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Thursday 12 July 2007
Ko e fokotu'u fakakaukau malie kuo tuku mai 'e Sione Lousiale kihe fakakaukau ko'eni ke tukuhau'i e kau pisinisi 'oku tupulaki 'enau ngaue. Ko e fo'i fokotu'u kuo fai 'e he kau fakafofonga 20% 30% 40% ko e fakapoto'i pe ia 'o hono tu'usi vaeua e hiki ngalivale koia ne fakahoko he ta'u kuohili 60% 70% 80%. Ko e me'a 'oku mahino mai he fo'i 'aliaki ko'eni he 'oku fokotu'u 'e he kau fakafofonga ke tautea e kakai 'aki e fehalaaki 'a e PSA mo e 60% hiki vahenga 'a e kau PRs. - Joshua Moimoiangaha
Wednesday 11 July 2007
Tonga's turmoil with the economy and politics in the last decade has been decaying away and will continue to decay. During the strikes, I wrote a letter to MatangiTonga and stating that the future of Tonga is gloomy. This forecast is an understatement and has not been witnessed yet, even after the burning of the central business area. - William Mariner
Wednesday 11 July 2007
Pago Pago, American Samoa
Te u lave atu ki he felauaki ki he tukuhau mo e feinga ke tu'usi pe fakasi'isi'i 'a e tupu (profit) 'a e ngaahi koloa lalahi 'aki hano haupapa 'aki kinautolu e tukuhau 20%, 40, %, 60%. - Sione Lousiale Kava
Tuesday 10 July 2007
If government were to lower the taxes across the board they would not only stimulate their economy but attract many more businesses, which would cause a snowball effect and revive Tonga's economy. - Cliff Johnston
Tuesday 3 July 2007
Melbourne, Australia
Te u hoko atu aipe ki he 'Inovesio 'o e Senituli 21 pe ko e fa'ahinga liliu 'oku fe'unga pea 'oku tonu ke fei mo fakahoko ki he fo'i Piliote kene hanga 'o haiane'i e ngaahi faikehekehe 'oku ne lolotonga kumoa e fonua. 'A ia ko e founga 'uluaki ne u lave atu kiai 'i he'eku tohi kuo 'osi 'a e Fakakolekole, pea kapau na'e tali ia 'e he kau ma'u kelekele pea ko e na'a ia 'a e vavake. Pea kapau leva na'e 'ikai ke tali ia 'e he kau ma'u kelekele, ko e founga leva 'eni te tau hoko atu kiai 'oku ui ia ko e Totonu Fakatukufakaholo, 'a e kau ma'u kelekele. - Sunia Mafile‘o Latu
Saturday 30 June 2007
Am I alone in thinking that some of the People's Representatives in Parliament have lost the plot altogether. There they were last week with the most important issue of the day, the Budget for 2007/2008, an opportunity for members of Parliament to analyse and scrutinise the figures, particularly the Income Tax Reform on behalf of the people who voted them in. What did they do - well, nothing in particular. Oh - they approved the first reading, the second and the third all in one go! - Senolita Swan
Wednesday 27 June 2007
'Okalani, Nu'usila
Kuo tala 'e he Poate 'e taha 'oku tau lolotonga 'i ha kuonga kuo falalaka lahi taha ai e 'akapulu 'i hotau fonua. Tokua kuo tau ma'olunga fau he tautau toko 7 pea 'i he tu'unga ma'olunga taha he fakahokohoko 'a e IRB. 'Oku 'ikai mo'oni 'eni he 'oku tau ma'olunga pe kitautolu ko e humai e fanga ki'i fonua fo'ou toki 'akapulu 'o hange ko Singapoa, Kuki 'Ailani, Vanuatu mo fe fua. Ko e fua totonu ia 'o e fakalakalaka 'o e 'akapulu 'e kei tonuange pe hono fakahoa ki he'etau tu'u 'i hono fakahoa mo Fisi pea mo Ha'amoa. - Sailosi Finau
Wednesday 27 June 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Please allow me a brief response to Dr. Ma'afu'otu'itonga Palu's letter of 29 May 2007 under the title, "The Tongan law makers," in which he posed the questions whether it is ". . . lawful that PRs under criminal charges for sedition be admitted to one of the decision-making body of our country?" and should " . . . they really be granted all their rightful financial benefits funded by the taxpayers while they stand trial for crimes committed not only against the Tongan government but also against Tongan citizens?" - Lopeti Senituli
Tuesday 26 June 2007
Melbourne, Australia
Te u hoko atu kihe fa'ahinga liliu 'oku ou tui 'oku fe'unga pea totonu ke fei mo fakahoko 'i he 'Otu-motu Anga'ofa, he kapau 'e lava, tene solova faka'aufuli e ngaahi palopolema 'oku lolotonga fekuki mo e fonua. 'O hange ko e valautu'u fakapolitikale 'oku lolotonga hoko, 'a ta'emanonga faka'ikonomika, 'a e anga 'etau nofo fakasosiale fakatatau ki he laka 'a e taimi, moe ha fua. Pea ko hono fakapulipuli, he 'oku 'ikai ke fiema'u kiai ha fu'u kakai tokolahi fefe. - Sunia Mafile‘o Latu
Friday 22 June 2007
Fakamolemole pe kae tu'u atu 'a e ki'i fakamalo tu'a mo eni ki he Faiako, Pule moe kotoa e timi 'akapulu 'Ikale Tahi he tau malie na'a mou fai 'i Fisi ni 'o mau fiefia ai. - Leonaitasi Taukafa
