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Sunday 9 May 2010
Auckland, New Zealand
The World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) will be visiting Tonga during the week of May 22-28. Ms Cate Kerr, WSPA (Australia) and Karen Galvan, South Pacific Animal Welfare (New Zealand) are flying in to meet stakeholders to discuss options to work within the community developing sustainable animal management solutions in the Kingdom of Tonga.
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Saturday 8 May 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Nuku'alofa's Fire Services saved the lower deck of the Pacific Blue 18, after the fishing vessel's wheelhouse caught on fire on Friday morning, May 7 at Faua Wharf.
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Friday 7 May 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
If there was any doubt over the fact that the Tongan Legislative Assembly did not properly approve the boundaries of the 17 constituencies and the number of voters per constituency, before it closed its 2009 session on the evening of April 20, then the digital copies of the Minutes of proceedings in the House on April 19-20 clearly show that two different motions relating to the boundaries of constituencies were left hanging in mid-air when the House officially closed its 2009 session on the evening of April 20. By Pesi Fonua.
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Thursday 6 May 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The European Union has agreed to provide a grant worth TOP$24 million to support Tonga's budget and improve its electricity distribution network to rural areas.
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Thursday 6 May 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A 42-year-old Customs Officer from Halaleva, Tevita Pati Kata, has pleaded not guilty to the importation and possession of the illicit drug methamphetamine, worth an estimated NZD$10-17 million, following a large drug bust last September by Tonga Police.
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Thursday 6 May 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tupou Vaivai Pole'o Palu (19) of Houma appeared at the Nuku'alofa Supreme Court this week accused of the murder of Silivesiteli Tonga'uiha in Houma on August 9, 2009.
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Thursday 6 May 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Paulo Kautoke, the former Secretary for Tonga's Ministry of Labour Commerce and Industries, has been appointed as one of four Assistant Secretaries-General of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group Headquarter in Brussels, starting on July 1.
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Thursday 6 May 2010
Auckland, New Zealand
Thirteen Tongans graduated from the Theological Laidlaw College in Auckland, New Zealand on April 10.
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Wednesday 5 May 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
I wish everyone all the best for the future. I am happy to have helped during the year I have been Attorney General. - John Cauchi.
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Wednesday 5 May 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
In an address to mark the World Press Freedom Day, May 3 the Minister of Justice Hon Samiu Vaipulu assured local journalists that Clause 7 of the Constitution, which guaranteed Freedom of Speech and Media Freedom, would not be touched while government is drafting legislation to implement political reform and to hold a general election on November 25.
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Wednesday 5 May 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Rotary Club of Nuku'alofa raised over $5,000 pa'anga at its 8th Annual Children's Fun Fair on Saturday April 24 at the Mala 'e Akoteu, Kolomotu'a.
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Tuesday 4 May 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
To achieve a better quality of education for Pacific Island countries was the aim of a meeting of the Advisory Board of the Institute of Education of the University of the South Pacific that was held at the Loumaile Lodge, Nuku'alofa, from April 28-29.
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Tuesday 4 May 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Nine young Tongans who joined the first regional Pasifika Youth Development and Community Course have received their certificates and a diploma at their graduation in Suva, Fiji on April 23.
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Tuesday 4 May 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Two seasoned Tongan soldiers who had served in international peacekeeping missions in Iraq and the Solomon Islands pleaded guilty to housebreaking and common assault in the Nuku'alofa Supreme Court on April 27.
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Tuesday 4 May 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The EU responded positively to Tonga's application by agreeing to provide 5.5 million euros, the equivalent of 16.5 million pa'anga, by way of budgetary support. The EU also agreed to provide 2.5 million euros (TOP 7.5 million) towards improvement of the electricity distribution network to the rural areas. This is Tonga's first application under the Energy Facility II.
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Tuesday 4 May 2010
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Mr Lopeti Senituli must know that the present system of which he speaks (The King appoints the judges . . . 03 May 2010) makes King George Tupou V an "Absolute Monarch" instead of Tonga being a "Constitutional Monarchy." Inquiring minds are asking: With the King appointing judges, doesn't it subject the Judiciary to the will of the King and Cabinet? With due respect, Mr. Senituli knows very well that the days of the status quo are numbered - six months. This is why the "democratic transformation" is taking place: to follow the mandate of the Constitution. - Sione Akemeihakau Mokofisi.
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Monday 3 May 2010
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Government finds it incomprehensible that the former Attorney General, Mr John Cauchi, persists in claiming that the Attorney General and the Judicial Services Commission have a role in the appointment of Judges even though he knows for a fact that the appointment of Judges in Tonga, under the present Constitution, is the prerogative of His Majesty The King, with the consent of the Privy Council. - Lopeti Senituli.
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Monday 3 May 2010
Brussels, Belgium
Decades of deregulation, greed and free-market speculation have plunged the world into deep economic recession, with appalling impacts on working people and their families across the planet. 34 million jobs have been lost, and the end is not in sight. With a further 64 million people pushed into extreme poverty, the quest to end global poverty is yet further out of reach.
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Sunday 2 May 2010
Canberra, Australia
The global financial crisis may seem like a strange time to launch negotiations on a new regional trade and economic agreement. But I am convinced that Pacific Islands Forum Leaders made exactly the right decision when they agreed in August 2009 – in the darkest days of the global financial crisis – to commence negotiations on a new trade and economic agreement known as PACER Plus.
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Sunday 2 May 2010
Paris, France
The right to know is central for upholding other basic rights, for furthering transparency, justice and development. Hand-in-hand with the complementary notion of freedom of expression, it underpins democracy.
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