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Results for Opinion

Sunday 1 February 2015

London, UK
I would like to thank 'Eliesa Fifita, Sione Mokofisi and many others at home and around the world for speaking out against nepotism on Matangi Tonga and on the social media networks. – Senolita Swan.
Friday 30 January 2015
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
I join Senolita Swan’s oped (Democracy and Nepotism, Saturday 24, 2015) regarding newly elected Prime Minister ‘Akilisi Pōhiva’s nepotistic appointment of his son as Personal Assistant. It's a gross misuse of power in a democratic society. - Sione A. Mokofisi.
Saturday 24 January 2015
London, United Kingdom
Hon Prime Minister ‘Akilisi Pohiva, in order to preserve the dignity of democracy in Tonga, you may have the right to choose your son as your own PA but for the rest of your political career, you do not have the moral right to preach about democracy in Tonga or anywhere else anymore. Your action has crippled democracy in the Kingdom, sadly for a very long time. - Senolita Swan.
Thursday 8 January 2015
Kailua, Hawaii
I'm very saddened, when reading headlines on RNZ News, "Citing lack of experience, Tourism Tonga wants new Minister".
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Thursday 11 December 2014
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The PACER Plus negotiations were launched at the Cairns Pacific Forum Leaders Meeting in 2009, marked the start of negotiations on PACER-Plus, a trajectory that has actively discounted the concerns of the Forum Island Countries (FICs) in favour of the policy interests of Australia and New Zealand. – Pacific Civil Society.
Tuesday 9 December 2014
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Ko e me'a mahu'ingna taha ki hotau fonua he momeniti ko'eni ke fai mo mou fokotu'u ho'omou Kanititeiti ki he Palemia. He kuo tau hange ha me'alele 'oku pikisia pe ia he pelepela 'o hono fale tau'anga te'eki a'u ki he hala. - 'Inoke Fotu Hu'akau.
Friday 5 December 2014
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Ko e lakanga Palemia ko e Taki Ngaue Ma'olunga taha ia he fonua, pea 'oku 'ikai ko ha lakanga ia ke fakapale'i 'aki ha taha. Ko e fakapale ia 'oku lahi 'a e ngaahi Metali Fakalangilangi 'a e fonua ke fai 'aki 'a e ngaue koia. 'E 'ikai fakahoko 'aki ia 'a e Palemia. – 'Inoke Fotu Hu'akau.
Monday 1 December 2014
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Ko e kamata ko'eni 'a Tonga he hala-fononga 'o e faka-temokalati ange kuo tau hoko ai ko e fuofua fonua kuo ma'u 'e ha kau Fakafofonga Tau'ataina 'a e tokolahi ke fokotu'u ha Pula'anga. Pea 'oku fokotu'u atu heni ke tali 'e he kau Fakafofonga Tau'ataina 'a e faingamalie kuo foaki kia kinautolu 'e he kakai 'o e fonua. – 'Inoke Fotu Hu'akau.
Wednesday 12 November 2014
Parliament House

