Anthony Tu'itavake the center winger for the Junior All Blacks rugby team visited Tonga last week while on a fortnight's break after winning the 2007 IRB Pacific Cup Tournament.
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Tuesday 3 July 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
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Tuesday 3 July 2007
Rome, Italy
New measures to ensure safer infant powdered formula and hygienic egg production will be discussed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC), which opens a 6-day meeting today attended by representatives from more than 100 countries.
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Tuesday 3 July 2007
It is sad to see that the United States and Tonga have something in common. Both have a dysfunctional Parliament/Congress. The really sad part is that Tonga can not afford the same level of stupidity.
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Tuesday 3 July 2007
Melbourne, Australia
Te u hoko atu aipe ki he 'Inovesio 'o e Senituli 21 pe ko e fa'ahinga liliu 'oku fe'unga pea 'oku tonu ke fei mo fakahoko ki he fo'i Piliote kene hanga 'o haiane'i e ngaahi faikehekehe 'oku ne lolotonga kumoa e fonua. 'A ia ko e founga 'uluaki ne u lave atu kiai 'i he'eku tohi kuo 'osi 'a e Fakakolekole, pea kapau na'e tali ia 'e he kau ma'u kelekele pea ko e na'a ia 'a e vavake. Pea kapau leva na'e 'ikai ke tali ia 'e he kau ma'u kelekele, ko e founga leva 'eni te tau hoko atu kiai 'oku ui ia ko e Totonu Fakatukufakaholo, 'a e kau ma'u kelekele. - Sunia Mafile‘o Latu
Tuesday 3 July 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The National Economic Development Council, a new government entity met for the first time on June 20.
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Monday 2 July 2007
Honiara, Solomon Islands
UNFPA assistance to Solomon Islands commenced in 1976 with support for the population census, Maternal Child Health and Family Planning Services (MCH/FP) programmes. These were aimed at providing self-sustaining, efficient and effective primary health care services and a family health programme that was readily available and accessible throughout the country. In addition, assistance was provided for population education in schools.
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Monday 2 July 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Eleven beautiful young women, contestants for the Miss Heilala 2007 crown, were introduced today at an orientation programme at the Good Samaritan Beach Resort, Kolovai.
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Monday 2 July 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Minister for Youth and Sports said that only about 10% of school leavers could find employment locally. From the House, by Pesi Fonua
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Monday 2 July 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's High Commissioner to the United Kingdom, H.E. Dr Sione Ngongo Kioa, who is also accredited as Tonga's Ambassador to the Netherlands as well as other member countries of the EU, presented his Letters of Credence to Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands on June 20, 2007, at the Noordeinde Palace, The Hague, Netherlands.
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Saturday 30 June 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tongan government will buy the national diesel power generation facilities from Shoreline Power this year, the Minister of Finance, Hon. Siosiua 'Utoikmanu told a Press Conference in presenting his 2007-08 Budget on Friday June 29.
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Saturday 30 June 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga will become a full member of the World Trade Organisation on July 27, after filing formal ratification papers with the WTO Headquarters in Geneva on Wednesday.
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Saturday 30 June 2007
Noumea, New Caledonia
A constant stream of visitors came through the gates of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community's headquarters at Anse Vata, Noumea, during its recent Open Week leading up to a Grand Open Day on Saturday 23 June.
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Saturday 30 June 2007
Suva, Fiji
As the United States of America celebrates its national day on July 4, we also recall the life of King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV, with whom we shared a birthday. I was honored to represent my government at the King's funeral last September. The United States will always be thankful for the productive and friendly relations the late King fostered with us, which are continuing under the reign of King George Tupou V.
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Saturday 30 June 2007
Am I alone in thinking that some of the People's Representatives in Parliament have lost the plot altogether. There they were last week with the most important issue of the day, the Budget for 2007/2008, an opportunity for members of Parliament to analyse and scrutinise the figures, particularly the Income Tax Reform on behalf of the people who voted them in. What did they do - well, nothing in particular. Oh - they approved the first reading, the second and the third all in one go! - Senolita Swan
Wednesday 27 June 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The reporting of political news and parliamentary proceedings by the news staff of the government-controlled Radio Tonga and Television Tonga has been on hold since Friday June 15.
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Wednesday 27 June 2007
Apia, Samoa
The weather affects much more than how we decide to dress each day, it affects livelihoods, the way that we live in our homes and how our families survive. Its power is deeply respected in the Cook Islands where the nation faced the trial of five cyclones in just over a month in 2005. The extreme importance of disaster risk management was understood 'loud and clear' after that memorable cyclone season.
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Wednesday 27 June 2007
'Okalani, Nu'usila
Kuo tala 'e he Poate 'e taha 'oku tau lolotonga 'i ha kuonga kuo falalaka lahi taha ai e 'akapulu 'i hotau fonua. Tokua kuo tau ma'olunga fau he tautau toko 7 pea 'i he tu'unga ma'olunga taha he fakahokohoko 'a e IRB. 'Oku 'ikai mo'oni 'eni he 'oku tau ma'olunga pe kitautolu ko e humai e fanga ki'i fonua fo'ou toki 'akapulu 'o hange ko Singapoa, Kuki 'Ailani, Vanuatu mo fe fua. Ko e fua totonu ia 'o e fakalakalaka 'o e 'akapulu 'e kei tonuange pe hono fakahoa ki he'etau tu'u 'i hono fakahoa mo Fisi pea mo Ha'amoa. - Sailosi Finau
Wednesday 27 June 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Samiu Vaipulu conveyed a concern by the people in the outer islands, who rely entirely on the radio for their news, over the gagging of radio broadcasting from the House. From the House, by Pesi Fonua.
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Wednesday 27 June 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Please allow me a brief response to Dr. Ma'afu'otu'itonga Palu's letter of 29 May 2007 under the title, "The Tongan law makers," in which he posed the questions whether it is ". . . lawful that PRs under criminal charges for sedition be admitted to one of the decision-making body of our country?" and should " . . . they really be granted all their rightful financial benefits funded by the taxpayers while they stand trial for crimes committed not only against the Tongan government but also against Tongan citizens?" - Lopeti Senituli
Tuesday 26 June 2007
Melbourne, Australia
Te u hoko atu kihe fa'ahinga liliu 'oku ou tui 'oku fe'unga pea totonu ke fei mo fakahoko 'i he 'Otu-motu Anga'ofa, he kapau 'e lava, tene solova faka'aufuli e ngaahi palopolema 'oku lolotonga fekuki mo e fonua. 'O hange ko e valautu'u fakapolitikale 'oku lolotonga hoko, 'a ta'emanonga faka'ikonomika, 'a e anga 'etau nofo fakasosiale fakatatau ki he laka 'a e taimi, moe ha fua. Pea ko hono fakapulipuli, he 'oku 'ikai ke fiema'u kiai ha fu'u kakai tokolahi fefe. - Sunia Mafile‘o Latu