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  • Friday 30 April 2021 7:15pm

    Manila, Philippines
    : The economies of the Cook Islands, Niue, Samoa, and Tonga will continue to decline in 2021. “The COVID-19 pandemic is the worst economic crisis in the history of these countries,” said economist James Webb. “While lives have been saved, livelihoods have been lost.” Economic recovery in tourism-dependent Polynesian countries will be slow, says a new ADB report.
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  • Friday 30 April 2021 6:02pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Humpback Whales filmed in Vava’u in 2018 feature in a new TV Series ‘Secrets of the Whales’ currently airing on Disney+. Alistair Coldrick and world class Tongan skipper, Ali Takau from Dolphin Pacific Diving in Vava'u were involved in the project.
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  • Friday 30 April 2021 5:56pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Cannabis was seized from a 40-year-old man, who had returned from 'Eua, at Faua Wharf today. Between April 19-30 seven people have been arrested and charged, after Tonga Police seized methamphetamine and cannabis at six different locations in Tongatapu.
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  • Friday 30 April 2021 5:47pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Tupou College won the inter-collegiate sports competition held over four days last week, raking in 35 gold, 27 silver, and 13 bronze medals, confirmed the sports committee this week.
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  • Friday 30 April 2021 5:45pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Toutai Mafile’o was sentenced to two-years imprisonment, which was fully suspended for dangerous driving causing grievous bodily harm to his passenger in 2020 at Mu'a. He was intoxicated.
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  • Friday 30 April 2021 5:41pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Salesi Fa’aoa (a.k.a. Mahelofa Tuputau) was sentenced to nine-months imprisonment for possession of 0.3 grams of methamphetamine and 22 rounds of .22 calibre ammunition, seized by Tonga Police after receiving information that he was selling illicit drugs from his car.
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  • Thursday 29 April 2021 6:49pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Tonga’s precious supply of covid vaccine can now be extended to thousands more people thanks to the skills of the Tongan nurses, who have not wasted a drop of the first batch received this month. People aged 35 years and over can now be vaccinated with the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. By Eleanor Gee
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  • Thursday 29 April 2021 6:14pm

    Geneva, Switzerland
    : Globally, new COVID-19 cases increased again with nearly 5.7 million new cases reported last week, surpassing previous peaks, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) weekly COVID-19 update on April 25. For the third consecutive week, the South-East Asia region reported the highest relative increases in both case and death incidences.
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  • Thursday 29 April 2021 5:05pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : A 46-year-old man was found guilty at the Nuku'alofa Supreme Court on two counts of serious indecent assaulting a teenager in 2020.
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  • Thursday 29 April 2021 4:58pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : The new British High Commissioner Designate to Tonga, HE Lucy Joyce, congratulated Tonga on its covid-free status this week. The vaccine had arrived before the virus and “not many countries are in such a privileged position,” she said on Tuesday. The High Commission is officially reopening in May after closing for 15 years.
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  • Thursday 29 April 2021 12:53pm

    Sydney, Australia
    : The funeral of the late Peter Warner in Ballina, NSW, Australia, yesterday had a special Tongan presence, including two of the original ‘Ata boys – Mano Totau and Tevita Siolala, reports Tonga's Honorary Consul General.
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  • Thursday 29 April 2021 10:55am

    London, United Kingdom
    : People who have been vaccinated with a single dose of either the Oxford-AstraZeneca or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines were 65% less likely to get a new Covid infection, a UK study has found. The chances of becoming infected by COVID (SARS-CoV-2) fell sharply after a first dose. However, some people can still get Covid after being vaccinated but the ongoing transmission is reduced.
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  • Wednesday 28 April 2021 5:59pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Tonga has postponed the repatriation flight from Fiji, which was due to arrive in Tonga next week, confirmed MEIDECC CEO Paula Ma'u today, as Fiji has closed its major towns, due to the local transmission in Fiji of the COVID-19 Indian variant.
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  • Wednesday 28 April 2021 5:23pm

    Suva, Fiji
    : COVID-19 cases in Fiji continue to increase with six new cases confirmed yesterday, 27 April, bringing the total to 42 active cases, according to health officials. Recent cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed to be the B1617 variant that was first detected in India. Dr James Fong has warned Fijians to stay at home because “any person-to-person contact outside your home could get you infected.”
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  • Wednesday 28 April 2021 4:52pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : A 62-year-old repeat sexual offender was sentenced to eight-years and nine-months imprisonment for rape and other counts of carnal knowledge of a young person. He is a dangerous offender, revealed a pre-sentence sentence at the Nuku'alofa Supreme Court.
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  • Wednesday 28 April 2021 4:47pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Tangata 'o Pangai (a.k.a. Pinomi Lavemai) was sentenced to 14-months imprisonment for possession of 1.63 grams of methamphetamine. The Chief Justice said, the nature and surrounding circumstances of this offending pointed to a case of possession for the purpose of supply.
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  • Wednesday 28 April 2021 1:50pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Eighteen technicians will be flown to Tonga on a chartered flight to install the new telecommunications system in the Tonga Broadcasting Commission’s new building in Nuku'alofa, and to construct an antenna at Niuafo‘ou, in order to to complete a Nationwide Early Warning System (NEWS) and Strengthening Disaster Communications project, supported by the Government of Japan.
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  • Wednesday 28 April 2021 12:43pm

    New Delhi, India
    : New York Times reporting: Crematories are so full of bodies, it’s as if a war just happened. Fires burn around the clock. Many places are holding mass cremations, dozens at a time, and at night, in certain areas of New Delhi, the sky glows. Sickness and death are everywhere. India is recording more infections per day — as many as 350,000 — than any other country has since the pandemic began. What we had been fearing during last year’s first wave, and which never really materialized, is now happening in front of our eyes: a breakdown, a collapse, a realization that so many people will die. By Jeffrey Gettleman.
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  • Tuesday 27 April 2021 8:32pm

    Suva, Fiji
    : Pacific Islands Forum Secretary General, Dame Meg Taylor has welcomed the new climate targets announced by the USA, Japan, UK and Canada, as well as South Korea’s commitment to end financing of coal-fired power plants overseas at President Biden’s Leaders Summit on Climate.

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  • Tuesday 27 April 2021 8:17pm

    Nuku'alofa, Tonga
    : Setitaia Chen, who has been Tonga Power Ltd's Chief Executive Officer since August 2018, resigned last Friday, 23 April, due to family reasons. Nikolasi Fonua is now Acting CEO.
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