A street food environment has developed on Wellington Road and outside the Post Office in Nuku'alofa, where BBQs operating are creating noise and traffic conjestion. The health hazards must be ominous. The roads and footpaths are littered with rubbish and grease. Surely, there is a more appropriate place the government could investigate providing for these entrepreneurs? - Ian Skelton
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Results for Letters to the Editor
Saturday 1 February 2025
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tuesday 21 January 2025
Sandy-Utah, USA
As Tonga stands on the verge of potentially receiving deported individuals from the United States, many of whom are linked to gangs, it is critical that we, as a nation, prepare ourselves to meet this challenge with a holistic and compassionate approach. These deportations, specifically targeting gang members living in the U.S. illegally under the Trump administration's mass deportation plan, could see the return of Tongans who have lived abroad for most of their lives. Many of these individuals, despite their involvement in gangs, are not merely criminals but are people shaped by trauma, displacement, and a lack of belonging. Addressing their needs requires both understanding and intentional action. - Seni Penitani
Monday 25 October 2021
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Fakatapu ki he Hau ó Tonga mo e Fale ó Haámoheofo. Houéiki ó e fonua, Fale Alea mo e Puleánga kae úmaá á e Tonga kotoa. Fakamolemole kae fakaaú atu á e kií fietokoni koéni naá áonga ki he kakai pea mo e kau fakafofonga Falealea temou fili mai í Novema 2021 ki hono langa hotau fonua. - Samiuela T. Tukuafu.
Tuesday 16 March 2021
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Personally, I place big question marks at the choice of some of the businesses mentioned in this article. I do not have the experience with them myself that they seriously try to avoid or reduce using plastic bags. But aside from that, those who are really serious have my full support. If used wisely plastic has enough advantages in order not to want to do away with it. It is de laziness of people which is the problem. -Firitia.
Monday 15 March 2021
Sydney, Australia
‘Oku tatala ma’u pe e pulonga ‘o e fifili he taimi ‘oku fasitanunu e ngaahi kaupeau he halafononga ‘o e tangata ha vaaita ‘o e lau ‘ene sivilaise. ‘Oku tu’ula ai ha fifili kiha felave’I ‘o e ngaahi peau faka-mamani-lahi ‘oku ha ho’o kupenga-ope he mahina ‘uluaki ‘o e 2021. Ka, ‘oku tohoaki e tokanga kiha kaveinga ‘e ua kuo ofongi ‘e he Matanga Tonga. ‘Uluaki ko e “Corruption kills people - Hanga 'e he Faihala 'o Faka'auha 'a e Fonua”; ua, ko e “Covid-19” ‘I hono ngaahi fotunga kehekehe. Fakatou’osi kinaua ‘oku na lave’i e ‘Otu Tonga. - 'Inoke Fotu Hu’akau.
Monday 1 March 2021
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The debate over whether or not to turn to the deep sea to secure the resources we need for a low-carbon future has generated much public interest, but it is critical that this debate is founded upon sound science and the best data currently available. As such, I would like to correct a number of misrepresentations in the letter of Feb. 25 from the Civil Society Forum of Tonga. - Christina Pome'e, Tonga Offshore Mining Ltd.
Thursday 25 February 2021
1 comment
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Deep Sea Mining (DSM) of polymetallic nodules in the Pacific Ocean is not essential for a renewables revolution. There would be massive amounts of waste produced and discharged to the ocean. The discharge plumes may also be quite toxic, with metals and processing agents. As Pacific Islanders already know - what happens in the deep doesn't stay in the deep. - Pelenatita Kara, Civil Society Forum of Tonga.
Thursday 22 October 2020
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tonga Law Society is deeply concerned at the amendment to the Constitution of Tonga passed unanimously by Parliament on 15 October 2020. In bypassing the consultation process, Parliament has denied the Tongan people the most fundamental right to be heard on a matter of elemental importance to every Tongan subject. - Sione Tu'itavake Fonua, President, Tonga Law Society
Monday 13 April 2020
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
An Australian doctor in Tonga warns that it’s too early for children to return to school tomorrow because we do not know for certain if the recent arrivals in Tonga were free of the virus or just had no symptoms. “If they did pass it to people they have contacted, those contacts may still be incubating the disease...To relax these restrictions now risks an outbreak of the disease, with potentially terrible consequences.” he said. There are no CoViD-19 tests here, so Tonga is “flying blind”.
Monday 8 April 2019
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Scenic Hotels left Tonga abruptly two weeks ago after 8 years in their facility near the airport. Whether it was a problem with their landlord, their partner, or their own decision; one thing is clear – they were not making money and except for walking away from a large investment did not appear to be unhappy to leave Tonga. - Dean Bishoprick
Sunday 1 May 2016
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
While Tonga languishes in debt as a nation owing several hundred million dollars with a dead economy and extremely high unemployment especially with our youth, we volunteer to spend $100,000,000 TOP to host the South Pacific Games....Our leaders have turned us into a beggar nation, so deeply in debt that our grandchildren and great grandchildren’s future has been sold. Faka'ofa – Sione Masa.
Wednesday 10 September 2014
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga needs to raise the bar on workplace confidentiality because hot gossip with client information is “absolutely inappropriate and intolerable,” says Matangi Tonga reader Soa‘ileata Paseka, who was horrified to hear that the personal financial transactions of a friend were being tattled about in church.
Monday 12 January 2009
Premium content
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
'Oku ou fiefia 'i he ngaue koia 'oku lolotonga fakahoko ke 'ilo'i 'a e tu'unga (strength & weaknesses) 'o e faitongia 'a e Potungaue Polisi Tonga, ka 'oku ou kole atu ke toe tanaki atu ha kakai 'oku lahi 'enau 'ilo ki he ngaahi matavaivai 'o e faifatongia 'a e kau polisi. Kapau he 'ikai ke tau alasi'a e ngaahi tefito'i. -Uikilifi Taufa
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Wednesday 7 January 2009
Belgrade, Serbia
In our World, there are lots of countries, nations, languages, religions, cultures, costumes but also lots of disagreements. History has it that there was never peace and respect among nations since the formation of the first State. From the beginning of the first conflict till date, wars have been fought for the same cause: political differences, trade, religion, liberation, dynasty, seizure of territory, the annihilation of a rival State, the destruction of the enemy's ability to prosecute military action, revolution or genocide. - Ivan Simic