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Monday 23 January 2006 5:45pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : THE Tongan athletic team for this year's Melbourne Commonwealth Games to begin on March 15 in Australia, has been confirmed, and the team's names will be announced next week.Premium content
Monday 23 January 2006 5:30pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : A first ever-Pacific Triangular Rugby Championship for Tonga, Samoa and Fiji will kick start on April 15, and run to May 20, confirmed Sakopo Lolohea CEO of the Tonga Rugby Union today.Premium content
Sunday 22 January 2006 8:06pm
Auckland, New Zealand : Government teachers' threat to go on strike in response to the Ministry of Education's staffing and transfer exercise has come as no surprise at all. Teachers have, in the past, tended not to question the staffing exercise in general but the effect of the strike last year seems to have created an atmospere of suspicion regarding the motives of the education department. -
Saturday 21 January 2006 5:31pm
Auckland, New Zealand : It is always a blessing to be in Tonga for the Po Le'o and the Uike Lotu. I cannot describe the warmth in my heart to walk up once again to the front of my village church and fe'iloaki with the kau Malanga Pole'o as well as everyone else in the village church. - Sailosi Finau -
Saturday 21 January 2006 5:08pm
Long Beach, California, USA : Na‘e fuofua hu ki he Fale Alea Tonga ‘a Samiuela ‘Akilisi Pohiva ‘i he to‘u Fale Alea ‘o e 1984-1986 ‘a ia koe lava eni ‘a e ta‘u ‘e 21 ‘ene fai fatongia ma‘ae kakai. Ko kinautolu ne kaunga Fakafofonga mai mo ia `i he 1980 tupú kuo nau mavahe hono kotoa, pea lolotonga `a e 1990 tupú ki he 2000 na`e fetomokosi holo pe. - ‘Ofa ki Tonga -
Friday 20 January 2006 4:45pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : The heir to the 'Akau'ola title, 'Ahovaleamoemapa Faletau (38) on January 17 officially became the matapule 'Akau'ola at a ceremony at his home on the island of Taunga in Vava'u.Premium content
Friday 20 January 2006 4:31pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : Political reformers who demanded response from the King of Tonga to a petition proposing amendments to the Tongan Constitution, say their January 16 deadline has passed without any word from the king.Premium content
Friday 20 January 2006 4:23pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : A young Tongan, Sione Posesi Fanua Bloomfield (31) has been appointed as the new Attorney General of the Marshall Islands on January 12, confirmed his mother Siosiane Bloomfield today.Premium content
Thursday 19 January 2006 9:00pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : The King of Tonga who left Tonga suddenly for New Zealand on December 19 2005 for medical reasons, remains in Auckland and it is still uncertain when the King will return home, said Sateki ‘Ahio, the Acting Secretary of the Palace Office today.Premium content
Thursday 19 January 2006 8:48pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : A strong economy is just as important as a robust and transparent democracy, said Gilbert Ullrich, the chairman of the New Zealand Pacific Business Council, at the launching on December 9 of the preparations for a Pacific Trade Expo to be held in Manukau, Auckland, New Zealand, in March.Premium content
Thursday 19 January 2006 8:41pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : An Australian film festival will be launched on Friday January 20, and running a Nuku'alofa's Star Cinemas until January 28, with films for all ages.Premium content
Wednesday 18 January 2006 6:41pm
Sydney, Australia : It comes at no surprise that the government is now trying to stifle the promotion and transfer system of teachers who are qualified and based on established rules. What the Education Dept is attempting to do is to frustrate PSA efforts to return Tonga's public service to pre-strike normality. Effectively, the government is now resorting to extra-ordinary bullying tactics by re-arranging the transfer/promotion system in a way that they hope will catch teachers out. - Jason Faletau -
Wednesday 18 January 2006 6:37pm
Barrow, Alaska,USA : We are the chosen people of our Heavenly Father. We have a destiny to fulfill, a life to live, a contribution to make, a goal to achieve. The future of our country in these rapidly changing times awaits our mark of influence. - Siosaia Moimoiangaha -
Wednesday 18 January 2006 5:56pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : The pass rate for all of Tonga's senior students sitting major examinations in 2005 has remained the same as the previous year, but the results announced last week showed that while independent schools' results have improved, the government schools' pass rates have dropped.Premium content
Wednesday 18 January 2006 5:32pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : Airlines Tonga Air Fiji carried out today their first test flight to the outer island of 'Eua, confirmed Sitafooti 'Aho the Manager of Teta Tours of Tonga.Premium content
Wednesday 18 January 2006 4:26pm
Salt Lake City-Utah, USA : 'Oku ou kole pe ke fakahu atu mu'a 'a e ki'i tohi ni 'i ho'o pepa. Na'a ku fa'a kau he ngaahi talanga lahi he nusipepa "Kalonikali" he ngaahi ta'u hivangofulu tupu, pea ko e lahi taha e ngaahi me'a na'a ku fa'a fakahoha'a ki ai ko hono ngaue 'aki ko ia e laka fakahaha mo e fakahaha loto ke liliu 'aki ha fa'ahinga tu'utu'uni fakapolitikale. Ko e me'a pe na'a ne fakatupu ko e toe kovi ange 'o e va 'o e hou'eki mo e kakai pea toe va mama'o ai 'a e Fale 'o e Hau 'o Tonga mo hono kakai. - Vakataha MilaPremium content
Wednesday 18 January 2006 3:53pm
Maui, Hawaii, U.S.A. : Fakatauange ke tau ke tau toe talanoa mu'a ke tau toe femahino'aki pea toki hoko 'a e felafo'aki mo e felotomamahi'aki. 'Oku ou tui foki 'oku 'ikai ke totonu ke tau fu'u loto mamahi 'o fu'u to ki tu'a ke tautea 'e tau kau faiako, 'oku ou fokotu'u atu tau toe ki'i vakavakai lelei ange 'o toe kumi ha fakakaukau 'e lava ke tau ngaue fakataha ai mo si'i kakai ngaue 'aonga ko'eni ke teu'i e kaha'u 'o Tonga. 'Oku fele 'a e ngahi founga 'a e kakai 'oku ngaue he potungaue ako ke nau fakalele'ii 'a e ki'i palopalema ko'eni. He ko hono 'uhinga ia na'e fili ai 'e he pule'anga ke nau fakalele 'a e Potungaue Ako. - S. TupolaPremium content
Wednesday 18 January 2006 2:28pm
Long Beach, California, USA : Ko e kau Ngaue fakapule`angá ko e huitu`a mo`oni ia `o e Pule`angá he ko kinautolu `oku nau fakahoko ngaue mo fakalele `a e fonuá. Ko e ngaahi nima ia mo e va`e `o e Va`a Pule `o e Pule`angá `i hono fakahoko `a e ngaahi lao kuo paasi `e he Fale Aleá pea `osi fakamo`oni huafa ki ai `Ene `Afió. - ‘Ofa ki TongaPremium content
Tuesday 17 January 2006 5:52pm
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : The Speaker of the Tongan Parliament, Hon. Veikune, and two other men pleaded not guilty to charges of bribing customs officers allegedly in an attempt to evade import duties on half a container of rum, when they appeared in the Nuku‘alofa Supreme Court yesterday, January 16.Premium content
Tuesday 17 January 2006 10:08am
Nuku'alofa, Tonga : It was a night of fun for about 2,500 people of all ages who gathered at Nuku‘alofa's Teufaiva Stadium, on Friday evening, January 14, for a special Boney M concert in Tonga. Photos by Lano FonuaPremium content