‘Oku tapou atu heni ki he ngaahi pisinisi pea mo e kakai ‘oku nau fakahoko ‘a e pisinisi nō atu ‘o e pa’anga ́, kuo pau ke ‘i ai ha’amou laiseni fakalao mei ́ he Pangikē Pule ́,‘i he malumalu ‘o e Lao ki he Kautaha Nō Atu ‘o e Pa’anga 2018. ‘Oku kau he ngaahi tu’utu’uni ‘o e laiseni ’a e ngaahi Kautaha Nō kotoa pē ke nau faka’ali’ali ‘enau laiseni ́ ‘i he’enau feitu’u ngāue ́, koe‘uhi ke malava ke faingofua hono fakapapau’i ‘e he kau kasitomā ́ ‘oku fakalao pē ‘a ‘enau pisinisi ́. Mou toe tokanga ange pea ke mou fakahoko fakapotopoto ho’omou ngaahi fili fakapa’anga ́.
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Results for National Reserve Bank of Tonga
Thursday 26 October 2023
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Thursday 26 October 2023
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The public is advised that businesses and individuals offering money lending services must have a valid license issued by the Reserve Bank under the Moneylenders Act 2018. Authorized lenders are required to display their license at their main location, so customers can easily verify their legitimacy. Stay informed and make wise financial decisions!
Thursday 19 October 2023
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Ko e ngaahi ngaue fakatupu pa'anga' (investment), 'a ia ko hano tanaki mai ha pa'anga mei he kakai 'o e fonua' ke ngaue'aki ki he ngaahi 'inivesi pe no pea 'e ala fakatu'utamaki (risk) ki he tokotaha 'oku' ne fakahoko 'a e pisinisi ko ia', 'oku lau ia ko e ngaue fakapangike. Ko e ngaahi ngaue ko eni 'oku ngofua ke fakahoko 'i Tonga' ni ka 'e kinautolu pe kuo 'osi foaki ha'anau laiseni fakapangike 'e he Pangike Pule' 'i he malumalu 'o e kupu 7 'o e Lao ki he Ngaue Fakapangike 2020'.
Thursday 19 October 2023
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Public Notice: The Reserve Bank confirms that business such as investment activities, whereby funds are received from the public to be used for investments or loans at the risk of the person doing such business, is considered banking business. These activities are permitted to be conducted in Tonga only by those who have a banking licence granted by the Reserve Bank under section 7 of the Banking Act 2020.
Saturday 16 September 2023
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Na’e tokoni lahi ‘a e Pangikē Pule Fakafonua ‘a Tongaˊ ki he Pule’anga ‘I hono foaki atu ‘a e sieke pa’anga ‘e $14.2 miliona ki he Palemia Le’ole’oˊ Hon. Samiu Vaipulu pea mo e Minisitā Pa’anga Hon. Tiofilusi Tiueti he’enau Fakataha Lahi Fakata’u ‘o e 2023, na’e fakahoko he ‘aho Falaite 15 Sepitema.
Saturday 16 September 2023
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A cheque for $14.2 million was presented by the National Reserve Bank of Tonga to the Tonga Government on Friday 15 September, as part of the Bank's profit distribution for the financial year ended 30 June 2023. This year’s audited financial statement of the Bank confirmed a historical net profit of $20.4 million, and 70% of this was paid to government. The income was generated through investment of foreign reserves.
Monday 11 September 2023
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
‘Oku hoko atu hono fakamamafa‘i ‘e he Pangikē Pule ‘a hono tokangaekina ke ma‘ulalo ‘a e Hikihiki ‘i he Totongi Koloa ́ ‘i he Fakamatala Fokotu‘utu‘u Ngāue Fakapa‘anga ‘o ‘Aokosi 2023.
Tuesday 25 July 2023
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Two Deputy Governors were appointed for the National Reserve Bank of Tonga, approved by the Reserve Bank Board of Directors on 21 July.

