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Jail time for thief who broke into store

Nuku'alofa, Tonga

Hu'atolitoli Prison, Tongatapu. 2021.

By Linny Folau

Viliami Tino Ma’u (28) is serving 16 months imprisonment for serious housebreaking and theft of goods worth $1,848 from a store in Ma’ufanga last year.

The Prosecution told the court that on Sunday, 8 September 2024 at around 1:30pm, the complainant left his home and went to his store, where he noticed that a window was dismantled and the shelves had been ransacked. He reported this incident to the Police.

The items stolen included an iPad. The Police identified the accused on video footage provided by the complainant from the store's camera. The accused was arrested on the same day. The accused later cooperated with a Police interview and admitted to breaking into the complainant's shop and committing the theft. He has four previous convictions for dishonesty.

A Probation report stated that he was a high risk of reoffending given his pattern of offending, lack of good character and his little to no connection to his community. They recommended a partially suspended sentence.

Lord Chief Justice Bishop sentenced him on 14 March in the Supreme Court, Nuku’alofa, after he pleaded guilty to both charges. He broke into the commercial property by dismantling the window. 

“You ransacked the shelves and the amount of goods which you took is that I have indicated was $1,848. Housebreaking is always a serious offence but in your case some of the aggravating features which accompany these incidents are absent. These were commercial not residential premises, at the time there was no one present, there was no violence, and you owned up to your wrongdoing when arrested and cooperated with the police.”

The accused is a previous offender, the last being in 2021 when he was put on probation by the Magistrates for theft.

“You appear not to have learnt your lesson, and I am satisfied that there is no other way of dealing with you but by imposing an immediate custodial sentence.”

The judge sentenced him to 24 months' imprisonment with the final eight months suspended for two years on conditions. He must not commit any further offences punishable by imprisonment and must complete a live skills course.