The Aviation Alert level for Tonga's Home Reef volcanic activity was raised from Yellow to Orange this morning as the ongoing eruption has elevated to ash composition, but Tonga Geological Services (TGS) said there is low risk to the Vava'u and Ha'apai Communities.
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Results for Tonga eruption
Tuesday 20 September 2022
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga

Thursday 17 March 2022
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
3,000 family kits donated from China's Red Cross have been distributed this week to affected families on Tongatapu, after the volcanic eruption and tsunamis on January 15.

Tuesday 15 March 2022
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Queen’s Charity in Tonga has distributed much needed food supplies and water to communities affected by the volcanic eruption and tsunami of January 15.

Monday 14 March 2022
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga.
King Tupou VI has consented to relocate people from his estates who were affected by the volcanic eruption of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai and tsunamis. Among the worst hit areas in the catastrophe on Jan. 15, were the royal estates of Kanokupolu (Tongatapu) and Mango Island, (Ha’apai).

Wednesday 9 March 2022
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A donation of FJD$38,000 from the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat and Pacific Island countries towards Tonga’s recovery efforts from the volcanic eruption and tsunamis, was received on March 8.

Tuesday 8 March 2022
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Former All Blacks, Charles Piutau and UK rugby communities have donated a total of £45,850 GBP (estimated TOP$136,000) to support disaster relief efforts through Friends of Tonga (FoT), an affiliate of the Civil Society Forum of Tonga (CSFT).

Wednesday 2 March 2022
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga Red Cross Society has been doing “an extremely wonderful job over the past month”, said ANZ Tonga Country Head, David Dudley, today, in presenting a donation of AUD$50,000 to support their efforts and work in Tonga's recovery from the natural disasters on January 15. By Linny Folau.

Tuesday 1 March 2022
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Three of Australia's largest defence ships entered the Nuku'alofa harbour in formation, this afternoon, and were welcomed by Tonga's Prime Minister and officials at Vuna Wharf.

Tuesday 1 March 2022
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga's domestic fibre optic telecommunications cable was torn apart by tremendous forces and deeply buried under volcanic debris on the ocean floor. It may take up to a year to fix. Tonga Cable Ltd. is looking worldwide for anyone with a 110km spare cable, but it may have to be specially manufactured and delivered from France. It was one of two cables broken during the Jan. 15 eruption.
Friday 25 February 2022
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga Red Cross this week delivered bottled water supplies to 256 households, affected by the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcanic eruption and tsunamis.

Friday 25 February 2022
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tongan rugby union player, Hosea Saumaki, and Leicester Tigers supporters in England, have sponsored much needed relief supplies to help many families affected by the tsunamis in Tonga.

Wednesday 16 February 2022
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
An 80 km stretch of Tonga's telecommunications cable, was blown to bits by a volcanic eruption on Jan. 15 and there's no easy fix. Short pieces have been recovered, while a major section of the fibre optic cable, about 55 km long, including an expensive repeater, has yet to be recovered from the seabed. By Mary Lyn Fonua

Tuesday 15 February 2022
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Suva, Fiji
The Tonga Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha’apai volcanic eruption, tsunami and ashfall has caused an estimated US$90.4M (TOP 208 million) in damages – the equivalent of approximately 18.5% of Tonga’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – a World Bank assessment for the Government of Tonga has found.

Tuesday 15 February 2022
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Suva, Fiji
UNICEF and the Government of Japan announced a new US$1,250,000 partnership to support the Government of Tonga to ensure that about 19,250 people, including 10,000 children, affected by the recent volcanic eruption and tsunami have sufficient access to safe drinking water, a clean environment, as well as good health.

Tuesday 15 February 2022
Canberra, Australia
The impact of the tsunami and volcanic eruption on 'Atata and surrounding islands is most visible from the air. “The wave must have been huge,” said Royal Australian Navy Chaplain Simote Finau, who went ashore with around 30 Australians from the Operation Tonga Assist taskforce, after the locals had evacuated. New photos taken for damage surveys they conducted were released on Friday.
Thursday 3 February 2022
Apia, Samoa
The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme is deeply concerned about the impact of the Hunga Tonga - Hunga Ha’apai underwater volcano eruption, and tsunami, on the people of Tonga, Director General, Mr Kosi Latu stated today. The events again highlighted the vulnerability of the Pacific region and its people to natural disasters. SPREP is working on ways to support Tonga during its environmental recovery and rebuilding phases.
Tuesday 1 February 2022
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A possibility that Tonga’s shellfish, Kaloa’a, and reef fish may be contaminated and inedible following the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcanic eruption has been a major concern for the CEO for the Ministry of Fisheries, Dr Tu’ikolongahau Halafihi.

Friday 28 January 2022
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Around 95 children and youths, among the families evacuated from ‘Atata Island after the tsunamis destroyed their homes on Saturday Jan. 15, are currently staying at a Church Hall in Kolomotu'a, Nuku'alofa and also at a Hofoa evacuation station, where the Talitha Project is actively supporting their recovery from trauma. By Eleanor Gee.

Friday 28 January 2022
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
“We were lucky that it was daylight when the tsunami happened and we fled to higher grounds,” said ‘Aliki Moavuka (53), a school principal, on the outer island of Fonoifua, one of the worst affected by the natural disaster in the Ha’apai Group.
Friday 28 January 2022
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Eleven people on Pangaimotu Island climbed into a fau tree as tsunamis ravaged the coast of the low-lying atoll on Jan. 15, following the massive explosion at Hunga volcano.