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Sponsored media release

Unclaimed monies $1,186,983

Nuku'alofa, Tonga


Unclaimed Monies as of June 2024


Date of Publication: 24 July 2024

To download the list of Unclaimed Monies PDF icon click here

Please be advised that account holders (owners) of listed unclaimed monies are required to make your claim to your respective banks within 3 months from the first date of this publication. In accordance with section 94 of the Banking Act 2020 states, that any remaining unclaimed funds and properties after three (3) months claim period have met its expiry date, shall be presumed to be abandoned funds or properties and any claim shall be addressed directly to the Minister of Finance and is subject to the approval of the Minister of Finance. Kindly note that advertisement cost will be deducted accordingly.

For further enquiries or clarification please contact Financial Institutions department on telephone 24-057 or email: nrbt [at] reservebank [dot] to


Fakatokanga'i ange ko kimoutolu 'oku lisi atu homou hingoa΄ 'i he ngaahi pa'anga 'oku te'eki ai ke 'eke'i΄, ke fakahū atu leva ho'o 'eke΄ ki hoó Kautaha Paánga Fakapangikē óku hā atu΄, 'i loto 'i he māhina 'e tolu (3) mei΄ he 'uluaki 'aho 'o e fanogonongo΄ ni. Fakatatau ki he kupu 94 ‘o e Lao ki he Ngāue Fakapangikē΄ 2020, ko e pa'anga 'ikai 'eke'i 'i he hili mei heni ha mahina 'e tolu (3) pea kuo laka hake he taú é 5 'ene í he Pangikē Pule Fakafonua ó Tonga΄, 'e lau ia ko e pa'anga mo e ngaahi koloa li'aki pea kuo pau ke fakatu'asila fakahangatonu ha 'eke 'o e ngaahi pa'anga pe koloa kuo li'aki΄ ki he Ministā Pa'anga΄ pea fakatatau pē ki he'ene fakangofua΄.

Kātaki 'o fakatokanga'i ange 'e to'o pea mo e totongi tu'uaki΄ mei ho'o pa'anga 'eke΄. Ka toe 'i ai ha'o faka'eke'eke, kātaki 'o fetu'utaki mai ki he va'a 'o e ngaahi Kautaha Pa'anga΄ 'i he telefoni 24-057 pe ko e meili 'ilekitulonika nrbt [at] reservebank [dot] to

PDF icon 240724 - NRBT Unclaimed Monies FY 2024.pdf


#8039 Matangi Tonga Online, sponsored media release, posted by the National Reserve Bank of Tonga. 24 July - 24 August 2024.