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Wednesday 11 January 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
It appears that government believes that it is creating job opportunities by not reducing the size of the civil service. But surely this will lead to a situation where fees and taxes might have to be even further increased to keep them all at work, while every step in that direction reduces the private sector's capacity to grow their businesses and to create jobs. Editor's Comment, by Pesi Fonua
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Tuesday 10 January 2012
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
My 'Ikale Tahi team for the 2011 Rugby World Cup, including players who won't/can't/not allowed to play. - Lano Fonua.
Tuesday 10 January 2012
Canberra, Australia
Ko e ngaahi founga pule ko ia kuo fokotu’u mai he mitia mo Tonga’oku nau ngaue’aki foki’a e fo’ilea ko e ‘motolo', pea’oku’ikai ke fu’u mahino mai’a e’uhinga ne ui’aki kinautolu’a e fo’i lea ni. Pea’oku te’eki fakamatala’i mai ha taha ia’a hono’uhinga’oku ngaue’aki ai e lea motolo’e he mitia pe ko e kau fa’u founga pule fakaangaanga, pe pule’anga, pe kau ‘feinga liukava' mo e ‘feinga fakalelei fonua". Ka’oku ai’a e tui mahalo pe ne ui ‘aki’eni’i he’uhinga ko e ngaahi founga pule pe’oku fokotu’u fakamahamahalo pe fakaangaanga ke toki fai hano tali he kaha’u. - Siosiua Tofua‘ipangai
Monday 9 January 2012
Auckland, New Zealand
"Project Revival" is intended to support Tonga's private sector, because it is very weak. Total exports is only around $US22 million a year. Income from Tourism is probably around $40 million a year etc. We need to increase it by supporting what is happening in Tonga at the moment. – Semisi Pone.
Sunday 8 January 2012
Neiafu, Vava'u
'Oku makatu'unga 'a e hoha'a 'a e kau ngoue 'o Vava'u, ko e fu'u mamafa ange 'a e totongi 'o e feleti ki Nu'usila 'I he totongi 'oku nau fakatau atu 'aki 'enau ngoue ki he kau exporters. 'Oku T$1.00/kilo 'a e totongi 'o e fua 'o 'enau ngoue, kae NZD$1.00/kilo 'a e totongi 'o e feleti. 'A ia ko e tangai kape 25kg @ T$1.00/kg 'oku T$25.00 ki he tangai, ka ko hono feleti 'oku NZD$25.00 ki he tangai. 'A ia 'oku hala ha tupu 'i he uta me'akai ki Nu'usila. – Paula Kava.
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Tuesday 27 December 2011
We the Tongan students at the Australian National University (ANU) are extremely proud to register our humble appreciation and excitement over the recent achievement by Her Royal Highness, Princess Angelika Tuku'aho of a second Master's degree. – Nesi, 'Ana, Tonga mo Peni.
Sunday 18 December 2011
Neiafu, Vava'u
Ko e Reef shipping ko e kautaha vaka NZ pe ia 'a ia na'e kamata ngaue he 1991 'ou hoko ai ko e stevedore talu mei he 1991 pea kuo 'u fakafofonga vaka ai talu mei he 1993. Ko e uta me'akai 'o e 'aho ni 'oku 'ikai ko e uta ia 'a e Reef ka ko e uta ia 'a'aku ki he Fe'ofa'aki Shipping ko e kautaha uta 'oku 'ikai hano vaka 'ona. – Salesi Kauvaka.
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Friday 16 December 2011
Auckland, New Zealand
It did not shock me that the Forum Secretariat reported last week that there is a crisis in Tonga, but we are so lucky the IMF has given Tonga a grant of $9m to help us through the next 6-12 months. But we have to think now of what to do about the current economic situation. We can easily make $10 million/yr from rootcrops, $10 million/yr from tourism, $10 million/year from squash and maybe $5 million/yr from bananas if we are lucky. We can try increasing fish export. We can also substitute imported fruits with local fruits. These can all be achieved within the next 5 years. – Semisi Pone.
Sunday 11 December 2011
Neiafu, Vava'u
'Oku ki'I malona hifo 'a e felauaki fekau'aki mo e fokotu'utu'u 'a e pule'anga ke fakalele pe 'e he kautaha 'e taha 'a e fefolau'aki 'i he vaha'a 'o Nu'usila mo Vava'u. 'Oku mau tui ta'eveiveiua 'oku totonu ke fakatou lele pe 'a e ongo kautaha vaka ni, ke na fe'au'auhi 'o fakalakalaka kimu'a 'ena sevesi ma'ae kakai pea mo pukepuke 'a e totongi 'o e feleti 'I ha tu'unga 'oku fe'unga mo hotau vaivai. Ka ta'ofi 'a e Reef Shipping, 'e malava pe ke toe mamafa ange 'a e JAWS neongo 'oku fu'u ma'ama'a 'aupito 'enau feleti he lolotonga ni. – Paula Kava.
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Saturday 10 December 2011
Neiafu, Vava'u
Ko e full fare mei Vava'u ki Nuku'alofa 'oku $296.00 one-way, pea 'oku $592.00 return ki Vava'u. Ko e fea ma'ama'a 'oku $231.00 one-way pea 'oku $462.00 'a e return kapau 'oku puka kimu'a 'a e folau. Na'a ku ki'I folau atu he uike 'e 1 ki 'Aokalani 'I he mahina kuo hili, pea na'e fe'unga mo e $490.00 'a e fea ma'ama'a ki he 'alu mo e foki 'I he kautaha vakapuna Polynesian Pacific Blue Airline. – Paula Kava.
