Prime Minister Hon. Hu’akavameiliku made an urgent appeal for global cooperation and immediate action to address the escalating climate crisis yesterday, at the 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Baku, Azerbaijan.
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Results for Climate Resilience
Thursday 14 November 2024
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Baku, Azerbaijan

Monday 23 September 2024
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Baku, Azerbaijan
The Board of the Fund for responding to Loss and Damage (FRLD) as a result of climate change, has announced the selection of Ibrahima Cheikh Diong, from Senegal, as its first Executive Director, for a four-year term beginning November 1, 2024. “This is a key step towards responding to loss and damage by bringing finance to millions of people in developing countries on the frontlines of climate change,” stated the UNFCCC secretariat (UN Climate Change).

Friday 31 May 2024
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Sea levels in Tongatapu, Ha’apai, and ‘Eua waters are predicted to be 30-100mm above average for June, on an ocean outlook report by Tonga Meteorology. Meanwhile, for the Niuas it was predicted 30-100mm below average sea level height, and average across Vava’u.
Friday 15 December 2023
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Dubai, UAE
“Whilst we didn’t turn the page on the fossil fuel era in Dubai, this outcome is the beginning of the end,” said UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell in his closing speech, as COP28 concluded, on Tuesday, 12 December, at Expo City Dubai.

Thursday 14 December 2023
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Dubai, UAE
Azerbaijan is set to host next year’s COP29 Climate Change Summit, after winning backing from other Eastern European nations.

Thursday 14 December 2023
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's Prime Minister Hon. Hu’akavameiliku acknowledged the multi-million fundings committed by the international community at the Conference of the Parties Climate Summit (COP28), at Expo City Dubai. On his return to Tonga, he said the inclusion of Education and Health on the COP agenda, are two important sectors in Tonga that are heavily impact by climate change.

Monday 11 December 2023
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Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Pacific Leaders, who view climate change impacts as a serious "existential threat", have declared their region under a State of Climate Emergency, the Director General of the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) Mr. Sefanaia Nawadra told a high-level segment on Climate Change at COP28, in Dubai, UAE on 9 December.

Monday 11 December 2023
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Dubai, UAE
“If we want to save lives now, and keep 1.5 within reach, the highest ambition COP outcomes must stay front and centre in these negotiations,” the UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Simon Stiell said at a media briefing at COP28 Climate Sumit, in Dubai, UAE, on Friday 8 December.

Saturday 9 December 2023
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Dubai, United Arab Emirates
A global stocktake is a process for countries and stakeholders to see where they’re collectively making progress towards meeting the goals of the Paris Climate Change Agreement, and where they’re not. A series of high-level events at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) will help move the world’s first global stocktake closer to a conclusion. The global stocktake will inform the next round of climate action plans due in 2025.

Friday 8 December 2023
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Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The issues of displacement and forced migration, as impacts of climate change, are real concerns for vulnerable developing countries, including Tonga and small Pacific islands, Tonga’s Speaker of Parliament Lord Fakafanua, told a High Level Segment for Speakers, on 6 December, on the side of the COP28 Climate Summit in Dubai, UAE.

Tuesday 5 December 2023
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Dubai, UAE
King Tupou VI called for the creation of a Pacific-led community resilience financing facility and urged all partners to contribute to funding its establishment. The King expressed concern over the slow progress on the Paris Agreement, when he delivered a statement at the 28th Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on 1 December 5, 2023 in Dubai.

Friday 1 December 2023
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Dubai, UAE
A State of the Global Climate report confirms that 2023 is set to be the warmest year on record. Data until the end of October shows that the year was about 1.40 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial levels, delegates at COP28 heard. Tonga's Prime Minister Hon. Hu'akavameiliku and delegates, are in Dubai for the 28th meeting of the United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP28) that runs from 30 November to 12 December.

Friday 22 September 2023
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New York, USA
Tonga co-hosted a Climate Mobility Summit on the sidelines of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, held under the theme “Harnessing Climate Mobility for Adaption and Resilience”, on 18 September, in New York, organised by the Global Centre for Climate Mobility.

Tuesday 12 September 2023
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Emergency equipment, including new chainsaws, loud-hailers and protective gear will be deployed to town officers and district officers across the Kingdom, through Japan’s Non-Project Grant Aid, to the National Emergency Management Office (NEMO).

Wednesday 3 May 2023
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A team from the Pacific Adaptation to Climate Change and Resilience program to assist Tonga’s disaster resilience information and enhance community awareness on the harmful impact of climate change.

Thursday 30 March 2023
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tongan meteorologists joined a 4-day sub-regional workshop aimed at building a better understanding of climate and its influence and delivering targeted climate services to vulnerable communities. The training was held at Tanoa Hotel, Nuku'alofa, on 27 March 2023.

Wednesday 30 November 2022
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Early warning of extreme weather events leads to early action and this saves lives, Tonga Meteorological Services (TMS) stressed at its 4th Users’ Climate Outlook Forum, held in Nuku'alofa today, bringing together different sectors of the community to talk about its services.

Monday 21 November 2022
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Sharm El-Sheikh, Eqypt
The Pacific Climate Change Centre (PCCC) highlighted efforts to support the Pacific to access climate innovative solutions. The exhibition saw 400 registrants and 640 virtual exhibition booth visits at the Moana Blue Pacific Pavilion, in Egypt, held as a side event at the COP27 meetings of the parties on climate change.

Tuesday 15 November 2022
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Wellington, New Zealand
A new $15 million commitment by New Zealand to the Adaptation Fund was made by Climate Change Minister James Shaw at COP27 in Egypt.

Thursday 10 November 2022
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Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
Innovative use of the internet to stay connected and access climate information, and for education to build resilience, was highlighted at the Moana Blue Pacific Pavilion, during the 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Egypt this week. A side event that focused on “Resilience Building in the Virtual Space” was hosted at the Pavilion and highlighted SPREP's e-Learning platform development.