Friday 23 June 2023
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Following the 2022 COVID-19 pandemic, HTHH volcano eruption and tsunami ashfall damages, the monetary and financial policies of the National Reserve Bank of Tonga are critical to stay relevant to be supportive of the Kingdom’s economic recovery contributing to macro stability in 2023, resilience to shocks in the short to medium term.
Thursday 13 April 2023
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The February Consumer Price Index reported inflation annual rate at 8.7%, a decline from 9.7% in the previous month, and lower than 9.1% in February 2022. Inflation has generally been easing from its peak of 14% in September 2022. The Reserve Bank’s Governor Tatafu Moeaki stated that “the February 2023 Monetary Policy Statement adjustment to the money supply and its exchange rate policy remains a priority to fight against inflation and will keep a tight stance where appropriate to minimize the negative impacts on families purchasing power especially the poorer and vulnerable.”
Tuesday 14 March 2023
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Business and households’ purchasing power are declining, states the National Reserve Bank of Tonga, while stressing the importance of price stability in the short-term as it moves to strengthen the monetary policy framework that seeks to better control inflation, and build the resilience of the financial sector, promote macroeconomic stability and support economic growth recovery. The Monetary Policy Statement (MPS) for February 2023 outlines a revised monetary policy stance.
‘Oku ne holoki leva ‘a e ivi fakatau ‘a e ngaahi pisinisi′ mo e kakai′, pea ‘oku fakamamafa‘i ai ‘e he Pangikē Pule′ ...
Monday 2 January 2023
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tatafu Moeaki, Tonga's former Minister of Finance was appointed by government on 20 December 2022 as the new Governor of the National Reserve Bank of Tonga.

Monday 10 October 2022
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Counterfeit $20, $50 and $100 pa'anga notes have recently been found in Tonga, the National Reserve Bank of Tonga has warned.

Tuesday 30 November 2021
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Higher imported and domestic prices have driven increasing inflation in Tonga. In the year to August 2021 inflation rose by 7.0%, the National Reserve Bank of Tonga reported. Annually, foreign reserves increased, resulting from more receipts of budget support, project funds, and remittances.

Tuesday 17 August 2021
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga’s Domestic Economic activities showed some improvements in May 2021, Sione Ngongo Kioa, the Governor of Tonga’s National Reserve Bank told the National Reserve Bank of Tonga’s Board of Directors on 5 August. However, the Reserve Bank’s GDP outlook projected a deeper contraction in Tonga’s economy for 2020-21 as the extended lockdowns and uncertainties present significant risk.

Wednesday 23 June 2021
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
In March 2021, Tonga's official Foreign Reserves continued a downward trend. Following the previous month’s decline, the reserves fell by $6.7m to $685.7m, equivalent to 11.7 months of import, according to the National Reserve Bank of Tonga.

Saturday 24 April 2021
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A “worse-than-expected outcome” for Tonga's GDP in the fiscal years 2019-20 and 2020-21 was forecast by the National Reserve Bank of Tonga, following its first board meeting for the year. During the COVID-19 international crisis Tonga's annual inflation has increased and agricultural exports have fallen. Bank lending decreased, while deposits increased.

Monday 16 November 2020
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The investment by Tongans in illegal pyramid schemes is concerning the National Reserve Bank of Tonga, which issued a warning to the public against participating.

Thursday 5 November 2020
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
PUBLIC NOTICE: To regulate and supervise non-bank financial institutions, the National Reserve Bank of Tonga developed the Moneylenders Act 2018. This Act was proclaimed by Cabinet to come into force on 30th September 2020, and a Gazette notice has been publicly posted and published on the Reserve Bank’s website and Facebook page. The Reserve Bank is requesting that those moneylenders listed in the following Table below please contact the Reserve Bank as soon as possible to apply for a moneylender license. For more information in English and Tongan ... Lao ki hono Tokanga’i mo Pule’i ‘o e Ngaahi Kautaha Nō atu ‘o e Pa’anga ‘i Tonga΄ ...
Tuesday 1 September 2020
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Unclaimed money totalling over $973,085 pa'anga, held in 1582 customer accounts by commercial banks in Tonga, will be transferred to the government and will become government property, if the accounts remain unclaimed. The account holders have until November to make their claims, the National Reserve Bank Tonga announced on 28 August.