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Friday 14 August 2009
Fontana-California, USA
Tuku mu'a kihe motu'a tu'a ko kita ke fai atu ha ki'i fk-hoha'a tu'a fekau'aki pea mo e fk-tamaki na'e hoko ki he Pilinisesi Ashika 'i he potu tahi Ha'apai. Ko e ta 'oku ongo ki he loto 'o e tangata pea mo e fefine kotoa pe si'i 'otu Tonga. Ka e tautau tefito ki si'i ngaahi famili kuo huki tonu ai 'a e fk-tamaki kuo hoko. 'O mole ai ha mo'ui si'onau ngaahi famili he fk-tamaki ne hoko. - S.Taufa
Friday 14 August 2009
Manila, Philippines
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is providing assistance to the Pacific to help design and deliver renewable energy products to the region through a $3 million grant for the development of small pilot projects in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu.
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Friday 14 August 2009
Fasi mo e Afi,Nuku'alofa,Tonga
Some time ago I did a test to see how many cars in Nuku'alofa actually do use their direction indicators properly. While traveling through town, every time I saw a car making a turn I watched whether it had its left or right flashing light properly on, both front and rear. The results were terrible. - Firitia Velt
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Friday 14 August 2009
London, UK
In response to the Secretary General's communication to the Interim Prime Minister of Fiji, Commodore Bainimarama, conveying the Concluding Statement of the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group (CMAG) following its Extraordinary Meeting on 31 July 2009, the Interim Government of Fiji Islands invited a delegation from the Commonwealth to visit the country.
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Friday 14 August 2009
This kind of tragedy should never have happened, with all due respect to the Tongan Govt., they should really get to the bottom of who is responsible, and please Matangitonga, can you organise a campaigns for the people of Tonga demanding a full independent commission to call in all party involved and create transparency showing the world that this tragic incident of M/V Ashika where 90+ Tongans were dead, should have an answer to and closure, and have constructive suggestions on how to correct the system so that it would not repeat itself again in Tonga. - M. T. Tuaileva
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Friday 14 August 2009
San Francisco, USA
Although the sinking of the Princess Ashika was an accident, I still want to express the fact that this is one example of how the Government of Tonga fail to do what's in the best interests of its people. - Siosaia Fatani
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Thursday 13 August 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Operation Ashika this afternoon released 37 names, on the first confirmed list of passengers and crew missing following the sinking of the MV Princess Ashika on August 5, 2009.
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Thursday 13 August 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The inter-island ferry, the MV Princess Ashika, sank in Tongan waters in the early hours of 6 August 2009. This tragic accident has touched us all and we are deeply saddened to hear that some 93 victims remain unaccounted for. May I express my deepest sympathy to the bereaved families.
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Thursday 13 August 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A grieving father, Rev. Sione Taufa (63), was thankful today after he was allowed to see his daughter Vaefetu'u Mahe (22), whose body was the second and last to be recovered after the tragic sinking of the MV Princess Ashika on August 5.
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Thursday 13 August 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Civil society leaders from around the South Pacific region met in Nuku'alofa on August 12-13 to try an ensure that the views of the Pacific's Civil Societies are heard in the 2009 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in November.
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Thursday 13 August 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
On behalf of the Tonga Red Cross Society, Westpac Bank of Tonga, ANZ Bank, MBf Bank and the Tonga Development Bank are accepting donations from the public to assist those affected by this terrible tragedy.
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Wednesday 12 August 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Devastated mother, 'Iunisi Latu (42) of Halaleva is mourning the loss of two daughters Lima Lei (nee 'Alimoni) and Mele 'Alimoni who are among the missing on the MV Princess Ashika sinking in Ha'apai on August 5.
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Wednesday 12 August 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
An underwater search team has this morning, August 12, located what appears to be the sunken vessel Princess Ashika, lying upright in 110 metres of water, at the position indicated by the emergency beacon and final radio call, 11 nautical miles south southwest of Nomuka in the Ha'apai Group.
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Wednesday 12 August 2009
Auckland, New Zealand
For the first time, TVNZ's flagship Maori daily news programme Te Karere will be beamed out to the Pacific via satellite. This is part of an ongoing strategy to provide relevant and interesting content for TVNZ's Pacific Service broadcasters.
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Wednesday 12 August 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The members of the Association of Bank's in Tonga recognise that businesses and individuals may be finding it difficult to manage their finances in what are very challenging economic times.
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Wednesday 12 August 2009
Melbourne, Australia
Australia and New Zealand have offered to buy a new ferry for Tonga after last week's disaster in which 93 people are feared drowned.
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Wednesday 12 August 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The gravity of the disaster of the sinking of the MV Princess Ashika and the huge loss of life is deeply mourned by all of us in Tonga and beyond, and especially by all families who lost loved ones.
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Wednesday 12 August 2009
I am so disgusted that the captain call the Main Island for help and took no measure to warn the passengers or get them on top deck before this ill fated piece of trash vessel went under. - Maika Tatafu
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Tuesday 11 August 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga police have identified the female body recovered from the sea, as 22-year-old wife and mother, Vaefetu'u Mahe (nee Taufa) of Vava'u, whose husband and child are among the 93 still missing after the sinking of MV Princess Ashika on August 5.
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Tuesday 11 August 2009
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A rope believed to be associated with the MV Princess Ashika wreckage was located yesterday evening within the vicinity of the original search area of the first mission by the TDS Voea Savea patrol vessel, Commander Andrew McMillan said this morning.
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