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Wednesday 23 November 2011
Sydney, Australia
It is not rocket science to figure out the impact of a monopoly in the market. Before Digicel (formerly known as Tonfon) came into business there was only one telecommunication provider in Tonga, the Tonga Telecommunication Ltd. During those days, an overseas phone call cost about $3 to $5 paanga per minute. Today, it costs less than $1 paanga to call overseas. What was the cause of this? It was caused by something called "competition". – Leny Tukia.
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Wednesday 16 November 2011
Talau, Neiafu, Vava'u
A sense of déjà vu came over me when I heard of the government's decision to impose on Vava'u a one-overseas-shipping service. People understand that competition will determine the costs of services. The farcical explanation given by the Acting PM for the one-shipping service policy is not only laughable, it is downright insulting. - Tuitokaloto Fakatakatau Taufa.
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Wednesday 9 November 2011
Sapa'ata, Niuafo'ou (Tin-Can Island)
On behalf of the Parents and Teachers' Association, we would like to approach you with a request for your financial assistance in order to be able to purchase the necessary book prizes for the Niuafo'ou District High School Prize Giving Ceremony, scheduled for November 29, 2011. Letters from students are attached. -Viliami Vea, 'Aloma Kata, Tevita Kata, Latai Lama, Susitina Peei (Niuafo'ou District High School); and 'Ana Emberson, the Niuas Foundation.
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Saturday 5 November 2011

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
One year on from last November's general election that heralded political reform, it is timely to look closely at how Tonga’s new government is shaping-up during the first year of its four-year term in office. Editor's Comment FROM OUR ARCHIVES
Friday 4 November 2011
Neiafu, Vava'u
Ko e tefito'I palopalema lahi taha 'o e ngoue he ngaahi 'aho ni ko e fakamaketi. Ko e faka'amu 'a e tangata ngoue, ke 'I ai ha taha te ne lava 'o fakahoko 'a e fakamaketi 'o hange koia na'e fakahoko 'e he Poate 'o e ngaahi Koloa – ko e me'a tepuu, ke ma'u 'a e seniti 'i he taimi pe koia 'o e fakatau. Ka lava lelei 'a e fakamaketi, pea 'oku ou tui he 'ikai toe tuku ha ivi 'o e kau ngoue. Ka fu'u lahi 'a e ngoue pea 'oku 'ikai ngata pe 'I he'ene toe 'o 'ikai 'osi hono fakatau, ka 'oku toe holo hifo foki mo e mahu'inga 'o fakatau li'aki. – Paula Kava.
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Tuesday 1 November 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
If you have not been able to access the Matangi Tonga Online website since Sunday, it was not because there was something wrong with your computer, but because the Matangi Tonga Online server was lost by our dedicated hosting provider overseas. - Pesi Fonua, Publisher.
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Tuesday 1 November 2011
Neiafu, Vava'u
'Oku hange hotau Falealea ko e kananga 'a e kau leka – ko e 'alu atu pe 'a e motu'a ki he kaunga'api 'oku fai 'a e tui au, pea ne kau aipe he tui au. Kuo ngalo ia na'a 'alu 'o kole ha me'I masima ke kiki 'aki 'a e haka hamu 'a e famili. Pea ne mo'unofoa ia he tui au kae mo'utalia mai 'a e famili mo 'enau fu'u haka hamu. Pea 'oku ou tui ko e tefito'I 'uhinga ia 'o e liliu kuo fai ke ta'ofi faka'aufuli 'a e tui au he fonua ni. – Paula Kava.
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Sunday 23 October 2011
San Francisco,USA
Ko e lao ko'ena 'oku laulanu koe'uhi he 'oku fa'u pe ia ki he ki'i tokosi'i koia 'oku Memipa 'I he Falealea. Hangee kiate au ia 'oku mahu'inga ange 'a e mo'ui ia 'a e kau Memipa 'o e Falealea 'I he toenga 'o e kakai 'o Tonga. Kuo ha 'a e Pule'anga Fakatemokalati ia? kuo navu aipe 'e he ki'i tokosi'i ia ko'eni 'a e fu'u pa'anga lahi ko'eni 'a e fonua! – Sosaia Fatani.
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Sunday 23 October 2011
Ko e ngaahi fili kotoa pe 'oku malava ke tau fakahoko 'oku 'I ai hono nunu'a. Ko 'ete lele pe 'o fu'u totu'a fakatatau ki hoto malohi 'oku 'I ai leva hono anga. Fakasi'isi'i pe holi mo e kole noo 'o fu'u lahiange 'I hoto ivi pea 'oku totonu ke ngaue mai leva 'a e lao ia ki he kakai pehe ni. - Taiana Pilima.
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Friday 21 October 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Ko e fo'i Lao fakavalevale ko eni 'oku fokotu'u mai (ko e lao kene fakamafai'I 'a e Fakamau'anga ke ne fai ha tu'utununi ke puke ha koloa ha'a taha 'oku 'I ai hano mo'ua ki ha pangike), hangehange 'oku ne foaki 'e ia e mafai fakaleveleva ta'e fakapotopoto mo ta'e fakangatangata ki he ngaahi pangike ke nau fa'iteliha hono puke ha kelekele pe koloa pe 'a ha taha no 'e faingata'a'ia hono totongi ke ma'u 'enau pa'anga kae faingata'a'i 'a e fa'ahinga ia ko eni mo honau ngaahi famili ki he ngata'anga 'o 'enau mo'ui. 'Oku 'ikai ke fakakonisitutone ke foaki 'e ha lao ha mafai fakaleveleva ki ha taha pe pangike. – PV.
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