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Wednesday 16 March 2016
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga’s Supreme Court allowed breath test results taken at a police station to be considered as evidence in the trial of a driver who drove under the influence of alcohol and killed a woman with his vehicle on January 1, New Year's Day 2015 at Ma’ufanga.
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Wednesday 16 March 2016

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Major General Peter Kelly, New Zealand Chief of Army, is visiting Tonga this week ahead of a humanitarian and disaster relief exercise ‘Tropic Twilight’ to be led by New Zealand’s Army later this year in Ha’apai, involving defence forces from Tonga, Australia, US, China, Britain, and France.
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Tuesday 15 March 2016
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Sione Matakaiongo Kava (26) died in Pangai after crashing his vehicle into a coconut tree when he allegedly fell asleep while driving on Saturday morning, 12 March.
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Tuesday 15 March 2016

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A rescue and tourism helicopter service offered to Tonga by Rodger McCutcheon, a New Zealand pilot, has moved to Samoa after Tonga delayed the start of the service earlier this year. Samoa’s Prime Minister, Tuilaepa Luesoliai Sailele Malielegaoi welcomed the new helicopter service and stated, “It is utter nonsense and ridiculous for any government to discard a service of this nature.”
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Tuesday 15 March 2016
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The wholesale and retail prices for Liquefied Petroleum Gas in Tongatapu and Vava’u will slightly increase for the first quarter, March to June, starting tomorrow Wednesday, 16 March.
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Tuesday 15 March 2016
Suva, Fiji
The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat has been given an Observer status in the board of the UN Green Climate Fund, the Secretary General of PIFS, Dame Meg Taylor announced on Friday 11 March. The fund is a global initiative to respond to climate change by investing into low-emission and climate-resilient development.
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Monday 14 March 2016
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The price of petrol will continue to decrease, while diesel and kerosene will slightly increase from this month to April, starting on Wednesday 16 March.
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Monday 14 March 2016
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga A was thrashed 50-0 by Samoa A -Tonga A's second loss during the 2016 World Rugby Pacific Challenge in Suva, on Saturday 12 March. Tonga will play its final game against the unbeaten Fiji Warriors this week.
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Monday 14 March 2016

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The 90th Anniversary of Queen Salote College was celebrated on Saturday, 12 March attended by the Queen Mother Halaevalu Mata’aho and Crown Princess Sinaitakala in Nuku’alofa. Photos by Merylatai Fihaki.
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Monday 14 March 2016
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga has been warned that despite government’s strong revenue collection, Tonga’s fiscal position is expected to weaken in near term due to a large increase in the wage bill, an increase in current spending, and potential cost overruns related to Tonga’s preparations to host the 2019 South Pacific Games
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Friday 11 March 2016

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A Tongan Taskforce Group is assisting disaster relief efforts at Vanua Balavu and the surrounding islands on the northern Lau Group including delivering water supplies, following the devastation caused by Tropical Cyclone Winston, last month.
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Friday 11 March 2016

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Mr Houlin Zhao official launched a new Tonga government portal at the office of the Ministry of Information, this morning, 10 March.
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Friday 11 March 2016
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Digicel Fiji was issued with three 12-year licenses to operate the paid television network, Sky Pacific, by Mr Aiyaz Sayed-Khayum, Fiji’s Attorney-General and Minister for Communications in Suva, Fiji on Monday, 7 March.
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Friday 11 March 2016

Neiafu, Vava'u
The Pacific Aria cruise ship was welcomed in Neiafu, Vava’u on 9 March by a school brass band and dancing students on its second port of call in Tonga.
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Thursday 10 March 2016
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Payment of a settlement for an undisclosed amount of money to Audra Watts, the widow of Kali Fungavaka, will be made from the Tonga Attorney General’s Office, who will also supervise the setting up of a trust for the benefit of the victim’s children by his first wife.
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Thursday 10 March 2016

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
New Zealand’s future development assistance to Tonga will be focused on energy, law and justice, education and skills development, and economic development, as an outcome of consultations completed in Tonga today, with New Zealand’s Deputy Secretary for International Development, Jonathan Kings and the Tonga Government. New Zealand anticipates investing approximately TOP$112 million (NZD$75 million) in development assistance to Tonga over the next three years.
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Thursday 10 March 2016

Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A new boat and a slipway for the people on the small island of ‘Eueiki, situated about 20km from Nuku’alofa, was gifted by the Government of Japan on Wednesday, 9 March to open up ease of public transportation to the island for its 107 inhabitants.
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Thursday 10 March 2016

Washington D.C., U.S.A
Additional funding for aviation projects currently underway in Tonga and Kiribati under the Pacific Aviation Investment Program, was approved today by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors. The Program is delivering essential upgrades to runways, terminal infrastructure and air traffic control management systems, along with sector reform in the Pacific.
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Thursday 10 March 2016
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A claim by a new Public Enterprise director ‘Ahongalu Fusimalohi in a radio interview that there was $4-8 million pa'anga held in the Operational Account of the Tonga Broadcasting Commission when he and his father, the late Tavake Fusimalohi, left employment with TBC many years ago, has sent the accounting staff of TBC on a search for the alleged missing millions; while a former manager, 'Elenoa 'Amanaki has come out on national television and challenged the veracity of 'Ahongalu's statement.
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Thursday 10 March 2016
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A primary school teacher who admitted five counts of indecent assault on boys under the age of 12, in humiliating assaults and violations using bananas, was sentenced to a total of one year and 10 months in jail, with one year suspended.
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