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Wednesday 23 January 2008
Pago Pago, American Samoa
I am so sad but not surprised just thinking about the killing and being killed in the Friendly Island of Tonga. I can't begin to rationalize any positive basic cost analysis for either side of the coin in this to me senseless killing/suicide. Regardless of what provoked such a sad development, I cannot accept the fact that one person took upon himself all the authority of a prosecutor, juror, judge and executioner at the same time. - Sione Lousiale Kava
Wednesday 23 January 2008
California, USA
Your news on the "Two dead in Nuku'alofa shooting" is so crippling to the heart. My respect with deep condolences to Saimone Helu and family. And to the assailants' family as well. - Ms. Fonua
Tuesday 22 January 2008
I was just curious if you had and idea why the government has not pressed charges of "terrorism" against those responsible for 16/11 because if you look at the law that is spelt out in 2002 amendment of the Criminal Offences Act it literally spells out what happened on 16/11. - Tauhopohopo
Thursday 10 January 2008
Auckland, New Zealand
The pronouncement that the small fishing village of Nukuleka on the northern shores of eastern Tongatapu, at the entrance to the Fanga'uta Lagoon, to be the cradle of Polynesia, let alone the whole of Tonga, does certainly raise a few critical questions. -Dr 'Okusitino Mahina
Wednesday 9 January 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Regarding the report I submitted on 20 December 2007 to the Hon. Prime Minister with reference to the working environment within the Ministry I am currently serving ... I kindly and humbly request: please can we leave the matter to the proper government process in which the Auditor General has the authority through the law to have access to the documents indicated in my report. -Edgar Cocker
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Monday 17 December 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Editor, I had a Nightmare, about Harder's "I had a Dream". ... It is clear that this troubled Lawyer has quickly been absorbed into the mentality and rhetorical language like a megaphone for 'Akilisi, 'Uliti Uata, Clive Edwards, Lepolo Tanusila, 'Isi Pulu and the Pangai Si'i mob. -'Inoke Fotu Hu'akau
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Sunday 16 December 2007
Sydney, Australia
I am less confident that the proposal set forth by Mr Christopher Harder will resolve anything in the current as well as the future political situation of Tonga. To be sure, I do believe in apologizing and forgiveness in response. However, to think that an apology from all parties involved in the heinous crimes of 16/11 and a pardon from the King of Tonga will rectify the current political situation in Tonga is unavoidably laughable. -Rev Dr Ma'afu Palu
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Friday 14 December 2007
San Francisco, USA
On 06/12/07, the Prime Minister's Office released a news article stating that it would take the Kele'a to court on a defamation charge. In my opinion, this is an attempt to jeopardize the function of the Clause 7 of the Constitution of Tonga - Freedom of Speech and Expression. -Siosaia Fatani.
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Thursday 13 December 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Malo mu'a e tau mo e ngaue lahi hono fakakakato mai e ngaahi ongoongo' ke 'inasi ai e Tonga kotoa pe 'i he fo'i kolope. Ne u fakatumutumu he lahi 'eku tangi he lau e tohi 'a Mr C Harder mo e ngaahi akonaki na'a ne vahevahe mai kihe kakai 'o e fonua'. Ko e me'a malie ko e 'ikai ke u kau 'i he komiti Lao 'a Tonga 'oku nau vakai'i e kole laiseni 'a e motu'a ni he ne u mei foaki ange ai pe 'ene laiseni Lao' 'ana pea liliu tangata'i Tonga ai pe he 'osi 'eku lau 'ene tohi. - S. Moimoiangaha
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Wednesday 12 December 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
I have observed great turmoil and frustration about the land as families turn against each other and the country as a whole is further torn apart by pro-democracy and pro-monarchy supporters being unable to reconcile their differences. Let there be no doubt, many in Tonga bear some responsibility for what happened on 16 November 2006 and the ongoing legal events that continue to tie up the legal process and stop the country from progressing. In no particular order these persons have responsibility and they do know who they are. - Christopher Harder
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Tuesday 11 December 2007
Nunia Mafi daughter of Saulala Mafi who graduated from Tonga High received her Master's of Arts in Teaching from Brown University in 2003. - 'Akesa Mafi
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Saturday 24 November 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
For your information Mr. Koester, Tonga Broadcasting Commission - TBC, does not have anything to hide and again I would like to enlighten you that Tonga Broadcasting Commission was and is still a commercially operated business giving free service to the public.
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Saturday 24 November 2007
Neiafutahi,Neiafu, Vava'u Lahi
I read in Matangi Tonga and other publications about the news conference pertaining to objective and balanced reporting. I am not surprised by the recalcitrant attitude of the Tonga Broadcasting Commission Chief News Editor towards the Minister of Information's planned journalist guideline for government media outlets. - Heinz Koester
Friday 23 November 2007
'Okalani, Nu'usila
'I he 'eku tohi ni 'e fai ai ha sio fakalukufua ki he anga e tauhi Kulii Le'o (Watchdog) 'a e Pule'anga Tonga, pehe ki he to'onga e fanga kulii taautaha ke tau sio ange pe 'oku hu'u ki fee 'a e fanga Kulii Le'o he teuaki atu ko 'eni ki hono fakahoko e fakalelei fakapolitikale he ta'u 'e ua ka hoko mai. - Kitekei‘aho Tu‘akalau
Thursday 22 November 2007
Neiafutahi,Neiafu, Vava'u
My dearest Ms. K. Tohi, You are correct, I, my family and all of Vava'u wish to watch Television Tonga in Vava'u, and not only that, it is our right to watch Television Tonga in Vava'u Lahi. - Heinz Koester
Wednesday 21 November 2007
Utah, USA
Where else in the world but with credulous Tongans could he be deemed respectable? Please Mr Harder, Tonga is now addicted to fatty mutton flaps, which no civilized Kiwi dares to eat. Tonga does not need another rejected product from New Zealand.
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Wednesday 21 November 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Koester in his article stated that TBC Directors and Management ordered the broadcast of Fiji 1 TV program on TV-Vava'u and he also stated the reasons why he does not like TBC's airing Fiji One in Vava'u.
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Tuesday 20 November 2007
My eighty-year-old mother, who is a Tongan citizen and also a US citizen, was on her way to Fiji from Tonga on an Air Pacific flight of November 10, 2007 at 9:am. She checked in her luggage and paid her taxes and she was on her way to the waiting area to board her flight when she was approached by Tongan official (female) demanding money. - Lucia Siulangapo
Tuesday 20 November 2007
Pago Pago, American Samoa
Kolomotu'a's pig owners are weird, come to think about it. Families secure themselves and their property in and feed their pigs outside of their fence. So, the rest of the village of Kolomotu'a is their piggery. Hange pe 'oku pe he ha me'a. This is when the "gentlemen's rule" should be the obvious solution. - Mafi 'o Amerika Samoa
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Friday 16 November 2007
New Zealand
There was no dishonesty related matters, rather judgement calls. Since that time I have rehabilitated with appropriate courses including attending Alcoholics anonymous. I now do not smoke, drink or use any other substance. I work hard and I care about other people.
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