Data in this survey is expected to provide policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders with a deeper understanding of the most significant sources of income and essential expenditure categories for households in Tonga.
The government says that HIES information is crucial for developing effective social and economic development programs.
"The HIES data is crucial for revising and improving the accuracy of Tonga’s Gross Domestic Product figures, a key indicator of economic growth. It will also enable the rebasing of the Consumer Price Index, a vital tool for measuring inflation and informing economic policy decisions."
A two-week intensive training program began on Monday 13 January, for 31 enumerators who will be responsible for conducting the survey. They expect to go out to collect data from about 2,100 households spread over Tonga from January to October 2025.
Mr. Bertrand Buffier and Mr. Winston Fainga’anuku from SPC is facilitating the training program.
The Statistics Department stated that this year’s HIES is a collaborative effort between the government and the World Bank through the Statistical Innovation and Capacity Building for Tonga Project, which funds the initiative, and the Pacific Community (SPC).
The Statistics Department will implement it with technical support from SPC.
The Household Income and Expenditure Survey is a standard survey conducted in all Pacific Island countries and territories to gather comprehensive data on household living standards.