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Results for Climate change

Thursday 3 April 2014
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
King Tupou VI reminded Tongans of their islands’ vulnerabiity to the effects of climate change, in his message for the closing of the 2013 Session of Tonga Legislative Assembly, this morning.
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Wednesday 26 February 2014
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga signed a $23.1 million grant agreement with the Asian Development Bank to fund a Climate Resilience Sector Project on February 25 in Nuku’alofa.
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Tuesday 26 November 2013
Sydney, Australia
The economic loss suffered by the Pacific region could range from 2.9% to as high as 12.7% of annual GDP by 2100, according to Economics of Climate Change in the Pacific, a new study from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) that was published recently.
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Wednesday 2 October 2013
New York, USA
Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon has invited Pacific Island Forum leaders to a Climate Summit he will host in September 2014, reminding them that Pacific Islands are among those that contribute least to global warming, "yet suffer most".
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Tuesday 10 September 2013
Majuro, Marshall Islands
The European Union will boost the defence of Pacific Island countries against natural disasters with a €20 Million support programme. According to the European Climate Action Commissioner Connie Hedegaard “For the Pacific people climate change is not about a distant future. ...This programme will help the Pacific states in their efforts to adapt to this new climate reality.”
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Monday 2 September 2013
Sydney, Australia
This week’s Pacific Islands Forum focuses on: “Marshalling a Pacific Response to Climate Change” when the leaders of the Pacific Island Forum will propose the Majuro Declaration for Climate Leadership, to galvanize a new wave of climate action. At this critical time in the history of the Pacific, it is essential the discussion goes beyond words and pledges and results in concrete actions and commitments, from all actors, to combat climate change. - World Bank Group.
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Friday 12 July 2013
Nadi, Fiji
A highly anticipated meeting between Pacific Island countries, on climate change and disaster risk management concluded yesterday in Nadi, Fiji, in a new joint effort to represent the concerns of the countries in a region that is most vulnerable to the effects of climate change and sea level rise.
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Wednesday 15 May 2013
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Tonga has a high level of vulnerability to climate hazards and over the next five years will start planning to be better prepared to cope with the increased risks of climate change. Tonga is one of only three Pacific countries chosen to pilot a Strategic Program for Climate Resilience (SPCR) under a global climate change initiative. By Linny Folau
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Tuesday 15 May 2012
Bonn, Germany
The United Nations climate negotiations resumed in Bonn, Germany, yesterday, May 14. This session is the first following the Durban climate conference in December 2011.
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Friday 18 December 2009
Copenhagen, Denmark
The German Government will commit another 10 million euros to climate change programmes in Pacific countries, it was announced in Copenhagen, Denmark.
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Monday 14 December 2009
Copenhagen, Denmark
Indigenous Peoples from across North America and their allies from around the world who have gathered for COP 15 lead an unprecedented demonstration for just climate policy in Copenhagen on Saturday, December 12.
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Monday 14 December 2009
Copenhagen, Denmark
At the end of the first week of the climate talks at Copenhagen, thousands of activists from the Climate Justice Action and Climate Justice Now! networks are joining the climate march under the banner of 'System Change Not Climate Change' to denounce the climate negotiations as a predictable failure.
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Thursday 15 October 2009
London, United Kingdom
The Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development is warning that international law is inadequate to deal with the millions of people forecast to become "climate exiles" in the face of escalating climate change.
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Wednesday 10 December 2008
Poznan, Poland
A young Pacific Islander has issued a challenge to world leaders at the UN climate change talks, telling them to stop paying lip service and show the political will to fast track negotiations.
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Saturday 9 February 2008
Nuku'alofa, Tonga
The Tonga Defence Force's quick reaction team responded last night to several calls for help as low-lying areas around Nuku'alofa were submerged during the greatest rainfall ever recorded in the kingdom.
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Monday 14 January 2008
Nadi, Fiji
Climate change is a major international discussion issue today: it is already affecting our lives and in the future it will drastically affect how we live and survive. Here in the Pacific, the effects of climate change are already being felt in our countries and territories by way of sea-level rise and salt-water inundation, extreme coastal erosion and frequent damaging cyclones.
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Sunday 18 November 2007

Apia, Samoa
Visitors to American Samoa for the 2008 Pacific Festival of Arts should not expect to be able to hire or use four-wheel drives or pick-up trucks. with the American Samoa Government putting a tight leash on the importation of vehicles that emit ozone-depleting substances that contribute to global warming and climate change.
Wednesday 18 July 2007
Apia, Samoa
Preparing the Pacific for the effects of Climate Change is what the workshop on the second national communications and vulnerability and adaptation for the Pacific Islands countries will work toward.
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Thursday 10 May 2007
Auckland, New Zealand
The head of Tonga's delegation requested WMO and its Members to assist Tonga in the trading of carbon credits as a means of adaptation to the effects of Global Warming and associate climate change and climate variability. This request is obviously a reflection of the priority that the government places on climate change. - Sailosi Finau
