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Friday 23 June 2006
Honiara, Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands was one of the countries that voted with Japan on the pro-whaling debate which won a majority vote over the last couple of days. Sadly, again, the Minister of Fisheries for Solomon Islands, Mr. Nollen Leni went against his government and cabinet's decision to abstain from voting, disobeying a cabinet directive and he is yet to face the consequences when he comes back here in a few days time. - M. Havea
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Friday 23 June 2006
Sydney, Australia
Ko e faiva fuhu ‘oku ‘iai e me’a ‘e tolu ‘oku fai kiai e tokanga. ‘Uluaki ko e tu’unga fakaivi mo malohi fakasino ‘o e tangata fuhu; Ua, ko e taleniti he faiva’ni, ‘i he tuki, kalo, va’e mo e ha fua; Tolu, ko e tokotaha ‘oku teu ke na fuhu, ko hono taleniti, malohinga mo e vaivai’anga. Neongo eni kotoa, ‘oku fiema’u ha faiako ke ne fakatonu ‘e te teuteu mo e ‘atamai ‘o e tagnata fuhu koe’uhi ko e iku’anga ‘o e faiva’ni ‘oku tolu pe: Ko e ‘osi ‘a e fuhu ‘oku tu’u koe kae tokoto taha ki lalo; Mo kei tu’u loua kae lau pe kohai na’e lahi mo tau ‘e ne tuki; pe ko e tu’u ‘a e tama ‘e taha ka ke tokoto koe. - ‘Inoke Fotu Hu‘akau
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Friday 23 June 2006
Mounu, Vava'u
I read with interest comments supporting the resumption of whaling in the Kingdom. If the Government did allow whaling to resume, the whale watching industry would collapse- Allan Bowe
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Friday 23 June 2006
Kuo ho’ata malie e ola ‘o e hopo huufi ‘o e Falealea. ‘Oku lolahi e ngaahi me’a ia te tau ako mei he hopo ni ka ‘oku fakahisitolia hono fehu’ia ‘e ha ‘Eiki Nopele ‘a ‘Ene ‘Afio ‘a e mafai fakakonisitutone ‘o ‘Ene ‘Afio/Pilinisesi Pule. Lau tokua ko e kau Nopele ko e ngaahi to’ukupu kinautolu ‘o ‘Ene ‘Afio. - Sione Fifita
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Thursday 22 June 2006
Neiafu, Vava'u
A new ferry for inter-island transportation, a two day Defensive driving course was conducted by the Vava'u Chief of Police, Pesalili Kailahi and more of the latest news from Vava‘u. By Dianne Schultz
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Thursday 22 June 2006
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Four new entrants in the 2006 Miss Heilala Pagant bring the number of contestants to 10, but registration is still open. The new entrants include one from New Zealand, two from Australia, and one from the USA.
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Thursday 22 June 2006
Auckland, New Zealand
Call me a whale-watcher if you like but ‘Ofa-ki-Tonga's enthusiasm for whalemeat for the kingdom is unlikely to find favour in this part of the world where killing whales and dolphins for food is seen as barbaric. The recent Japanese success at the IWC was made possible by support from some Pacific nations who took money and changed their stance. And here in New Zealand there is a call for retribution through the withdrawl of aid or something similar. - Sefita Hao‘uli
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Wednesday 21 June 2006
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Organised civil disturbance threatened for July 1 by Tongan protesters earlier this month, appears to be nothing but hot air. 'Akilisi Pohiva, the leader of the protesters who numbered about 1000, including seven People's Representatives, said today that as far as he knows, "no plan of action has been made."
