Forensic pathology shows huge blow to the head caused death of Kali Fungavaka
Tuesday, February 26, 2013 - 20:31
A forensic pathologist from New Zealand who conducted a post-mortem examination on Kali Fungavaka's body, believed that the cause of death was a huge blunt force trauma to the head. He today revealed the extent of the multiple injuries found on the victim's body ranging from a fractured skull, haemorrhage and bruising to his brain, a fractured neck bone with bruises to other parts of his body.
Fakatatau kihe fakamatala ko
Fakatatau ki he fakamatala ko'eni 'a e toketa, 'oku ou lave'i hifo ha me'a mahu'inga 'e 3 felave'i mo e hoponi. 1.'Oku 'ikai ako'i lelei 'a e kau polisi Tonga kenau 'ilo 'oku 'ikai ko e ta, mo e tuki, mo e 'aka, mo e ta'aki e kasa fo'i'ulu ko e founga totonu ia ke fai'aki honau fatongia fekau'aki pea moha keisi (case) peheni. 2. Ko fe me'alele 'a e kau Polisi ? (transportation). Na'e mei lava ke loka pe 'a e tokotaha ni pea fakahu ki he me'alele 'a e kau polisi 'o leleaki'i ki falepolisi 'iha miniti pe 5, pea lava ai ke 'oua 'e hoko 'a e fu'u lue loloa (150m) he fakapo'uli, hoko ai mo e ngaahi lea kehekehe 'o fakatupu'ita ki he kau polisi ta'eako'i lelei ko'eni. 'Oku 'i ai ha 'budget' fe'unga meihe Pule'anga ke fakanaunau'aki (me'alele) 'a e kau Polisi. 3. 'If the victim was given early medical attention he might survived'. Ko e fehu'i faingata'a 'eni ke fai hano tali 'e he Potungaue Polisi, pea mo e Pule'anga. Fakatatau ki he fakamatala 'a e toketa ni, ko e 'bad news' ia kihe kau faka'iloa. SAIA.
Police can be reformed but it
Police can be reformed but it takes both time and tenacity. But here's the bottom line: The proper policing of a democracy is best undertaken by men and women who are formally educated, carefully selected, well-trained, expected to control their use of force, be honest in their actions, reports and court testimony, courteous to every person regardless of their station in life, led by mature, collaborative leaders, and closely in touch with the communities they serve. - Police Chief David Couper (