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  • Thursday 2 December 2021 9:15pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Essential COVID-19 supplies and oxygen equipment was donated to the Ministry of Health from the Government of Australia, after the cargo arrived on November 30 at Fua'amotu International Airport.
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  • Thursday 2 December 2021 9:01pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Vulnerable rural farmers in Tonga will receive a range of services and support to improve farm productivity and their livelihoods under the Pacific Islands Rural & Agricultural Stimulus Facility (PIRAS) project, launched at Falemasiva Hall, Tailulu College on December 2. By Eleanor Gee.
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  • Thursday 2 December 2021 8:55pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : USD$5 million funding from the Asian Development Bank will “help restore and accelerate private sector-led economic growth in Tonga after the COVID-19 pandemic”, after the Tonga Government signed a grant agreement with the ADB on Wednesday, 1 December.
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  • Wednesday 1 December 2021 9:47pm

    Suva, Fiji
    : New COVID-19 cases in Fiji continue to decline with 12 new cases reported between November 27-28 and zero cases on November 29, Fiji’s Ministry of Health and Medical Services reported. Fiji opened its borders today to fully vaccinated international travellers, repatriates and Fijians visiting families and friends.
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  • Wednesday 1 December 2021 9:39pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Three men who were convicted of the string of armed robberies at three Chinese run shops in Tongatapu, in January earlier this year have received lengthy jail terms. Rodney Toki (27), Taniela Pohahau (27) and Tuiaki Muli Pahulu (23) were sentenced on November 29, at the Nuku'alofa Supreme Court.
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  • Wednesday 1 December 2021 9:05pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : A 7,000 litre water tanker was handed over to the Tonga Fire and Emergency Services, donated from Japan, today, December 1. The Japanese Ambassador to Tonga, HE Mr. Kensaku Munenaga said that in the aftermath of natural disasters, this water tanker will also deliver essential water sources to vulnerable people.
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  • Tuesday 30 November 2021 8:54pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Tonga’s health records will move from paper-based to a digital patient management system starting tomorrow, December 1, after the Prime Minister Hon. Rev. Dr Pohiva Tu’i’onetoa launched the Kingdom’s first National Health Information System (NHIS) this morning at Davina House in Nuku'alofa. By Eleanor Gee.
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  • Tuesday 30 November 2021 8:42pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Tupou Haupeakui who is charged with possession of equipment in relation to an offence against the Illicit Drugs Control Act was remitted to the Magistrate's Court for re-trial before another Magistrate, after his case was dismissed at the lower court. The prosecution brought this appeal to the Nuku'alofa Supreme Court against a decision of Magistrate Tu'akalau on 6 July this year.
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  • Tuesday 30 November 2021 6:39pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Higher imported and domestic prices have driven increasing inflation in Tonga. In the year to August 2021 inflation rose by 7.0%, the National Reserve Bank of Tonga reported. Annually, foreign reserves increased, resulting from more receipts of budget support, project funds, and remittances.
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  • Tuesday 30 November 2021 5:43pm
    Pita Vuki

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : The official result of Tonga’s 2021 General Parliamentary Election was announced by the Electoral Commissioner and Supervisor of Elections, Pita Vuki, this afternoon, 30 November 2021. After recounts were made for the Tongatapu Constituencies Nos. 1, 5, 7 and 10; and ‘Eua No. 11, there were no changes in the winning candidates. By Pesi Fonua
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  • Tuesday 30 November 2021 10:29am

    Edinburgh, Scotland
    : The damage caused by COVID-19 – exacerbated by the continued appearance of new variants, most recently Omicron – has been catastrophic. More than five million lives worldwide have already been lost to COVID-19, and with confirmed cases on track to swell from 260 million today to 460 million by next autumn, the World Health Organization estimates that five million more people may die from the disease in the coming months. While 95% of adults in low-income countries remain unprotected, by the end of 2021, 100 million vaccine doses in the G20 stockpile will pass their expiration date and be wasted. This is perhaps the greatest public policy failure of our times. So, when the World Health Assembly (WHA) gathers for a special session starting on November 29, its task is nothing less than preventing the recurrence of such a tragedy. By Gordon Brown.
  • Monday 29 November 2021 10:10pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : A blaze engulfed a small house situated behind the Tufumahina Royal Residence on Saturday night, November 27. The main house at the front of the compound was not affected.
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  • Monday 29 November 2021 9:45pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Around 46,239 people (60%) of Tonga’s eligible population of 76,911 are now fully inoculated for COVID-19. while 73,295 (95%) have received their first doses of either the AstraZeneca or Pfizer vaccine by November 29, the Ministry of Health confirmed today.
  • Monday 29 November 2021 9:37pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : ‘Ana Katokalala Siale (38) who is currently serving time in Hu'atolitoli Prison was sentenced to serve an additional six-months imprisonment for the housebreaking and theft of $10,650 pa'anga worth of Tongan handicrafts in 2020. She is currently serving two-years six-months imprisonment for two previous convictions of similar offences.
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  • Monday 29 November 2021 9:26pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Two Tongans who studied online to complete a Master’s Degree in Disaster Management, under a Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) program, received their certificates on November 24. Mafoa Penisoni focused on Seismology and Tevita ‘Aho focused on Flood Disaster.
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  • Sunday 28 November 2021 5:47pm

    Brisbane, Australia
    : Five soldiers from His Majesty’s Armed Forces Tonga (HMAF) have the skills to train their fellow colleagues in the Army Combatives Program (ACP), having qualified as instructors following training at Gallipoli Barracks, Enoggera, Brisbane, Australia. ACP is combat-focused, and teaches lethal and non-lethal techniques relevant to soldiers.
  • Sunday 28 November 2021 5:13pm

    Melbourne, Australia
    : New York Times Reporting by Yan Zhuang: After days of riots in the Solomon Islands during which protesters called for Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare to resign, set buildings ablaze and looted stores, authorities on Saturday said they had found the bodies of three people in a burned-out building of a store in the Chinatown district. They are the first reported deaths after days of violent protests in Honiara, the nation’s capital. Australia sent around 100 police officers and soldiers Thursday and Friday to help stabilize the situation, and Papua New Guinea sent 35 police and correctional service personnel Friday.
  • Sunday 28 November 2021 11:39am

    Auckland, New Zealand
    : For years, WTO members have failed to forge an agreement to limit fishing subsidies, thereby allowing the continuation of ecologically devastating fishing operations that would otherwise be economically unviable. Now an agreement is within reach – if the political will is there to deliver it. The comprehensive draft now on the table combines measures to curb harmful subsidies with specific exceptions for developing countries. Governments have given their word that they will curb destructive fisheries subsidies. This week’s 12th Ministerial Conference in Geneva (30 Nov.-3 Dec.) will test the credibility of that pledge. By Helen Clark, et al.
  • Friday 26 November 2021 7:03pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : The Dux of Tupou College was awarded to Tofā Moe ‘Alo Taumoha’apai Moala during the all boys secondary school’s prize giving ceremony today.
  • Friday 26 November 2021 6:57pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : More than 300 students received certificates in a combined graduation ceremony for two Government Tertiary Institutes (TIST and TMPI) today at the Falemasiva Hall, in the Tailulu College compound, Tofoa. By Linny Folau.
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