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Thursday 26 October 2023

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The public is advised that businesses and individuals offering money lending services must have a valid license issued by the Reserve Bank under the Moneylenders Act 2018. Authorized lenders are required to display their license at their main location, so customers can easily verify their legitimacy. Stay informed and make wise financial decisions!
Friday 20 October 2023

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga Women in ICT (TWICT) is pleased to announce a new partnership with The Commonwealth of Learning (COL ) aimed at fostering sustainable development through skills development for youths in Tonga. This collaboration will focus on promoting learning opportunities with an emphasis on open, distance, and flexible learning. To learn more about it, please check out our website or Facebook page
Thursday 19 October 2023
NRBT logo

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Ko e ngaahi ngaue fakatupu pa'anga' (investment), 'a ia ko hano tanaki mai ha pa'anga mei he kakai 'o e fonua' ke ngaue'aki ki he ngaahi 'inivesi pe no pea 'e ala fakatu'utamaki (risk) ki he tokotaha 'oku' ne fakahoko 'a e pisinisi ko ia', 'oku lau ia ko e ngaue fakapangike. Ko e ngaahi ngaue ko eni 'oku ngofua ke fakahoko 'i Tonga' ni ka 'e kinautolu pe kuo 'osi foaki ha'anau laiseni fakapangike 'e he Pangike Pule' 'i he malumalu 'o e kupu 7 'o e Lao ki he Ngaue Fakapangike 2020'.
Thursday 19 October 2023
NRBT logo

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Public Notice: The Reserve Bank confirms that business such as investment activities, whereby funds are received from the public to be used for investments or loans at the risk of the person doing such business, is considered banking business. These activities are permitted to be conducted in Tonga only by those who have a banking licence granted by the Reserve Bank under section 7 of the Banking Act 2020.
Thursday 12 October 2023

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Ngaahi palani ngaue ki hono fakasi’isi’I e matemate ‘a e ma’u’anga ‘uhila fakatupunga ‘e he efu mei he mo’unga afi HTHH ki he laine tufaki ‘uhila volota ma’olunga (HVABC).
Thursday 12 October 2023

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga Power Ltd. is addressing power outages due to the HTHH volcanic ashfall impact on the new High Voltage Aerial Bundled Cabling (HV ABC) network infrastructure in Tonga. This ash residue has exacerbated friction between the cabling, mixed with cable heat from electricity flow, sunlight heat and the corrosive nature of the solidified abrasive ash substances, resulting in short circuits across parts of our High Voltage network. - Tonga Power Ltd.
Saturday 16 September 2023

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Na’e tokoni lahi ‘a e Pangikē Pule Fakafonua ‘a Tongaˊ ki he Pule’anga ‘I hono foaki atu ‘a e sieke pa’anga ‘e $14.2 miliona ki he Palemia Le’ole’oˊ Hon. Samiu Vaipulu pea mo e Minisitā Pa’anga Hon. Tiofilusi Tiueti he’enau Fakataha Lahi Fakata’u ‘o e 2023, na’e fakahoko he ‘aho Falaite 15 Sepitema.
Saturday 16 September 2023

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A cheque for $14.2 million was presented by the National Reserve Bank of Tonga to the Tonga Government on Friday 15 September, as part of the Bank's profit distribution for the financial year ended 30 June 2023. This year’s audited financial statement of the Bank confirmed a historical net profit of $20.4 million, and 70% of this was paid to government. The income was generated through investment of foreign reserves.
Thursday 14 September 2023

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
SPBD Tonga Microfinance celebrated the achievements of female entrepreneurs associated with SPBD in 'Eua, and also introduced a new partnership through the SPBD White Goods Financing Loan Program, on 11 September. SPBD General Manager, Mrs Finelanuatoutai Tu’ipulotu, said the collaboration would make it easier for SPBD women to access high-quality and affordable white goods and appliances in 'Eua.
Monday 11 September 2023

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
‘Oku hoko atu hono fakamamafa‘i ‘e he Pangikē Pule ‘a hono tokangaekina ke ma‘ulalo ‘a e Hikihiki ‘i he Totongi Koloa ́ ‘i he Fakamatala Fokotu‘utu‘u Ngāue Fakapa‘anga ‘o ‘Aokosi 2023.
Monday 11 September 2023

