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Results for Vava'u

Tuesday 13 December 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A large group of women from Australia have arrived in Tonga to celebrate five Fakafetongi Koloa events with women's groups in Vava'u, that will likely result in over $234,000 worth of exchanges.
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Saturday 12 November 2011
Neiafu, Vava'u
Marching in defiance, and singing hymns, over 200 protestors petitioned the office of the Vava'u Governor, Lord Fulivai, yesterday morning, opposing a move by government to create a monopoly shipping service between New Zealand and Vava'u.
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Wednesday 6 July 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Lord Fulivai has been appointed by King George Tupou V as the new Governor of Vava'u, effective from July 1.
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Thursday 12 May 2011
Neiafu, Vava'u
The popular Mermaid Bar and Restaurant on the waterfront of Fungamisi, Neiafu, was razed by fire on Tuesday afternoon, May 10.
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Monday 11 April 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's growing reliance on imports to meet its protein needs, threatens the nation's food security, and this was a concern discussed at a regional FAO meeting in Vava'u last week.
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Wednesday 9 March 2011
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The cancellation of the filming in Vava'u of the TV Reality Show, "Survivor" at the end of February because the organisers could not secure hotel accommodation, has sent a shock wave through Tonga's tourist Industry.
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Sunday 6 March 2011
Los Angeles, California, USA
I write this letter with humble and sincere concern for the future and the development of Tourism in our Kingdom. I am just floored that "private" business owner(s) saw the need to stand their ground leading to the loss of the opportunity for the hit TV Show "Survivor" to be filmed in Vava'u. I do hope that the Producers of Survivor will see that their decision to pull the show from Tonga was based on the myopic view of a few and not the majority of our people. - Paul Tu'ivai.
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Saturday 18 September 2010
Neiafu, Vava'u
A fire gutted a Neiafu holiday lodge early this morning but the occupants escaped the blaze. Photos by Sione Vuki.
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Saturday 29 May 2010
London, United Kingdom
Loloahi Tapui from Leimatu'a Vava'u, was found guilty at the Southwark Crown Court on April 9 for fraud, possession of false identity documents and overstaying her student visa in the United Kingdom.
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Wednesday 27 January 2010
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
I want to thank you for your efforts in producing an online news service. I read with great interest the many articles you have published in particular dealing with the environment. Your coverage of the Ashika tragedy has been extensive, thought provoking and informative. It has given us insight into your government and its people. -Don Mark
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Friday 15 May 2009
Sydney, Australia
I am a Tongan now living in Australia but originally from Vava'u. After 23 years I returned to Vava'u with my wife on a cruise ship and was totally dismayed with what I saw. - Sione Tupou
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Wednesday 20 August 2008
Neiafu, Vava'u
The Port of Refuge in Neiafu glowed with activities and a Tupakapakanava torch lighting ceremony as the Vava'u people celebrated the coronation of King George Tupou V with enthusiasm and joy on Monday. Photos by Pesi Fonua
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Wednesday 28 November 2007
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's Whale Watching Industry appears to be in a state of stagnation, particularly at the popular tourist destination of Vava'u, where experienced operators are blaming everything from ad hoc government policy on licensing to a poor domestic air service for the failure to reach expected growth.
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Friday 16 March 2007
Suva, Fiji
Warwick International Hotel Group has signed a lease with the Government of Tonga to build a resort in the 'Friendly Islands.'
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Wednesday 8 November 2006
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A yacht sailing out of Vava'u motored into a strange "sea of stone" on August 12, and the following day its crew became possibly the first people to witness the birth of a new volcanic island that has been forming in Tonga.
Monday 30 October 2006
Neiafu, Vava'u
More parliamentarians are expected to arrive in Vava'u this week to participate in the annual inspection tour of the group, which runs from October 24 to November 3.
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Monday 2 October 2006
Neiafu, Vava'u
A Tonga government policy restricting the number of whale watching boats to two boats per licensed Whale Watching operator is causing frustration among some of Tonga's pioneer whale watching operators in Vava'u, who say that the policy is unfair and restricts their growth, while allowing in amateurs. Story and photos by Pesi Fonua
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Friday 23 June 2006
Mounu, Vava'u
I read with interest comments supporting the resumption of whaling in the Kingdom. If the Government did allow whaling to resume, the whale watching industry would collapse- Allan Bowe
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Wednesday 21 June 2006
Long Beach, California, USA
When whaling was permitted in Tonga, there were not even 10 whales killed in Tongatapu for consumption in any given year. In the outer groups of Ha‘apai and Vava‘u, there were even much less. The whales were hand harpooned and whaling was done by a handful of families who were descendants of whalers who had migrated to Tonga. - ‘Ofa ki Tonga
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Thursday 8 June 2006
Neiafu, Vava'u
The Princess Regent Princess Pilolevu was welcomed with opened arms by the people of the southern outer islands of Vava'u this week.
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