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  • Monday 22 February 2021 7:18pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : An environmental study on seabed mining for “polymetallic nodules” - rocks that contain metals needed to build batteries, is underway in the Clarion Clipperton Zone (CCZ) of the Pacific between Hawaii and Mexico. The aim is to use the metals to power electric cars. The study is being undertaken by DeepGreen Metals Inc., a Canadian-based seafloor mining developer, which acquired Tonga Offshore Mining Limited (TOML) last year, and has sponsorship from the Tonga government for seabed exploration. By Eleanor Gee.
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  • Monday 22 February 2021 7:02pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Talia'uli Fatongiatau (35) was sentenced today to nine-months imprisonment for offering $235 bribe to a Tonga Police officer and possession of 0.89g of methamphatamine. He is currently serving time in Hu'atolitoli Prison.
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  • Monday 22 February 2021 6:55pm

    Canberra, Australia
    : East Asia Forum: The United States abandoned economic leadership in Asia four years ago. Rather than promote and strengthen the multilateral institutions and frameworks that underpin Asia’s prosperity, the United States under President Trump began systematically undermining them: from the WTO, WHO and Paris Agreement, to military alliances with Japan and South Korea, bilateral trade ties and cooperation in regional forums. What can Biden do to instil confidence in a region still battered and bruised from four years of the Trump administration waywardness? - By the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU.
  • Friday 19 February 2021 5:21pm

    Sydney, Australia
    : New York Times reporting: A digitally savvy nation, Australia woke up Thursday to a shock on Facebook: the news was gone. The social network’s decision to block journalism rather than pay for it erased more than expected, leaving many outraged and debating what should happen next.
  • Friday 19 February 2021 4:51pm

    New York, USA
    : New York Times reporting: Food researchers are debating whether highly processed foods like potato chips and ice cream are addictive, triggering our brains to overeat. Highly processed foods continue to dominate the American diet, despite being linked to obesity, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and other health problems. Recently, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition explored the science behind addictive behaviour toward food.
  • Friday 19 February 2021 4:18pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Taufa Latuselu was sentenced to nine-months imprisonment, which was fully suspended for unlawful possession of illicit drugs by the Lord Chief Justice who said, had he been charged with supplying or if this offending occurred after the current amendments to the Illicit Drugs Control Act, full suspension would not have been available.
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  • Thursday 18 February 2021 6:32pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : A hot sunny day did not burn the enthusiasm of Tonga High School students, who started their Inter-House Athletics competition today, singing and dancing to cheer on their houses, at Teufaiva Stadium. The sports were not held last year due to COVID-19 emergency restrictions.
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  • Thursday 18 February 2021 6:20pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Latu Selu was acquitted of charges, including possession of methamphatamine due to an unlawful search by Tonga Police, ruled a Supreme Court judge who found there was a deliberate disregard of the law.
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  • Thursday 18 February 2021 5:50pm

    Canberra, Australia
    : Australia plans to start the roll out of the Pfizer/BioNTech CoViD-19 vaccine next week to the first and most vulnerable Australians from 22 February.
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  • Thursday 18 February 2021 5:48pm

    Sydney, Australia
    : Former rugby league player, Willie Mason (of Tongan heritage), is calling for a Pacific Island All Stars to be included in the annual All Stars fixture over the next few years.
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  • Wednesday 17 February 2021 5:47pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Tonga’s $15.2 million pa'anga loan repayment due to the EXIM Bank of China, during the 2020-21 financial year, has been deferred to 2021-22, the Minister of Finance, Hon. Tevita Lavemaau, confirmed yesterday 16 February.
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  • Wednesday 17 February 2021 5:14pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Repatriation flights are scheduled to arrive in Tonga on March 3, from New Zealand, Australia and Fiji.
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  • Wednesday 17 February 2021 5:09pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : The trial of former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice Sione Vuna Fa’otusia will be held in July on charges, which related to a dispute over a stolen cow in 2019.
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  • Wednesday 17 February 2021 5:00pm

    Suva, Fiji
    : The University of the South Pacific (USP) Council has extended the appointment of Dr Giulio Masasso Paunga as Acting Vice-Chancellor & President until further notice, following a special meeting held yesterday, 16 February. This follows the Fiji Government's sudden deportation of Vice Chancellor Professor Pal Ahluwalia earlier this month.
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  • Tuesday 16 February 2021 6:08pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : A new warehouse for the National Emergency Management Office (NEMO) to safely stockpile goods to assist in times of disasters, was commissioned on February 16, at Poutaha.
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  • Tuesday 16 February 2021 6:00pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : A cheque of $250,000 dividend was presented to government from the property sector of public enterprises during their Annual General Meeting today, 16 February.
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  • Tuesday 16 February 2021 5:53pm

    New York, USA
    : New York Times reporting: The World Health Organization on Monday authorized the use of the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine, clearing a path for the cheap and easy-to-store shots to be distributed in lower- and middle-income countries around the world.
  • Tuesday 16 February 2021 4:17pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Petrol, kerosene, and diesel prices have increased for February-March starting today, 16 February, as approved by the Tonga Competent Authority.
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  • Monday 15 February 2021 7:14pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Science scholarships were presented to eight high school and tertiary students on February 15 sponsored by the Tonga Offshore Mining Ltd. The awards will help them with their school fees.
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  • Monday 15 February 2021 7:01pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Tonga’s Declaration of a Health State of Emergency will enter its second year of enforcement, under a monthly renewal starting from 8:00pm today, February 15 to March 15. This means the State of Emergency has been in force for a full year, since it was first declared on 12 March 2020.
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