Tonga at COP23 last week in Bonn, Germany, called for the establishment of Climate Change as a core security issue and stressed the need for Small Island Developing States such as Tonga, to build resilience, warning that inaction "will ultimately result in our disappearance as a people and a culture".
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Results for Climate change
Tuesday 21 November 2017
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Bonn, Germany

Sunday 19 November 2017
Bonn, Germany
Next year’s “Talanoa Dialogue” – to be convened by Fiji, which last week became the first island state to chair UN climate talks – will help countries identify exactly how they can achieve the goals set in the Paris agreement. That dialogue, which countries should approach in good faith, must be a springboard for further action. By Hilda Heine and Kevin Rudd
Wednesday 8 November 2017
Geneva, Switzerland
Solutions to the climate crisis are often associated with big conferences, and the next two weeks will no doubt bring many “answers.” Some 20,000 delegates have now descended on Bonn, Germany, for the latest round of United Nations climate change talks. The talks in Bonn should focus on the implementation of the Paris climate agreement. And the path forward is clear. By Nathalie Bernasconi-Osterwalder and Jörg Haas.
Tuesday 24 October 2017
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Manila, Philippines
The Earth today is more than 1°C hotter than it was in pre-industrial times, and the terrible symptoms of its fever are already showing. This year alone, back-to-back hurricanes have devastated Caribbean islands, monsoon flooding has displaced tens of millions in South Asia, and fires have raged on nearly every continent. Pulling the planet back from the brink could not be more urgent. Those of us who live on the front lines of climate change – on archipelagos, small islands, coastal lowlands, and rapidly desertifying plains – can’t afford to wait and see what another degree of warming will bring. By Loren Legarda

Thursday 19 October 2017
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Suva, Fiji
Fiji has become the first developing country to issue a green bond in its bid to raise $100m (US$50m) for climate change mitigation, adaptation, and other environmental-friendly projects.

Tuesday 17 October 2017
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Suva, Fiji
Fiji will receive a $31 million grant from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) through the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and a $42 million ADB loan for climate resilience projects and improving water and sanitation services.

Wednesday 11 October 2017
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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Least Developed Countries are calling on the global community to do more at the upcoming Climate Change negotiations (COP23) in Bonn, Germany, next month. Representing 47 of the world’s poorest countries, they are committing to fully support Fiji presiding over COP23.

Friday 22 September 2017
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Suva, Fiji
A declaration outlining actions to tackle Climate Change is circling the Pacific Island countries for support before being delivered to world leaders at COP 23 in Bonn, Germany.

Friday 15 September 2017
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Brussels Belgium
Illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing as well as environment degradation are some of the severe challenges the fishing sector is facing, especially in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) region, further hurting their economies, particularly in their efforts to cut poverty and sustain growth.

Tuesday 29 August 2017
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Climate change impacts are evident everywhere in the Pacific, where many communities are on the front line of its damaging impacts, said Australia’s Ambassador for Environment Patrick Suckling, who is visiting the Pacific region.
Monday 21 August 2017
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Honiara, Solomon Islands
The Tongan Government is looking to commit more than US$25 million towards the development of multi-hazard early warning systems over the next-three years. By Linny Folau.

Wednesday 16 August 2017
Santa Monica, USA
As global temperatures rise and droughts become more common, political agitation, social unrest, and even violence will likely follow. Scientists agree that climate change poses a grave danger to the planet. But for some reason, politicians and government officials have not connected the dots between a changing climate and human conflicts. Among the many threats associated with climate change, deteriorating global security may be the most frightening of all. It is bad enough to see farmers carrying skulls through the streets of India. But if we do not get serious about climate-driven security risks, we could see far worse. By Gulrez Shah Azhar
Tuesday 15 August 2017
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Manila, Philippines
Rising temperatures caused by climate change would be catastrophic for countries in Asia and the Pacific by the end of the century - unless countries work to mitigate it, says a report by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) released last month. Crops yields in the Pacific region will be in decline by 2050. By 2100, “all coral reef systems in the subregion will collapse due to mass coral bleaching if global warming increases by 4 degrees Celsius”.

Tuesday 15 August 2017
Honiara, Solomon Islands
In the Pacific region many of the natural disasters experienced are related to water and climate, Hon. Samuel Manetoali told the opening meeting of the Pacific Meteorological Council on August 14 in the Solomon Islands, saying "We are most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change... and climate variability". By Linny Folau in Honiara.
Wednesday 9 August 2017
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Suva, Fiji
Identifying opportunities the blue economy offers to Pacific Islands, so that they can sustainably manage and conserve their ocean resources to benefit their economies and people will be the focus at the first high level Pacific Blue Economy Conference to be held on 23-24 August 2017, in Suva, Fiji.

Tuesday 8 August 2017
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Emergency response equipment valued at $3 million pa’anga will help Tonga to be better prepared for disasters. Donated by the Government of Japan, the equipment was handed over to Tonga’s National Emergency Management Office (NEMO) yesterday, 7 August 2017.

Wednesday 26 July 2017
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Toronto, Canada
Land that was once frozen in the Yukon Territory in Northern Canada is becoming agriculture friendly due to global warming and is being offered for free to small farmers. The Yukon borders on Alaska and its government has already given away nearly 8,000 acres of farmland over the last 10 years, with a dozen applicants currently being considered.

Wednesday 26 July 2017
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Stanford, USA
When a tortoise is sitting on a post, you know it didn’t get there by itself. The reappearance of the same four arguments developed a quarter-century ago by an industry that benefits from delaying climate policies – arguments used with great success precisely because their origin and true purpose were hidden from the public – looks a lot like the tortoise’s four wiggling feet. The same arguments – and people – used by the fossil fuel industry to block climate policies decades ago are back. By Benjamin Franta.
Saturday 22 July 2017
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A single extreme weather event can wipe out progress for Pacific Islands, while much of the financial cost of loss and recovery is borne by the Private Sector. Dame Meg Taylor told the Green Climate Fund Structured Dialogue in Nuku'alofa this week, that "involving the private sector to help shape climate and disaster resilient development is crucial."

Tuesday 18 July 2017
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Nuku'alofa, Tonga
A Green Climate Fund (GCF) Pacific Structured Dialogue attended by 140 regional delegates is being held in Nuku’alofa from July 18-21, to help Pacific countries access climate financing.