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Wednesday 21 June 2006
Long Beach, California, USA
When whaling was permitted in Tonga, there were not even 10 whales killed in Tongatapu for consumption in any given year. In the outer groups of Ha‘apai and Vava‘u, there were even much less. The whales were hand harpooned and whaling was done by a handful of families who were descendants of whalers who had migrated to Tonga. - ‘Ofa ki Tonga
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Wednesday 21 June 2006
'Oku malie ma'u pe e ngaahi me'a 'oku hoko 'i hotau ki'i fonua pea 'oku fakaoli he taimi 'e ni'ihi. Lolotonga 'eku talitali pe kohai e sulu 'oku fai ki ai e faiva kuo kamata e lavelavea ia 'a e kau 'etifaiva 'o toe veiveiua ange 'eku fakakaukau. Kuo ki'i fuoloa e longo 'a e PSA, ka ko e sekelitali fakataimi pe eni 'oku toe 'aka ki he media. Hange kiate au ko e tokotaha ni 'oku mate kala. - Pola Loiti
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Wednesday 21 June 2006
New Zealand
Fakamolemole mu'a 'o tu'u atu ho'o kolomu 'a e hakahaka moe patapata he faifatongia poto 'a e Minisita Lao, 'Alisi Taumoepeau, ke malu'i e lao mo e konisitutone 'o e 'Otu Tonga. 'Iuvi'i, taau pe Lei mo e Tofua'a. He kuo 'omai ko e mei he tautahi ke fakamo'oni'i mei he Fanga 'i he Si, 'Oku Lea pe 'a e Tohi. - Longolongo‘aevalu
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Tuesday 20 June 2006
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga this year has secured a second market for its squash, Korea, and it is hoped this will encourage growers who have lost confidence after their worst year in 2005.
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Tuesday 20 June 2006
Auckland, New Zealand
When Prime Minister Sevele was in Auckland recently he took time out - a few minutes only but long enough to make the point - that our news media need to report more accurately particularly on political events from home. I've lifted this very recent piece from one of our more popular internet sources (and it was not the exemplar MatangiTonga) to illustrate why the PM should continue to be concerned....Sefita Hao'uli
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Tuesday 20 June 2006
Canberra, Australia
‘Oku hanga he hopo sivile ko ‘eni kuo tau situ‘a me ai ‘o fakamanatu mai ‘a e ngaahi me‘a lalahi ko ‘eni: ‘oku mahino lelei ko a ‘etau konisitutone mo e lao kiate kitautolu? - Siosiua Tofua‘ipangai
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Monday 19 June 2006
Long Beach, California, USA
What an embarrassment for Clive Edwards as a legal counsel and the other 7 PRs and the "lone ranger" Noble Representative as lawmakers, to have even pursued such a frivolous case in the courts! What a waste of public time and energy in this needless legal exercise! - ‘Ofa ki Tonga
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Monday 19 June 2006
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's parliament will reopen tomorrow, June 20, following a Supreme Court decision by Chief Justice Robin Webster this morning that the opening of Parliament by the Princess Regent, Princess Pilolevu Tuita on June 1 was lawful.
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Sunday 18 June 2006
Long Beach, California, USA
HRH Princess Pilolevu Tuita opened Parliament on June 1st and the Legislative Assembly (LA) proceeded to meet and began to conduct business in the order that has been followed for over a hundred years. As reported, all the plaintiffs drew their weekly allowances for two successive weeks. - ‘Ofa ki Tonga
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Saturday 17 June 2006
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's Chief Justice Robin Webster will announce his decision next week, after this morning hearing submissions in a case that is challenging the legality of the opening of the 2006 session on June 1 by the Princess Regent.
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Saturday 17 June 2006
New Zealand
Kimu'a pea kamata e laka ne tu'u mai e PSA 'o uki e laka, peau pehe koe sulu ia. 'Osi pe ngaahi 'aho kuo pavaki mai 'enau fokotu'utu'u minisita...ko kinautolu pe ia 'o taki mai ai e sekelitali fakataimi. 'I he mahino hono fokihi 'e he felafoaki moe media ne nau holomui kae hu mai e kau sulu 'a e Temo 'oku taki ai e kau fakafofonga 'o liu ki ai e lakaa, neu pehe mahalo ko e kau sulu e 'oku fai ki ai e faiva. - Pola Loiti
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Friday 16 June 2006
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The 'Ikale Tahi has a new line-up for their June 17 game against the Junior All Blacks at the Yarrow Stadium, New Plymouth, New Zealand.
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