sotia 'oku 'ikai ke a'u ki he toko 1000 hono tokolahi, mei he ki'i fonua 'oku toko tahakilu pe hono tokolahi 'o e kakai. - Paula Kava.
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Friday 23 July 2010
Pangai, Ha'apai
"If you pay peanuts, then you get monkeys." Maybe so . . . but basic needs must come first: health care, education, and the maintenance of basic community infrastructuremust come first . . . well before salaries of parliamentarians. - P. A. Langi.
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Thursday 22 July 2010
Neiafu, Vava'u
Ko Tonga ni foki, ko e ki'i Niche Market pe. Pea ko e 'uhinga ia 'oku totonu ai ke tau fakaafe'i mai pe 'a e kau Mega Investor, koe'uhi ke nau cater pe ki he levolo 5-Stars 'o a'u ki he 7-Stars resorts. Pea 'e fu'u fiema'u 'aupito leva ke fakangofua 'e he va'a palani 'a e Pule'anga ke ngaue'aki 'a e Zoning. 'O hange koeni, ko e zone 'o e kau Mega Investor ko Vahemotu, pea ko e zone 'o e kau Local Investor ko 'Uta Vava'u. - Paula Kava.
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Thursday 15 July 2010
Auckland, New Zealand
I am pleased to see the surge in the energy debate. I've been a strong advocate of alternative energy sources to be considered by Tongan on two fronts: One is the appropriate alternative technology. The second front that we need to consider, centralized power generation and ownership has brought us this far but we need to understand and accept its limitations and change accordingly. - Sefita Hao'uli.
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Tuesday 13 July 2010
Neiafu, Vava'u
Ko e me'a 'oku ui ko e tupu faka'ekonomika ko ha Fonua 'oku nau mo'umo'ua 'i hono lalanga 'a e ngaahi faingamalie ngaue'anga tu'uma'u, ke solova'aki hono feau 'o 'enau ngaahi fiema'u hono kotoa. Ko e formula 'oku nau ngaue'aki ko e Takimamata. 'A ia, 'oku nau faka'ai'ai 'a e kakai mei muli ke huu ange 'o nofo fakataimi 'i honau fonua – 'o ne lalanga ai ke toe lahi ange 'a e ngaahi faingamalie ngaue'anga tu'uma'u 'i he fonua, ke feau 'a e ngaahi fiema'u koeni. - Paula Kava.
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Monday 12 July 2010
In Australia wind turbines are an immediate alternative for cleaner, relatively cheap and considerably safer energy. It has the benefit of a low cost in maintenance compared to a nuclear power station. A couple of those wind turbines combined with power generated by bio diesel from coconuts would fulfill Tongan power requirements and any excess power on windy days can be used to melt down the rusty broken cars that litter the Tongan countryside. - Vilo Niumeitolu.
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Monday 12 July 2010
Fasi mo e Afi,Nuku'alofa,Tonga
Two weeks after the beautiful eclipse of the moon, sun, earth and moon will be aligned again, this time to give a solar eclipse. But this all happens 8 minutes before the sunrise of Monday 12 July 2010. When the sun finally rises on Tongatapu at 7:18 that day we can only watch the final stages of the eclipse. - Firitia Velt.
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Friday 2 July 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Yesterday on Tonga television we heard about a nuclear program in Tonga. No, Please! The Nuclear power is highly dangerous and doesn't really improve in any way the actual situation of the country. - Corinna Langi.
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Thursday 1 July 2010
Salt Lake City-Utah, USA
It is clear that Tongan leaders are neither bringing the Aristotlean Participatory Democracy model known as "the rule of the many." Nor do they plan for a Representative Democracy model (egalitarianism). - Sione Akemeihakau Mokofisi.
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Wednesday 30 June 2010
Your June 29, 2010, article "MPs plead for "farewell pay-off" before November election" has just solidified my perception that these so-called public servants in our Parliament are leeches in human form. They have no shame in asking for a "farewell pay-off" for their non-performance of their fiduciary duties to the people of the kingdom. - TamaFoa.
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Wednesday 30 June 2010
Neiafu, Vava'u
Ko e Takimamata pe 'e taha 'a e industry 'e mo'ui 'i hono langa 'i he fonua ni , pea 'e lava 'e he industry ko'eni 'o fakatupu pe langa hake ha ngaue'anga, ke ma'u faingamalie mei ai 'a e kakai kotoa pe 'o e fonua. - Paula K. Kava.
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Thursday 24 June 2010
Fasi mo e Afi,Nuku'alofa,Tonga
During the night from Saturday to Sunday, 26 to 27 June 2010, a lunar eclipse will take place. Unfortunately it is only a partial eclipse, only the northern half of the moon will be plunged into darkness. - Firitia Velt.
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Sunday 13 June 2010

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The legality of parliament's voting on a very important motion and two reform bills legalizing Political Reform has become an issue that the Tonga Legislative Assembly has to address in order for the proposed political reform and the November 25 parliamentary general election to proceed. ...It wasn't that the House didn't know what they were doing. It is clear from the minutes that members were fully aware that they were passing an amendment that had not been drafted. They were also aware that they did not understand the bills and had not debated them before raising their hands in unison. In the Minutes, People's Reps 'Akilisi Pohiva and 'Isileli Pulu are on record saying that it was most unusual for the House to pass bills without even understanding the bills and the proposed amendment, but they both expressed their trust in the Minister of Justice and the Cabinet to go ahead and draft good bills. EDITOR'S COMMENT By Pesi Fonua.
Wednesday 2 June 2010
Lærkehegnet, Greve, Denmark
I read that Tonga gained its full autonomy 4 June 1970. This means that Tonga's 40th birthday is on Friday. Big congratulations! - Mikael Mårtensson.
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