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tongan voters will be put on the spot on November 27 to elect a new government that could save the country from its current economic downward spiral, and to start a recovery process that will restore the trust and confidence of the people in the system of government that was implemented in 2010. Until we fully understand how our system works, and why it doesn't work, we will continue to struggle. Editor's comment, by Pesi Fonua
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Wednesday 12 November 2014
Neongo 'a hono tu'uaki e Temokalatí 'o pehē tokua ko e mafai 'e 'i he 'aofinima 'o e kakaí, ka 'oku hoko e Temokalatí ia ko e me'angaue faka-politikale pē ki ha ni'ihi tokosi'i ke nau pule ki he toenga e fonuá. Kuo fakamo'oni'i 'oku lolotonga hoko eni i 'Amelika he 'aho ni, pea me'apango kuo 'osi kamata e me'a tatau 'i Tonga he mali siokoloa (marriage of convenience) ko ia 'a e Temokalati Tonga mo e Kautaha e Kaungaue Fakapule'anga (PSA). – Tevita Vaikona mo Senituli Penitani.
Tuesday 4 November 2014
Ko e makehe'anga 'o Tonga he Pasifiki mo e toenga 'o mamaní — ko hono Tu'i ne Pule Fakaleveleva ka na'e mo'ui kalusefai, pea ko 'ene visone ko e fakamaau totonu, vahevahe taau, pule 'a e lao, mo e fai ma'oni'onii ke tafe meia Sihova ki Tonga ko e Selusalema 'o e Pasifikí. – Tevita Vaikona mo Senituli Penitani.
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Monday 27 October 2014
"Ko e Pule (Mafai) Fakalevelevaa 'oku Fakaleveleva 'e ne Faihalá," 'o hangē nai ia ha kupu'ilea mei he Folofolá. Pea kuo ngāue'aki 'e he kau Taki Temokalatí e kupu'ileá ni ke hokataoa'aki e Pule'anga Fakatu'í peá ke fakatonuhia'i'aki e feinga liliu Temokalatí. 'Okú ma fokotu'u atu ki he Tonga kotoa—'Oku ta'emo'oni e lea ko 'ená 'i Tonga pea ko hono 'uhingá 'eni. – Tevita Vaikona mo Senituli Penitani.
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Saturday 25 October 2014
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Matangi Tonga Online is undergoing an upgrade over the next few days including a significant layout change. During this period the service will not be interrupted, however, the layout may not appear correctly across all devices. We apologize for any inconvenience to readers during this upgrade which aims to improve our reader experience across all devices including desktop, tablets, handheld devices and mobile. - Publisher
Monday 20 October 2014
Ko e fa'ahinga tu'unga faka-politikale oku ui ko e "potupotu tatau faingata'a" pe "uneasy equilibrium," 'a e faahinga tu'unga oku 'i ai a Tongá 'i he lolotongani, pea kuo pau ke tau feinga ke tauhi e ongome'aa e ua ke potupotu tatau neongo 'e ne feingata'á — ko e Temokalati pea mo e Pule Fakatu'i pe Pule'anga Fakatu'i Fakatemokalati. - Tevita Vaikona mo Senituli Penitani.
Friday 10 October 2014
Ko e liliu Temokalatí ‘oku ‘ikai ko ha liliu faka-politikale pē, ka ko e liliu ‘o e fa’unga ‘o e sōsaieti Tongá mo e ‘ulungaanga fakafonuá. Kuo pau ke ‘i ai e trade-off — ‘e ma’u mai e tafa’aki ko é, ka e mole atu e tafa’aki ko é. - Tevita Vaikona mo Senituli Penitani.
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Tuesday 30 September 2014
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Ko e fokotu'u fakakaukau 'eni ke hanga 'ehe Pule'anga 'o fokotu'u ha 'Komisoni Fekumi ki he Mo'oni' (sort of Truth Commission) he vave taha ke nau fekumi ki he mo'oni kakato 'o e 'uhinga na'e hoko ai 'a e 16/11. – S. Tu'itupou Fotu.
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Monday 29 September 2014
Dubai, UAE
In today’s crisis of extremism, we must recognize that we are just as interdependent for our security, as is clear in the current struggle to defeat ISIS. What we are fighting is not just a terrorist organization, but the embodiment of a malicious ideology that must be defeated intellectually. – Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.
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Tuesday 23 September 2014
Australia's increased Aid-for-Trade focus is the same wine in different bottles. Aid-for-Trade, and its counterpart PACER-Plus, are really about ensuring that Pacific markets are open to Australian exports and securing Pacific engagement with the global economy on terms that disproportionately benefit the regions big brothers. - Adam Wolfenden.
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Sunday 21 September 2014
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Bainimarama is still a Dictator. He came to power in a coup de dat'. People's lives were lost in the coup de dat' that Bainimarama led, and Fiji is still labeled a "human rights" violator by the UN. – Sione A. Mokofisi.
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Sunday 21 September 2014
Talu e tu’u e Pule’anga Fakatu’i ‘o Tongá mo e ‘ikai ha ofiofia e kovi ‘a e Pule’anga Tongá ki he kovi ne fai ‘e he Pule’anga Pilitaniá ki he kakai ‘o 'Initiá pe ko hono ngaohi kovi’i ‘e he kau hinehina o 'Amelika 'a e kau ‘uli’ulii, ka na’e uki ‘e Mahatma Gandhi ‘a e laui miliona hono kakaí ke nau fakafepaki melino pea uki 'e Luther King 'a e fakafepaki melino pea na’e ola lelei ‘enau feingá. - Tevita Vaikona mo Senituli Penitani.
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