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Board of Directors of the Reserve Bank of Tonga (NRBT) has decided to focus on two main goals in its August 2023 Monetary Policy Statement (MPS): first, to keep inflation below the 5% reference rate, including through seeking Government’s assistance in controlling domestic and wage inflation; and second, to provide targeted support towards economic recovery of vulnerable sectors to address supply shortages and promote business investments.
Thursday 7 September 2023

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Irish financial technology and business services company, Fexco Group, is set to further extend its support of rugby in the Pacific Islands. Fexco is announcing an expansion of its commitment to the development of rugby through a new corporate sponsorship deal with the Tongan national rugby union ahead of the 2023 Rugby World Cup.
Saturday 1 July 2023

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Competent Authority has approved a decrease in the regulated price of diesel effective 19 June 2023. This has contributed to a decrease of 29.17 seniti per litre from the last regulated price of diesel in March 2023. - Energy Commission. Kuo tali ‘e he Pule Fē’unga ke holo ‘a e totongi ‘o e lolo tisolo ‘a ia ke kamata ngāue’aki ‘i he ‘aho 19 Sune 2023. ‘Oku tokoni ‘eni ki hono holoki ‘a e totongi lolo ‘aki ‘a e seniti ‘e 29.17 ki he lita mei Ma’asi 2023. - Komisoni Ma’u’anga Ivi
Friday 23 June 2023
NRBT logo

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Hili ‘a e fakatamaki Kōviti 19 ́ ‘i he 2022 ́ mo e ngaahi maumau mei he paa ‘a e mo’ungaafi HTHH pea mo e peaukula mo hono kafu efuˊ e Fonua, ‘oku matu‘aki mahu’inga ‘a e fokotu’utu’u ngaue fakapa’anga ‘a e Pangikē Pule Fakafonua ‘o Tonga′ ke tokoni‘i ‘a e langa fakaakeake he ‘ekonōmika ‘o e fonuaˊ mo e malu ‘o e tu’unga fakapa’anga fakalūkufua ‘i he 2023ˊ, mo e tukunga mateuteu ki ha ngaahi fakatamaki fakafokifā mei he lolotonga ni ki he kaha’u vave maiˊ.
Friday 23 June 2023
NRBT logo

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Following the 2022 COVID-19 pandemic, HTHH volcano eruption and tsunami ashfall damages, the monetary and financial policies of the National Reserve Bank of Tonga are critical to stay relevant to be supportive of the Kingdom’s economic recovery contributing to macro stability in 2023, resilience to shocks in the short to medium term.
Thursday 22 June 2023
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
“The world is undergoing profound changes, unseen in a century. Hegemony and power politics are on the rise. And the deficits in peace, development, security and governance are growing. All of these are posing unprecedented challenges for human society.” By MA Ke, Spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in Tonga. (A response to “All talk, no dialogue on Asian security”.)
Saturday 17 June 2023

Apia, Samoa
KlickEx Pacific and SPBD have announced a partnership to enable more Samoans abroad to send money home from New Zealand and Australia. The new money transfer service will commence on July 1, 2023, and will provide an online portal for money transfers from abroad.
Friday 16 June 2023

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
SPBD Microfinance, the leading microfinance network dedicated to empowering women microentrepreneurs across the South Pacific, proudly announces a significant milestone in its journey. The organization has disbursed a total of USD $250 million in loans since its inception in 2000, evidence of its commitment to fostering economic development in the region.
Tuesday 13 June 2023

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The SPBD Annual Business Women of the Year Awards, held on June 2, 2023, at the St. Andrew School Hall, celebrated the remarkable achievements of female entrepreneurs in SPBD Tonga. The event recognized four outstanding women as Winners of the Awards from different regions in Tonga: Mrs Pelenaise Folau (Tongatapu), Mrs Siosi Ma’u (Vava’u), Mrs Mina Taufalele (Ha'apai), and Mrs Kilisita Loni ('Eua). Other awards to SPBD women entrepreneurs, acknowledged their accomplishments in various categories.
Friday 9 June 2023

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tongatapu Royal Agricultural, Fisheries, Tourism & Trade Show 2023 (RAFTT) will be held tomorrow, Saturday, 10 June. The Chinese agriculture experts team, the Chinese companies in Tonga and some other Chinese businessmen will display their products at the Show. This will be a good opportunity to see some of the outcomes of the fruitful cooperation between China and Tonga in agriculture, fisheries and trade, and to think and plan how we can expand the mutually beneficial cooperation to more fields for common development. - By H.E. Cao Xiaolin, Chinese Ambassador to Tonga
