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Results for Tongans Overseas

Friday 7 October 2005
Hamilton, New Zealand
Small Pacific islands are being marginalised in the process of trade liberalisation, says Tongan scholar Halahingano Rohorua who has won an award from the New Zealand Association of Economists (NZAE) for her analysis of a small Pacific island community under threat from global trade liberalisation.
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Thursday 22 September 2005
California, USA
Thank you for all that you do. What a wonderful way for us Tongans overseas to see what is going on in Tonga. The photographs were fantastic, great quality that I have not seen. -Anita Siosiana Lavulo Robert-Taumoepeau (Miss Tonga 1997-98).
Monday 1 August 2005
Derby, Western Australia
Sixteen soldiers in Western Australia's far north have been injured after their armoured personnel carrier rolled during a training exercise.
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Thursday 5 May 2005
Kyoto, Japan
According to the APALC report, 6% of Tongans in California have a Bachelor Degree. My interest is the comparison between the Tongans in New Zealand (National level) and California (one State). The latest 2001 New Zealand population census recorded 40,716 Tongans of which 23,334 are aged 15 and above. Thus the figure in the quote above, implies 9,771 (24% of Total Tongan), or 5,600 (24% of age 15 and above) Tongans in New Zealand have a Bachelor Degree. -Raelyn L. 'Esau.
Monday 14 March 2005
Melbourne, Australia
Dilys Rowlands, former Principal of Queen Salote College (1945-68) died in Mornington, near Melbourne, Australia, on the afternoon of 13 March 2005.
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Tuesday 8 February 2005
Honolulu, Hawaii
Congratulations on 14 million hits in 2004. It is quite exciting to read all letters to the Editor and all individual opinions. - M. T. Tuaileva
Wednesday 19 January 2005
Melbourne, Australia
A former principal of Tonga's Queen Salote College, Dilys Rowlands, celebrated her 97th birthday on January 18, in the company of Tonga's Queen Halaevalu Mata'aho in Melbourne, Australia.
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Wednesday 11 August 2004
London, UK
I have recently taken up work with a sports management company called athletes1, based in London. I am in charge of the Rugby Union division which means that I am currently the agent for about 40 professional rugby players, finding clubs for them, sponsorship deals, helping them with their finances, etc. My love for Tonga has meant that I have tried to help as many Tongan players as possible. - Tom Fowler
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Thursday 27 May 2004
Sydney, Australia
I read an article in the Matangi Tonga Online of 27 May 2004, and was overwhelmed and proud to be Tongan but also because my mother's family comes from Hihifo-Pangai, Haapai when I read about the heroic efforts of the people of Pangai, going to the rescue the 450 passengers stranded at Hakauloa Reef on the ferry MV Pulupaki in the early hours of 26 May 2004. -Andrew Fifita J.P.
Tuesday 17 February 2004
Sydney, Australia
What is a true Tongan? What have we inherited? I was born overseas and I was led to believe that the true Tongan was either the monarchy or persons born in Tonga, bred Tongan and lived the Tongan way of life, culturally, socially and traditionally. The motto on the Tongan coat of arms says: "God and Tonga are my inheritance". For many young Tongans the question is, an inheritance to what? - Andrew Fifita J.P.
Monday 1 December 2003
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Democratic reform will help to preserve the dignity of the King, and his links with his people, says Taimi 'o Tonga publisher, Kalafi Moala. - Matangi Tonga, Vol. 18, No. 3
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Thursday 1 June 2000

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
There were tears in the eyes of eighty year old Vera Simpson as she returned to Tonga for the first time since she left at the age of 15. From Matangi Tonga Magazine Vol. 15, no. 2, June 2000.
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