Tuesday 19 June 2007
The press release from the Ministry of Finance regarding the New Income Act really shows the Government's state of trying to get this economy to be more self supporting to provide all the public services for the people and for Tonga's economy's survival in this pool of Globalisation. - William Mariner
Monday 18 June 2007
Melbourne, Australia
Fakamolemole mu'a kae fokotu'u atu mu'a 'i ho'o pepa 'a e ki'i fie tokoni ko'eni ki he kau feinga liliu fakapolitikale 'oku lolotonga fakahoko 'i hotau ki'i fonua. 'Oku ou fie talanoa atu ki he ma'u'anga mo e 'elito 'o e tokateline koia 'oku 'iloa ko e Temokalati. - Sunia Finaulahi
Friday 15 June 2007
Pago Pago, American Samoa
'Oku ou kei nofo pe mo fifili pe ko e fa'ahinga 'atamai fe mo e kakai fe ne a'u 'enau to lalo fakasosiale ki hono tutu 'o Nuku'alofa. Kuo 'osi hono 'analaiso e palopalemani 'e he kau 'atamai'ia 'o taku ko e mahaki pe ko e te'ia fakatevolo. Kau fakakaukau lahi ke u foki ki ono'aho 'o vakai'i na'a 'oku 'i ai ha 'uhinga 'oku toi mei 'aneafi ne to lalo pe hai e 'Otumotu Anga'ofa. - Sione Lousiale Kava
Sunday 10 June 2007
'Okalani, Nu'usila
Lolotonga ko ia hono fakamaau'i 'o kinautolu ne nau kaunga ki he feinga liukava 'o e ta'u kuo'osi 'i Nuku'alofa 'oku ou faka'amu ke tau vakai ange ki he ki'i fo'i sio fakakautau mo fakapolitikale ko 'eni ko e "hala tau he mate pe mo'ui" pe 'oku 'iloa fakapilitania ko e "line of march". - Kitekei‘aho Tu‘akalau
Sunday 3 June 2007
Mangere,Auckland, New Zealand
I remember seeing the Taimi 'o Tonga that Professor Futa Helu denoted the importance of constructive criticism to open up more in my opinion the enhancement of "Transparency and Freedom" and most of all, the Decision Makers to always allow second and third opinions in terms of criticisms to substantiate the viability of any development policies and programs for the overall benefit of the Nation. - David Tapiaka
Wednesday 30 May 2007
Moss Beach,California, USA
In the last ten years or so, foreign aid has become reverse foreign aid; poor countries are now subsidizing rich countries. Globalization has reversed the flow of capital from poorer nations to wealthier ones. With this loan from China, Tonga may soon be subsidizing China by sending more of its (meager) wealth in the direction of China. According to the United Nations, the net transfer of capital from poorer countries to richer ones has grown from $229 billion in 2002 to $784 billion in 2006. Is this a trend Tonga wishes to join? - Mele Payne Lynch
Tuesday 29 May 2007
Auckland, New Zealand
"The cycle of corruption, coups, counter-coups and yet more corruption has proved hard to break. And there is little sign that Ivory Coast is going to prove any more able to rid itself completely of the military virus than much of the rest of Africa" (Africa Political Analysis). - David Tapiaka
Tuesday 29 May 2007
Sydney, Australia
I am glad to hear of the propect that the Tongan Parliament will be opened on Thursday, May 31. However, I am utterly concerned about those five PRs currently undergoing hearing-inquiry in the Court of Law for the charge of sedition in relation to the events of 16/11. To be sure, in a Law Court culprits are considered innocent until proven otherwise. The final pronouncement on their fate of course will have to await the conclusion of their trial. - Rev. Ma‘afu Palu
Monday 28 May 2007
Sydney, Australia
Although there are stacks of unanswered questions about security level on 16/11, (such as, for example, the presence of the Minister of Police and the Superintendent of the Tonga Defence Services in the PM's office on the afternoon 16/11 but with no apparent attempts to call in enforcements from their respective departments to suppress rioters who were destroying Nuku'alofa at the time and the whereabouts of the King on 16/11).
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Friday 25 May 2007
Sydney, Australia
I am convinced that the splendid contribution from our European friend Mr. Smike Kaszner (posted on the same day as Mr. Lakasi's letter, 27th of April) has utterly smothered the day light out of Mr. Lakasi' blindspotted objections to the observation that in the global context. Muslims are generally well-known not only for initiating violence, endorsing it but also actively supporting militant terrorist groups. - Rev. Ma‘afu Palu
